
Arganthes: The Capital of Dungeons

One day, Michael, finds himself in a world similar, yet very different than his own. What will he find in a world where a thing called 'magic' exists, and can he make something meaningfull of all of this in a new world; make friends and become something more than he is now? One thing is certain: It will be a grand adventure! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about the Novel: Whenever I upload a chapter I try to make them inbeteen 1500 ~ 3000 words. For the upload frequency, I try to upload on a daily basis. But taking my job into account I try to at least post 1 chapter during every 2 workdays. I work from Sunday till wednesday, while sunday is an exception where I usually post an entire chapter I do try to keep posting 1 chapter a day in my free time. This way I try to give a steady upload ratio of 5 to 6 chapters a week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy this story, please consider supporting my work by commenting, sharing, reviewing and throwing powerstones against it! Thank you in advance haha! Also if you enjoy my work, please give the other projects a try as well! - Project 01: Arganthes: The Capital of Dungeons - Project 02: What?! I Reincarnated As A Lizard?! - Project 03: Arganthes: The World Tree - Project 04: Arganthes: The Grimoire of Darkness & Void - Project 05: Rejuvination of Arcane & Metal - Project 06: Sacred Wolf Brigade - Project 07: Why Is Everyday Life As An Incubus So Awkward? - Project 08: Being A Dog in Another World, Can Be Quite Challenging! Not to mention that I do recommend begining reading "Project 01" as all project will eventually be part of a grand ever expanding universe, meaning if you as the reader wouldn't read the reccomended order, you could potentially spoil yourself or worse... deprave yourself of the ultimate experience these series provides. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit mention for the artist of the background shown in my book cover. If anyone knows who it is, please let me know, then I can propperly bestow the credit on them as they truely deserve it! Copyright/Ownership: RaijinInu/Michel Keesman 5-24-2019 23:49

RaijinInu · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 04: Participation Examination

As I followed the alluring Amaris to a room in the back of the reception area where they were standing before. "This is where the given tests will be conducted, we have different methods for each attribute so let me explain how these tests will be conducted.

"For Strenght, we have a device that you need to punch or push against which will determine your physical strength levels.

As for your spiritual state, we need you to meditate while being surrounded by Magic Crystals that will monitor your state of mind.

Dexterity, Mobility, and Stamina will be tested by the treadmill, we will need you to walk on it as we will slowly increase the speed until you can't keep up with the device anymore.

Your Magical Strenght and elemental affinity will be a rather simple test as we will first give you a small magic crystal which you need to pour your soul energy into.

This will then show us what kind of element is best suited for you so that we can advise you which direction would be best for you if you want I could even help you in what kind of meditation technique would be best suited for you to cultivate your magical energy to higher levels.

The level of your magical energy will be tested in a similar way,

Here it's crucial for yourself to pour in your energy again, yet we will only look at the purity and strength of your magic.

once these tests are done, you will have your results and you can officially start as an adventurer in these lands. This is also required to make it big in the world".

As to tell you the basis for the ranking system, there are six ranks in total which will have 10 steps in each rank. For example, someone could be a 3rd Gold Rank or a 7th Silver rank.

The ranks go from Brons all the way to Legend Rank.

Amaris shows Michael an overview of all ranks;

Brons > Silver > Gold > Platinum > Diamond > Legend

"There have been limited cases where a Spirit Beast or Drifter exceeded Legend Rank, unlocking spiritual consciousness going beyond the normal grading system.

Let us start by testing your physical strength, please punch this object.

You will get three tries and we will be taking the best result".

As I stood in front of the machine focused on my arm, I closed his eyes and slowly breathed in and exhaled out. I clenched my fist, pulled back his right foot while turning my right shoulder while I was also pulling back my arm. After a short pause,

I turned my entire body towards the target on the device and hit it with all of my might.

I saw the device measuring the impact, going up from 0 to 10, 30, 55 all the way to 60, which is were it slowly stopped.

"A clean 60 for your first hit, that's good for your first try. It's normal to hit somewhere between the 30 and 50. Common people usually don't get higher than 10, so at least you're way stronger than them haha. Although there are some exceptionally rare cases where the examinee got a whopping 650!

That person later was seen as "Unworthy" wreaking havoc in the Tower of Acceptance.

But we are getting off topic, let's continue with your tests. Now for your second attempt."

Michael cleared his mind and tried a second time, yet the result was the same...

