
Arganthes: The Capital of Dungeons

One day, Michael, finds himself in a world similar, yet very different than his own. What will he find in a world where a thing called 'magic' exists, and can he make something meaningfull of all of this in a new world; make friends and become something more than he is now? One thing is certain: It will be a grand adventure! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about the Novel: Whenever I upload a chapter I try to make them inbeteen 1500 ~ 3000 words. For the upload frequency, I try to upload on a daily basis. But taking my job into account I try to at least post 1 chapter during every 2 workdays. I work from Sunday till wednesday, while sunday is an exception where I usually post an entire chapter I do try to keep posting 1 chapter a day in my free time. This way I try to give a steady upload ratio of 5 to 6 chapters a week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy this story, please consider supporting my work by commenting, sharing, reviewing and throwing powerstones against it! Thank you in advance haha! Also if you enjoy my work, please give the other projects a try as well! - Project 01: Arganthes: The Capital of Dungeons - Project 02: What?! I Reincarnated As A Lizard?! - Project 03: Arganthes: The World Tree - Project 04: Arganthes: The Grimoire of Darkness & Void - Project 05: Rejuvination of Arcane & Metal - Project 06: Sacred Wolf Brigade - Project 07: Why Is Everyday Life As An Incubus So Awkward? - Project 08: Being A Dog in Another World, Can Be Quite Challenging! Not to mention that I do recommend begining reading "Project 01" as all project will eventually be part of a grand ever expanding universe, meaning if you as the reader wouldn't read the reccomended order, you could potentially spoil yourself or worse... deprave yourself of the ultimate experience these series provides. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit mention for the artist of the background shown in my book cover. If anyone knows who it is, please let me know, then I can propperly bestow the credit on them as they truely deserve it! Copyright/Ownership: RaijinInu/Michel Keesman 5-24-2019 23:49

RaijinInu · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 36: Unexpacted Turn of Events

Finally, it was my time to enter. Finding myself in complete darkness I wondered what I had to do. Venturing into the unknown I made my way to the only visible light source inside the area, a small dot straight in front of me. I felt like nothing was there, but it still managed to catch my attention.

When I eventually made it closer to the light, it did not get bigger or smaller.

It was just a small orb.

"odd, why would there be a small orb of light inside the darkness?"

Now in front of the orb, I tried to touch it as it cheerfully danced in the air.

Just when my hand would seem to collide with it, suddenly it burst up in flames.

Once a small innocent twinkling orb, now a big and majestic blue flame.


The flame screeched and crackled as it began lighting up the area around me.

flames spawned at the sides of the walls showing a large, yet eerie pathway.

The flame slowly calmed down as it began moving backward.

This wasn't a normal flame or light. It must be connected to something bigger, but for now, there is nothing else I can do than follow. I followed the little flame, hoping it would bring me to the exit.

Outside Geo, like he had planned rushed towards the central area. Once inside it looked like a huge flat surface to fight on, allowing him to easily spot Gideon.

Gideon didn't care, on the contrary, he even welcomed Geo.

"Welcome, Geo… It seems you are the first to arrive! Would you care for a small test of strength before the others arrive as well?"

Gideon said with a wide grin on his face.

"It's best to keep you busy while the others arrive to keep you all from my work.

Just give me a second to prepare."

Gideon moved his arm towards Geo. Circles began lighting up from the ground slowly summoning a group of undead to keep Geo busy.

Gideon jumped outside of the area towards where Geo just came from.

Geo, trying to stop him slammed his fist into the ground, quickly blocking the entrance where he came from with spiked vines.

This did not stop Gideon as he easily jumped over the walls of the arena.

"That Gideon… he is no ordinary person…"

Geo prepared himself to fight off the horde of undead, allowing Gideon to prepare the opponent he had in mind for Geo.

After a series of battles, Geo managed to subdue the undead, entangling them in roots holding them to the wall on the other side of the arena.

Shortly after Gideon returned with a crazy smile.

"Let me introduce you to the one who will be keeping you busy.

I believe you have met, right?"

Shocked Geo looked towards his opponent in disbelieve.

"How… how can this be?! Didn't I defeat you? Bleiz?!"

Geo couldn't believe what he saw as the blood-thirst Bleiz emitted made him take a step back. Geo could barely make out the resemblance of Bleiz as his body now was full of cracks and devoid of life. Dark Violet aura oozed out of his being as his body was hanging forward.

His hair had become longer and darker than before, hiding his purple glowing eyes.

