
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Fantasy
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23 Chs


(after seven months)

Aiden - I think it's time to say goodbye.

System - but there is still time, why hurry?

Aiden - even if you hold them, it will only hurt you, and I don't want to hurt you anymore.

System - well that's true, but I can handle this much, so spend some more time with your family and Idril.

Aiden - we have to leave as soon as possible, and finish them, then I will be able to spend more time with them.

System - well, then it's your choice after all.

Aiden - yeah, let's talk with dad and mom about leaving and convince them. (after becoming darkness god and spending so much time with them, it's hurt to leave them like this it's not that I won't return here again it's just that I'm worried about them well whatever, but I'm sure about one thing Idril will take care of them after I leave)

System - then are you not going to meet them before you leave?

Aiden - if I go, then my heart will not agree to leave them.

System - then are just going to leave like this?

Aiden - I left a letter for them, and we are on our way to meet dean Charlote and Elsa.

System - will they both be awake so late in the night?

Aiden - yes, Dean is awake, and I sent a letter to Elsa in the afternoon that I will come to meet her tonight.

System - I don't understand why you want to meet them before you leave?

Aiden - well, I am going to meet Elsa because I want her to do something for me and to meet dean just because I will not be able to go to academy on time, and it is important to tell her.

System - I see, so what are you going to do about lightness?

Aiden - I found the suitable person for lightness, but before I give her that power, I want to ask Colvin about something,

System - You will get to meet him when you reach level 100.

Aiden - yeah, that's why I'm going to meet him and ask him about darkness and lightness, we are here, hello how have you been Elsa?

Elsa - aah, lord Aiden I'm fine, how are you?

Aiden - im doing fine too, I have a task for you and this task has time limit.

Elsa - I'm honored to do work for you my lord, tell me what I have to do.

Aiden - so listen carefully, you have to create our own organization, And its work will be to collect and sell news from everywhere and there should be our people everywhere who know everything and to give such people power in this organization should also be our business on every land and sea, can you do this in ten years?

Elsa - It's hard to say when it comes to create an organization, it will be easy with your power, but my lord why you want to create such big organization?

Aiden - for money and for to make peace in this world.

Elsa - I understand, my lord.

Aiden - oh I forgot to mention remember that don't let hurt anyone my family here these are paintings of people who you guys have to protect.

Elsa - where are you going, my lord?

Aiden - to kill titans.

Elsa - huh_(with dumb face) what is titans?

Aiden - forget it, I have to go now, take care of yourself if you do your task properly I will reward you.

Elsa - yes, my lord, be careful on your way.

Aiden - yeah, bye.(then it's time to meet miss charlote System teleport me in front of dean charlote)

System - alright.

Aiden - hello miss charlote long time no see.

Charlote - Isn't it a little rude to come to a woman's room in the middle of the night, Mr. Aiden?

Aiden - it's my bad, sorry for coming this late night in your room.

Charlote - then let's get down to business, why did you come today?

Aiden - yeah, it's about my admission, can you postpone for more two years?

Charlote - reason?

Aiden - well, let you see, then come close and close your eyes and see what I'm going to show you.

(then shows her titans trying to come to this world)

Charlote - (what are these they're not human not demon nor elves then who are these and just by looking at them makes me in despair situation they're not friendly guys looking at their face seems like they are trying to destroy that barrier and comes into destroy this world) Aiden what are these?

Aiden - they're titans, they are more powerful than your ancient gods and all of them coming to this world to rule over you guys, and I'm going to stop them that's why it will take years of this world.

Charlote - hold on, are you going to stop them with this little body and power?

Aiden - right, I forgot to tell you my identity, I'm the ruler of darkness, so don't worry about me and wait for my arrival.

Charlote - did you tell your parents about this?

Aiden - no, and I don't want them to worry about me.

Charlote - aren't you taking too much risk for yourself, don't you feel lonely?

Aiden - don't ask me these questions.

Charlote - then are really going to leave?

Aiden - of course I, Aiden never forgets his responsibility's, then see you letter, bye.

(then he vanish in the air of course It's because teleport effect)

charlote - you're really crazy, but you're kind like your mother too, well I wish you good luck.

Aiden - well that ends here, let's go System.

System - are you going to leave your dark dragon here?

Aiden - yes let him protect these guys in my absent.

System - ok then let's go.

Aiden - see you guys soon.

(volume :- ends here guys)
