
ARIELLA, Save The Boys

Ariella, an African girl, envisioned herself in South Korea rescuing each member of her beloved K-pop group, BTS, from a perilous situation. As a dreamer, she understood the significance of her visions, yet was apprehensive about embarking on such a daunting quest. However, fate intervened when she unexpectedly received an acceptance letter from a South Korean university she had not even applied to. Was this a sign for her to pursue her mission? Despite the challenges that lay ahead, would Ariella have the courage to save her idols from harm's way and successfully rescue them all?

DaoistFVj0KJ · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Act one Scene Two


–At the Raymond's house–

Ariella: (knocks at the door)

Amanda: Jim! Get the door!

Ariella: (smiles)

Jim: I am in the bathroom. Do you expect me to go out there naked?

Ariella: (holds back her laughter)

Amanda: Seriously? (opens the door). Ella! (hugs her) come on in.

Ariella: Thank you so much for having me.

Amanda: It's good to see you again (gestured for her to sit).

Ariella: (sits on the sofa) How was Massachusetts?

Amanda: Well, you know... It was fun but exhausting. How is your application going?

Ariella: I've done all the necessary things. I am just waiting for the acceptance letter.

Amanda: I pray it works out. We are getting ready for church, would you love to come with us?

Ariella: I'd love that, but I need to tell my mom first.

Amanda: I will leave you to do that then (leaves).

Ariella: (calls her mom on the phone)

Mom: Yes, Ariella.

Ariella: Can I go with them to church? I will come home afterward.

Mom: Okay, dear.

Ariella: Thanks, Mom. Is Dad back?

Mom: Yes, he is having his shower. Do you want to talk to him?

Ariella: I would love to, but I will talk to him when I get home.

Mom: Okay, dear. My regards to the Raymond.

Ariella: I will. Bye! (ends the call).

Jim: Hi (walks to hug her).

Ariella: Hi Jim.

Jim:  You didn't tell me you were coming.

Ariella: Well, I thought I should surprise you.

Jim: (laughs) I'm surprised.

Ariella: (smiles) Are you going to church too?

Jim: yes.

Ariella: That's shocking!

Jim:  I know, right? (laughs).

Ariella: What happened?

Jim: Let's just say that I saw the light.

Ariella: I am happy for you.

Jim: Thanks. Let me go and get set.

Ariella: Take your time.

Jim: (smiles before leaving)

-At 1:00 p.m-

(They arrive at the church)

Amanda: Let's sit over there (points to a vacant seat at the right side of the auditorium)

(They all went to sit down together.)

Pastor: It's so good to see that the auditorium is filled up with people. I pray that may your life be filled with all the good things of life.

All: Amen!

Pastor: I'd love to share with us a theme I titled, visions.

Ariella: (remembers her dream)

Pastor: God has shown a lot of us here in this room visions, but we are blocking our receptive from hearing further instructions.

Pastor: One thing you need to understand is that, if God wants you to do something, He will bend you to His will especially if you are the only one who can do it.

Pastor: To that girl, God has shown a vision, I want you to take heed and not run away from it.

(The pastor kept up preaching and everyone was edified. The service closed around 3 P. M. Jim, Amanda and Ariella walks home.)

Jim: The message was powerful.

Amanda: I know, right?

Ariella: (lost in deep thoughts)

Jim: The thing is I haven't even received any vision from God yet.

Amanda: (notices Ariella's silence).  Ariella (touches her)

Ariella: Uh? (looks at them)

Amanda: Are you okay?

Ariella: (fakes a smile) Yes.

Jim: (notices her countenance) You have been silent ever since we got back from the program, are you sure you okay?

Ariella: (smiles) I am okay. I just hope I get my letter of acceptance soon.

Jim and Amanda: (hugs her and assures her) You will.

Ariella: I hope so. I have to start going home now.

Jim: See you some other time?

Ariella: (smiles and nods) Definitely!

(They bade each other goodbye and went to their various houses.)