
Arifureta: God of Extinction

A young man who’d been kidnapped to another world, Aziel Nox. Within this fantastical setting he’d only seen within Anime and Novels, how much of an impact can a mere 18-year-old young man have? Such a question….No one dared to assume the answer. ______________ World Travel/Multiverse Current World - Arifureta Potential World - Tensura Authors Notes: I’d like to give a forewarning about the ‘expressive’ language and ‘unique’ character that this story presents. If you aren’t a fan of profanity or what can be considered ‘evil’, I apologize, this isn’t something that aligns with your preferences. Anyhow, I’m writing this for fun, so there isn’t a fixed schedule or deadline between chapters. Please give constructive criticism and not blind hate. If I see it, I may be inclined to remove it. Support me if you’d like: patreon.com/Curaji *I don’t own the original story's franchise or any of the characters other than my OC.

Depraved_Chap · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 25: Closure

An air of gloom hung over the dark corridor, multiple figures could be seen standing around idly, despondent expressions painting their faces.

It was deathly silent; the sorrowful atmosphere would make one think a funeral was currently taking place. Well, perhaps it wouldn't be too off the mark to actually call it one.

"Eri, what the hell was that!? Do you even realize what you've just done!?"

In one corner of the narrow passageway, a burly man with a hulking frame suddenly stepped forward, unable to endure any longer. His furious remark snapped everyone else out of their daze, capturing their attention.



The large man was none other than Ryutaro Sakagami, one of the students who'd been summoned to Tortus.

Several others stepped forward to stop him, keeping him from advancing toward one of the female students who sat with tears spilling from her eyes: Eri Nakamura.

This was around the time Suzu had just woken up down in the abyss.

It had only been a few minutes after they'd just barely managed to escape the unending horde of Traum Soldiers on the 65th floor, the dreadful scene of their ever-cheerful classmate falling into complete darkness remained at the forefront of everyone's minds.

They were lucky enough that no further casualties had occurred, but that wasn't what mattered at the moment. The class's energetic mood maker had just died, and though they weren't aware of the entire situation, it was evident that some of the fault lay with Eri.


"I-I'm s-sorry, I tried to h-hold onto her, but…the m-monsters, they k-kept coming and…"

After seeing her pitiful state and comprehending her reasoning, none of the students could bring themselves to truly hate her. Putting themselves in her situation, the majority also weren't sure of what kind of decision they'd make.

Of course, while they sympathized somewhat, they still couldn't accept what she'd done, thus the accusatory glances and scowls.


"Calm down, Ryutarou, we can't change what's already happened. I'm sure Eri didn't intend to let Suzu fall, she's grieving just like the rest of us, isn't that right Eri?"

In response to Ryutarou's irritation, Kouki Amanogawa, a boy who only ever saw the good in people, put a hand on his shoulder and attempted to placate him.

In his mind, there was no way anyone, especially a fellow classmate of his, could ever be so cruel.

"I…I'm truly sorry, I w-would never…"

He looked toward Eri, whole heartedly believing in her statement. It was that pure hearted optimism that slightly alleviated the dark clouds hanging over the rest of the class.

Shizuku watched on with a pained expression, sending occasional glances toward Eri, but ultimately shook her head, dismissing her thoughts. It was completely unthinkable to believe a classmate they literally went to school with had actually killed someone, her own best friend no less.

Such a kindhearted and reserved girl didn't seem capable of committing such atrocities.

Dismissing that notion, Shizuku swiftly made her way toward Kouki, speaking softly.

"Kouki, we're still not out of the labyrinth yet, we can't allow the class's morale to remain in this state. You need to take up the front and open a path for us, until we all make it out of here, you'll have to take the lead. Everyone's relying on you, remember…?"

This whole situation had caused the majority to become dispirited. A few of the students had even sat down where they were, proclaiming things like; "I'm done with this crap".

Just like a few minutes prior when they were still fighting on the crumbling bridge, the students needed a leader to guide them.

At the rate they were going, they would all lose the will to fight even before they made it out, proving detrimental to their survival.

But before Kouki could utter a response, they noticed the figure of Captain Meld heading in their direction. He sent them an apologetic gaze, clearly ashamed of his inability to save their friend.