Finally, he raised his head as he threw himself back, staring straight at Geo.

That was when he lost it and a huge and disgusting smile formed on his face.

"No… What has he done to you?! I am Shocked…"

Geo said in disbelieve.

"hehe, no use worrying, you see… I… have… never… felt… BETTER?!"

Bleiz raised his arm towards Geo, instantly erupting pillars of fire underneath him.

Geo barely dodged but was still conflicted about the situation.

What could he do? What was happening here?

Meanwhile, the others began closing in on the area, hoping to find Gideon and end his insanity once and for all. Only to find the heated battle Geo had found himself in and Gideon nowhere to be found. The others quickly mixed themselves into the battle giving support to Geo.

While the others where busy fighting an undead army commanded by Bleiz,

I still found myself in the dungeons of darkness. But really… where was I?

The long pathway finally came to an end as the flame combined itself with a huge fire inside a crystal-like structure in the middle of the room.

"All of this looks oddly familiar to me, almost as if I was back inside my soul realm."

At that moment someone emerged from the shadows, as the person felt the need to answer my comment.

"This… is the soul realm of the village. You see, even places her in Arganthes are alive."

I turned around, to see Gideon standing behind me.

"This is also why magic exists in this world, for you see it directly influences life itself. Bonding with the life energy of others our spirits being in harmony with our soul realm allows us the mastery of the elements. But… this is no way I am here…"

Gideon walked past me and sat down beside the crystal in front of me.

"You see, the reason I'm here is much bigger than that.

I have seen it… I have seen what's inside of you and in a sense we are similar.

Because I too have an entity inside of me.

You see, I was sent here by my master to find others like me and recruit them."

Confused I looked at Gideon.

"Why are you being like this? Normally you're all evil-like and killing as much as you please."

"That's simple, we want to earn your trust and help you control the beast inside.

But do understand that this means you will have to let it loose, only then can you gain control over it by fighting it with sheer mental and spiritual power.

I even dare to say that it has not yet bonded with your soul realm, has it?"

"How… did… you?"

"I told you didn't I? We are very similar."

Gideon stood up and showed me his demonic form. Bones began growing all around his body reinforcing it ever so slightly, the dark violet aura I had seen when I battle the wolf leader began oozing out. As the bones began slowly corroding into black spiked armor.

Gideon's eyes began glowing green, a bone-like mask grew on his face,

finishing his transformation.

"See, although unique. We are kind of similar right? My demon spirit allows me to control the undead. Creating vast armies of minions. Whereas you gain control over the ever-burning fires of hell. Or at least… that's what will happen when you gain control over your spirit. For now, I want you to sit next to the crystal and expand your soul realm. The demon spirit would easily be bonded with and you don't nearly have the right amount of energy to last long enough. I'll be back in a few days to check on your progress, but whatever happens not let the demon completely take over."

"What… what will happen if then?"

"The demon will go on a rampage using your body as it's vessel while damaging your soul realm."

Gideon left me to attend on my cultivation. I started and began diving deep into my being. The crystal strengthened the process of reviving my energy. Allowing me to expand ever so slightly. When suddenly I heard a voice from the depths of my soul…

"So… we finally meet again… and the weak brat has even told you a little about me, heh.

This is priceless. Do you think you'll be able to control me? The great Michael Shadowfang?! Don't make me laugh! I'll use your body to destroy all these peasants and spit on their graves. The rules of Shadowfire will never be subdued! So… what will you do? Will you allow me to take over only to throw me out and bond with your soul realm? Hmm…

Try it if you can…, but let me tell you, I won't care if it consumes you in the end.

Hahaha, that will only allow me to roam around free in this world!"

"I don't trust you or Gideon for that matter, but if this is the only way to gain control and end my suffering I will go through the depths of hell to find my salvation!"

I slammed my hands together as I began forcing the essence of the demon out of my body.

Black aura slowly began oozing out as it manifested small black flames on the ground.

"Hyahahaha! Silly human… Wanting to have all this power to himself…

Do you even know who I am?!"

"Heh! As if I care… You, are nothing but my power to gain, once this is over I will be stronger than ever!"

"Hmm… we will see about that, child!"

The Demon began controlling the black flames, latching on his essence onto me slowly creeping up from my feet to my knees. As it raised ever so slightly I felt myself growing weaker.

At that moment I knew what had to be done, I had to let him take over before I could force him out completely.

Black flames now engulfed my legs and arms as it slowly crept closer to my head.

Slowly the demon took over my body and began moving outside.