
You got reincarnated you lucky man

You lucky son of a b***h


Y/N: Where am i?

A/N: Hello there!

Y/N: Are you god?

A/N: Yes write here what do you want when you got reincarnated rimuru style.

Y/N: Rimuru style?

A/N: The main character of tensura one of the isekai you always watch!

Y/N: Ohh so your gonna reincarnated me as a slime.

A/N: Just pick how you look this isnt deducted on you wishes.

I then picked Naofumi Iwatani's picture so i can role play as him.

I then wrote what i want.

1.) I want to have the powers of Rimuru in tensura before he evolved as a true awaken demon lord including miggido.

2.) I want the powers of naofumi iwatani from shield hero including skills,hangin muso style,magic and armor from shield hero in the light and web novels.

3.) I want to be reincarnated in an alternate japan outside tokyo in a cave i also want a second form to morph like the looks of rimuru and have a sin and devil trigger.

A/N: hahhhhaa is that all you lucky man!

Y/N: Im gonna name my self Naofumi iwatani.

Then i got into a box and dropped me into a cave. I then got out the box.

Great sage: Hello master! What can i do for you?

Y/N: Can i look like rimuru in human form and use the shield?

Great sage: Yes

Then it morphed me into rimuru in human form and i saw the small shield i got a hud.

Great sage: Dont you dare call me it. It is a girl!

Y/N: Ohhh.

Then she then said sheepeshly.

Great sage: If only you let me use a clone of you and use it i could become master's girl friend.

After that i then got creeped out i feel like she will go nuts if i love another girl and kill her. but i let her out. She then kissed me she looked like rimuru but red eye's i then turned into my naofumi form after that she kissed me.

Y/N: What the hell my skill just kissed me!

Great sage: Hey i have a feelings! I love you master!

She then french kissed me but i got out. She then thought me hangin muso style.

Great sage: Call me ciel if you want master!

Then after i called her Ciel tempest my magicule count drop to 80 percent and evolve to ultimate skill lord of wisdom raphael manas:Ciel.

i then woke up after 5 days and looked at her and got hard because she had large boobs G cup ,perfect body and perfectly seeable cleavage a she rubbed me i suddenly got hard and my D*ck got large i suppresed my urge she then got mad and slapped me because i resisted her.

We then inrolled at a school all of the boys were looking at ciel hugging my arms some girls where looking at me with love in their eyes because i was handsome the one i caught was a beautiful girl called shizuku ciel then said.

Ciel: You know master if you wanted you could have that girl. I permit you to have two girlfriend that girl is already in love with you so go ahead just me and that girl.

She then pointed at shizuku. She had a beautiful body and ciel said i could just have two girl friends. I then asked that shizuku girl and ciel was right she had a crush at me. I then said you could join ciel there plus i am a good and smart man. She then reluctantly nodded and asked ciel if they could share me and she said its okay. The next few months i helped a boy named hajime and became his best friend. Then shizuku, ciel and i have been dating for 5 months until one faithfull day the summoning. I let it be because i was exited to be summoned into the world of shield hero. I was sad because i wasnt in the world of shield hero.

Then after the intruductions me,hajime,kaori,ciel and shizuku then got to the library and saw the title The legends of the cardinal weapons.

Then we all got summoned i saw the OG naofumi iwatani, ren amaki,itsuki and the manwhore himself motoyasu.

kaori,hajime,shizuku: Did we got summoned again!

All of the on lookers where stunned because they thought this was a game except the man himself naofumi who distrusted the king. Then hajime,kaori,ciel and shizuku got vassal weapon. Hajime was a hammer,kaori was a staff,ciel got the mirror vassal and shizuku was the katana. Well i just f*cked up the time line.

hajime,shizuku and kaori: Why do i have a HUD?/ Why do i have a HUD darling help?!/ Why do i have a HUD? If i die here i just want hajime to know i love you hajime!

Hajime was stunned at kaori's choice of word and kaori kissed him in front of the other heroes motoyasu got hard while the other heroes were disgusted because motoyasu was getting hard.

Ciel: I know some of you may think this is a VR MMORPG or a virtual reality multiplayer role game. I am the ultimate skill wisdom lord raphael manas: ciel vassal and holy weapons hear my call.

Then all the vassal weapons then glowed and showed their true faces.

Shield spirit: So you are the skill raphael you got some nerves you core of knowledge you are the core of everything you are information it self.

Then all of them were stunned because of ciel was a skill and knowledge it self at it.

Spear spirit: Hey raphael who is your master!

She then pointed at me.

Sword spirit: So you are the master of knowledge and information its self.

Bow spirit: And your her lover at that.

I then blushed at their words.

Shield spirit: Why is there another me?

Shield spirit 2: Hey im you from another timeline where your current master died and god made me pick him he was the best owner next to that Naofumi guy the one your with now. His name is also naofumi iwatani but you can call him Y/N L/N.

The other spirits were stunned at the revalation.

To be continued…