

Bell is an half vampire. He desire to become a hero. He desire to protect people . He got rejected by some, accepted by some, hated by some and even liked by some. Hestia is the only one who always stand by his side. With her by his side he moves forward towards his dream.

ABHIJITH_J_B · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The Clown Returns

Bell sensed immense power flowing through him. Bell can talk to Jupiter, even if she is inside him. She told him how she missed him while she was in prison. Bell assured her that they are going to be together from now on. 

They then talked about Aleera. Her feelings as a doted mother. Bell decided to apologise to her when they meet again, for not caring her enough. Bell laid down on a bench and slept until next day. 

The next day he wake up with a loud Warning sound. The kingdom is under attack. The scorpion monsters sourrounded the kingdom. The boss was not there for the fight. They attacked from all the sides.

 Hedin took control of the army. He aligned them to fight those monsters. Hedin take the North side. Ryu was assigned in the South. Aisha and Welf took the West and Lefiya took the East. Most of these monsters were in the North western side. The archers were firing arrows from the top of the gates.

Bell analyzed the situation. He wondered which side he should take. The Gods were standing in front of the castle. They were monitoring the situation. Asfi and her Familia members were guarding them. Artemis looked anxious, while Hestia and Hermes were providing confidence and support to her.

The citizens were moved to a safer place near the castle. The town looked pretty empty. Hedin and Ryu were able to completely control their side. Aisha and Welf had some tough time dealing with them. Welf uses his magic swords to create more impact. Lefiya's magic destroyed most of the monsters. She was being protected by the knights of Artemis.


The monsters decided to go under the ground and get inside the gates. Hedin used his lighting magic to stop them. Ryu used Luminous wind to destroy those monsters moving under the ground. Welf used his lighting magic sword to kill them. But the situation is different for Lefiya. The monsters moved inside the gate through her side.

Now that the monsters got a gap, all of those monsters moved to the East. Hedin expected this earlier. So he already placed soldiers in the East side to encounter them. Asfi already prepared Grenades for those soldiers. Welf gave them 5 magic swords so that they can defend.

Bell is impressed by Hedin's formation. Bell put up his Jocker mask. He decided to protect Lefiya . Monsters get inside by coming from below the gate. The displacement of soil under the gate caused it to tilt to the side. And finally the gate collapsed in the east side. 

Lefiya was surrounded by a huge wave of monsters. The soldiers who tried to protect her were outnumbered . Her casting was interrupted. She kill some of them using her short sword while doing concurrent chanting. But she was overwhelmed. She saw her life flash away. 

Bell was floating in the air. He pulled her away from the monsters. While floating in the air, Lefiya was been princess carried. 

Lefiya asked politely " W-Who are you?"

Bell changed his voice type. "You can me Argonaut."

Lefiya with wide eyes and red cheeks" A-Argonaut."

Bell " Miss Lefiya, now is your chance to cast your magic. "

Lefiya waking up to reality. " Yeah, that's right." She casted Fusillade Fallarica on those monsters who tried to enter through the gate. Her wide area magic attack destroyed many monsters. 

Bell safely landed on top of a building and put Lefiya down. He was about to leave her. 

Lefiya with curiosity " Hey, how you know my name? "

Bell " Well, it seems like you don't know how popular you are."

Lefiya blushing " I see, then you have my thanks."

Bell before leaving her " Always ready to help."

Then monsters began to drill thorough the ground. They are going straight for the Gods. Asfi had something on her sleeves. She had placed mines all over the place. Then she let the soldiers know about it, so that they don't get in the mess. She also marked the spots with red paint so that they can easily understand. 

The monsters approached the mines. The mine exploded killing many of them. The monsters then decided to pop out to the surface and attack. Lefiya, jumping from one building to other, casted her magic on those monsters that popped out of the ground. Bell pulled out both of his sword and began to attack them as well. 

Hedin and others were busy reducing the number of monsters entering the kingdom. The Knights of Artemis joined Bell. They were totally stunned by Bell's sword work. He was like a killing machine. Defeating one by one with no mercy or emotions. 

Julies while fighting " Excuse me, sir what's your name?"

Bell while fighting " It's Argonaut. "

Julies " Where you from?"