After getting confirmation on the unconscious Hajime Nagumo's condition from Kaori, Captain Meld walked toward the front, the clanking metallic sound of his heavy armor echoing throughout.

Seeing this, Kouki nodded in agreement with Shizuku's words, understanding that, at the very least, something needed to be done.

He turned to his classmates and raised his voice.

"Everyone! Right now, we need to focus on surviving, we have to retreat!"

His words spurred the class into action, after all, there was no need for them to fight anymore. Kouki yelled as loudly as he could, urging his classmates onward.

Captain Meld and the other knights all chimed in, trying to inspire some vigor into them as well.

Finally, everyone had made it onto an extremely long staircase leading up. They persisted in climbing through the darkness, though unable to see where the stairs truly led.

Judging by their pace, they must've climbed over 30 floors by now. Even with the addition of body strengthening magic, the students soon began to grow tired, and understandably so.

They were already partially exhausted from their earlier fight too, so the never-ending darkness of the staircase sapped at their willpower.

Around the time Captain Meld figured he should stop the group for a break, he caught sight of a wall up ahead with a magic circle engraved on it.

The students all began to look a little more hopeful as Captain Meld cautiously approached the door set into the wall and began investigating.

After a few minutes of close scrutiny and use of other magic tools, the results showed that it was unlikely a trap. The magic circle's purpose was to move aside the wall, or so it seemed.

Upon chanting the inscription laden on the magic circle and pouring his mana into it, like a ninja's hidden passage, it began to turn, ultimately revealing a short corridor leading to the room ahead.

As they passed through, the students found themselves on the 20th floor once more.

"Did we make it…?"

"We made it…"

"We did it…we really did it…"

They all let out relieved sighs as they caught sight of the familiar scenery of the 20th floor. Some of them burst into tears, while others sat down where they stood.

Even Kouki was leaning against a wall, looking like he very much wanted to take a seat as well.

However, this was still a labyrinth. Even if they were on a floor higher than before, monsters could still appear at any time.

As such, they had to escape the labyrinth properly before they could fully relax.

Captain Meld buried his sympathy somewhere deep inside and yelled at the students to return to their feet, his face now a commander's mask.

"Hey, you louts! Quit laying around! If you relax here, then you'll be dead before you can make it out! Now get into formation, avoid combat as much as possible, and take the quickest route back up! Come on, we've only got a little ways to go!"

Some of the students attempted to complain about how he could let them take a short break at least, but his pointed stare cut them down, leaving room for no refusal.

The group reluctantly staggered back to their feet.

Kouki hid his own exhaustion and took up the lead again.

The knights did most of the fighting in the few battles they couldn't avoid, and the party took the shortest route possible back to the surface.

Until finally, the nostalgic sight of the main gate and receptionist counter came into view. Though it hadn't been a full day since they had entered, many of the students felt it had been ages since they'd laid eyes on it.

The students all felt relief wash over them as they stepped out. Some of them just sprawled out on the ground, spread eagle right outside the gate.

Most of them were just glad they made it back in one piece.

However, some of the students like Kaori, who was still carrying an unconscious Hajime, Kouki, Shizuku, who was gazing worriedly at Kaori, and Ryutarou, who still, for whatever reason, hadn't gotten over the previous events, all had glum expressions.

The Receptionist's gaze lingered on those students for a while, until Captain Meld went up to her to give his report.

The trap they had discovered on the 20th floor was exceedingly dangerous. Although the bridge had been destroyed, it was possible the trap was still functioning, so it needed to be reported.

Along with the fact that Suzu had died.

Captain Meld struggled to keep the pain off his face, but he was unable to repress the sigh that slipped through.

None of the students felt like exploring Horaud, which seemed like a natural conclusion.

The day's events had shaken them to the core.

It was a wonder how many would last under the pressure…and how many would break under it.


Authors Words:

I'm aware that this was meant to be Volume 2 already, but I didn't want to add this into that Volume, so...there you have it.

Worry not, I will potentially have the next chapter out by tomorrow though, so let's all be happy.

Don't forget to leave a few power stones if you're feeling generous. I need all the energy I can get.

K, Luv U, Bye.