

"ARGONAUT 2" follows Bell, a half-vampire, as he rejects Syr's love and reunites with Goddess Hestia. The story includes Freya becoming more obsessed with Bell and Hestia's family getting attacked. Bell is captured and forced to endure a hellish experience, finding himself in a war between Hestia and Freya.

ABHIJITH_J_B · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Bell shifted his place to a new place. Now he had a living room, bedroom, a kitchen and an attached bathroom. He went to the Library regularly to get the information about the dungeon. Eina is getting busy lately, so just recommended him some books to read it by himself. He read the books he collected from the library for 5 days. He is planning to go to the dense forest Ravine. 

He decided not to ask Ryu as he thought that he would be bothering her. He went to the dungeon alone. He sneaked into Rivira through the vertical holes that appear randomly in the middle floors. He rented a place to stay in Rivira. Then he went to solo in the water city. He went up to the 27th floor and came back to Rivira. He thought to take it slow. Just like that he continued to solo for one weak. 

On the 7th day he managed to get to the 28th floor which was a safety point. He rested there for a while. He was about to go back to Rivira. Then a mysterious girl named Revis showed up. She demanded him to join her. Bell enquired who she was. Then she revealed her identity. Bell had no idea that she belong to the Evilus group. She has been watching him over a week. Her real intention was to get Jupiter. Bell refused to join her. 

Then both of them began fighting. She is using force to make him gave up. She was as strong as a level 8. Bell is having a greater disadvantage. Yet he fought bravely. She was about to overwhelm him in the sword fighting. Thanks to his cursed jacket armor, his wounds healed in an instant. Yet Bell is getting tired. She continued to strike him very hard. Bell shoots his fireball repeatedly on the ground to create a smoke screen and he escaped to the lower floors. 

Bell then charmed some of the monsters along the way and commanded them to attack Revis. Bell had to fight and charm simultaneously to push forward. The monsters began to slow Revis. Bell even used Point Break to destroy the entrance to each floor. This made Revis slow down and completely lost him. Now he is in the 36th floor. Then the monsters from the deep floors appeared. 

Bell felt difficulty in charming them so he had no other choice to fight them. Bell put up his jocker mask and began to fight for his life at the entrance of the deep floor. Skull sheeps were scary fast and can use camouflage , but still he managed to defeat them one by one only because of his level 6 status.

Then he had trouble dealing with the Spartoi monsters. He got completely surrounded by them. Then he float high in the air and shoot fire ball 20 times at them. It killed 3/4 of them. The blast created large amount of smoke. He used that as a hiding screen and killed the monsters by using his swordsman skills. Thanks to his black sword, his stamina and strength is restored each time he kill a monster with it. 

Then some Peluda monsters attacked as well. Bell used Point break to blast them away. Then he got hit by some of it's poisonous needles. Bell used fireball to defeat the rest of them. Bell as a vampire was able to completely resist the poison but still feel dizzy due to the high dosage. Then he find a small room to stay. He rested for 5 minute until the effect of the poison run off. 

Then some Lizardman Elite and some Barbarians attacked. Bell then used flash and swordman skill together to kill them with his black sword. Bell found the dead bodies of some adventurers. From their item make bell get some portions and a map. The portions taste like shit. When he studied the map he realizes that he had already entered the 37th floor. Now he is in the knights room. Bell stayed in that room for half an hour. In each 5 minute interval monsters (not as a group)appeared and he simply kill them. 

Bell resumed his journey according to the map. He encountered Revis again. They continued their fight. She began to overwhelm him. Bell had no other choice to escape. He used float and flash to flew away quickly from her. But she catch up with him. Bell began to loose his composure. Pressure and Stress increased dramatically. Bell now had a evil jocker smile on his face. 

He fought back Revis. All his abilities increased to that of his opponents level. Revis was shocked. Now Bell is pushing back Revis. Revis decided to play with him for a while. But she regret that decision. Bell used his swordsman skill and flash to wound her all over her body. She felt dizzy. She felt like her life force was draining away. Bell slashed her deeply in her chest. His weapon almost touch her magic stone. She pulled back in horror in her eyes. She saw her life flashed away. She become afraid when she looked at Bell's evil jocker smile. She clearly underestimated his opponent. 

They are in the throne room now. The floor boss Udaeus showed up. Revis took this chance to escape. Then Bell and Udaeus had a fight. Bell is in his evil stage. He didn't go easy on his opponent. Udaeus also went all out. It used it's special wide area attacks. It also summoned the Spartoi monsters as well. Then finally it used it's sword. Bell went completely insane. He used all his skills and magic at his opponent. He dodged and endured many attacks as well. He delivered fatal blows all over the body of his opponent. 

Then finally Bell used 3 minute charged Argonova on the spear and strike it against the monster's chest. He defeated Udaeus. But he didn't stop. He pushed forward like a crazy man. He destroyed the monsters that appeared before him. He lost the direction in which he is going. He was lucky to reach the 39th floor which was a safety point.  He couldn't find any monster there. Finally he was able to calm down. He laid down unconsciously.