Bell while fighting " From a story book."

Julies with a funny face " W-What? Did you just mock me?" 

Bell with a serious tone while still Fighting " Focus on your enemy, girl."

Julies got a close call from a monster. Then she understood what he meant. She started fighting seriously. 

The number of monsters increased. Then Bell activated Flash. Bell speed of attack increased for 4 minutes. He killed 100 monsters in one go. It consumed a lot of energy within him. Thanks to his black sword, he recovered the energy by gaining the life force of the monsters he defeated. This surprised everyone. The Gods only know that he have spirit powers. They didn't know who exactly is it.

Hedin and Ryu together defeated half of them. Rest of them where inside the kingdom. Aisha and Welf tired of fighting. Lefiya still casting magic upon those monsters. Bell jumped on top of a building. He then charmed the monsters and commanded them to kill each other. 

Some of the monsters went after the Gods. The soldiers tried to resist. But still some of them got close to the Gods. Bell flew thorough the air and reached ahead of those monsters. He then used his magic Point break. Lightning aroused from Bell's hand and strikes the monsters, creating a hole in their bodies. He killed all of them except for one who was little out of his reach. That scorpion monster was targeting Hestia. Then Artemis stand in between them and through her spear at that monster.

This spear was powerful that it blasted away that monster . Bell got impressed by that spear's power and Goddess Artemis's bravery. Bell stood in front of the Gods. He was wearing a jocker mask.

Hestia " Thank you Artemis, It almost got me."

Artemis " It's only natural for you me to help you, Hestia. "

Hermes " That was a close call. "

Bell " I suppose you are all fine."

Hestia " Yeah, Thanks. May I know your name Gentle man, "

Bell " I would like to be called as ARGONAUT"

Artemis " A-Argonaut."

Hermes " I see you are a great fan of that hero, right?"

Bell chuckling " Yeah Kind off. "

Artemis " Why you are using a Jocker mask?"

Bell " It's my identity. I always wanted to smile. But in reality, it is not the case. So I thought a mask would be convenient. "

Hermes " Can I see your face?"

Bell " Sorry God Hermes, I can't reveal my face here. "

Artemis "Why is that, not possible ? "

Bell didn't answer that. Then he found a lot of monster coming in thorough the East Gate. Bell then decided to use his trump card, ARGONOVA. Blue colored light particles gather around Bell's body. Bell flew to the spot where they are holding back the monsters. There was no Bell sound coming out due to this skill. His body began to shine like a star. It took only 3 minute to completely charge it. 

He then launched himself to the middle of the monsters. He landed heavily and stabbed his blue sword on the ground. It creates a powerful electric field around him up to a radius of 10m. To everyone else, everything appeared completely white. Everything within that radius including small buildings and all, along with the monsters blown away leaving behind nothing but Bell. The super sonic sound wave that emerged from it destroyed the nearby building. Dust and smoke filled all over the East side of the kingdom. 

All of them were stunned. Hedin was like what the hell was that. Ryu wondered who that person was. Lefiya was stunned by her saviors' true powers. Welf and Aisha simply speechless. Hestia, Artemis couldn't believe that he was this strong. Hermes and Asfi wondered who that guy is. When the dust settled down they looked for Argonaut. He was already gone. The ground was completely ruined . The pavements where all destroyed. The soils inside circle got blasted away as well. 

The monsters decided to retreat to the forest. Hedin and others return to the Palace. The wounded soldiers were healed. Some of the soldiers died in the fight as well. Many soldiers assigned to keep watch around the gates. The wall in the eastern side is been rebuild. The people who lost their homes were sad. Thankfully, the citizens were safe. In the end of the day , the kingdom is safe for that night. 

Goddess Artemis is sad that she lost some of her children. Hestia trying to comfort her. Hermes and others were planning their next move. 

Bell was having a chat with Zeus. He was collection information about Anthrax. He learned that this monster had broken the seal, lately. This creature was sealed many years ago, in a temple. This temple is located close to this kingdom. It will come to the surface in any time. To defeat this creature we need the spear. It is the only weapon that can kill Anthrax. This monster has got incredible healing and regeneration power.