This time it hit a clean hundred. "It seems you are still distracted, I'll leave you for now so that you can completely focus on the last attempt". Amaris left the room, while she was gone Michael tried to clear his mind again. What he didn't know was that she was still observing him through a one-way mirror on the other side of the room.

"You can do this Michael, focus. There is nothing to worry about. After this, there are some more tests and before you know it you'll be adventuring through unknown lands".

Michael calmed down, took a similar stance as the attempts he did before but bent his knees a little. As he turned to impact the target he stretched his legs and struck his fist in an upward motion.

[180 Critical Hit!]

Amaris came back through the door, nicely done Michael you got 180! Almost resulting in the 2nd Grade Brons. This is a way above average!

The second test is a test of stamina, the room will be modified while I'll explain what you will need to do. This test will just have one attempt as it is just to see how fast you can run and how long you can last since Stamina is all about Endurance as well *wink*.

You will need to put on special equipment that will protect you if you might fall because of the over-exaggeration of your stamina. The equipment will create a magical barrier on the impact that will shield you from any major damage you could inflict on yourself by falling".

Amaris handed me the special equipment which looked like bracers, shin-guards, and a belt. Each piece of equipment seemed to have some sort of magic crystals inside them, although smaller than the ones I saw at the entrance I still felt power emitting from them.

As I was surprised by how light everything was and thought to myself this would probably be expensive, I carefully put them on and got ready to take the test.

[Test of Stamina]

As everything fitted as if it was made for me, I made my way on the platform.

Amaris got behind a desk that seemed to have manifested just like the platform and continued explaining. "Before I will start the test we will have a little check to see if everything is working as it should. Not to worry, I won't let the treadmill run fast. Yet."

Amaris laughed as she turned on the machine through the mechanics on the desk.

As the treadmill started to make some sounds,

*clang* *taka, taka tssss*

It began moving ever so slightly.

As I was already standing on the treadmill and ready to go I noticed that it slowly began to move backward. Excited and cautious at the same time because of my past life experience I began taking my first steps forward.

The machine was moving at such a slow pace that I had the time to focus on how I was putting down my feet.

"Now as you can see, the ledges on the treadmill are moving backward yet you still have to move forward. This is so you can keep running in place and we don't have to worry about having to use to much space.

The test is for us to see how fast and how long you can walk and run.

Because it is crucial in a fight to close in on your opponent as well as being able to dodge and last for a long time. The last thing you want is being eaten by a ferocious animal because you were to slow, right? Tell me when you're comfortable then we will begin the test."

I nodded and gave her the okay sign to start the test.

It had finally begun and I steadily felt the machine go faster.

Amaris announced it whenever she increased the speed, but to be honest I didn't pay much attention to it. Why? I was finally running! Something I could never dream of doing before, and here I was doing it!

As the machine got faster and faster I thought to myself that I couldn't give up just yet, even though I never have done this before. Suddenly the treadmill tilted upwards a little bit and I could hear Amaris again. "Climbing stage one clear. On to stage two".

As she announced it I felt the angle becoming more and more challenging.

I was running at full speed now and seemed to have cleared the first four climbing stages.

It was at the moment stage five started that I noticed I couldn't go on anymore.

As I huffed and puffed and refused to give up it became dark in front of my eyes.

I almost collapsed as the treadmill came to a standstill.

"Are you okay? Here... let me help you." Amaris supported me by putting an arm around me and giving me a hand to walk to the chairs next to the desk.

"Few... I don't know what happened at the end. But I'm proud of myself. How did I do?"

I asked while wheezing a little bit since I was completely out of breath.

"I don't know what to say... It was... rather average. It seems you did clear stage number five and you could run at ten kilometers an hour, it is a bit faster than average, to be honest, but to be so exhausted is a first." "I have to say it's a first for me as well, haha."

While I was catching my breath I got handed a glass of water by Amaris.

I thanked her and instantly felled refreshed.

"The next test can be done while you are resting as it is only required for you to hold on to a Magic Crystal and pouring in your Soul Energy. I'll explain these concepts to you seeing as you have just arrived here in Arganthes."

"That's what you call this world we are in, right?" "Oh my, how silly of me...

I forgot to tell you what we call our world. Ehe."

Amaris was trying to act cute, because of her clumsiness in forgetting to introduce me to their world. She grabbed one of the rocks and went a little bit overboard.

"This little rock here is called a Magic Crystal. It's not just any kind of rock,

simply because we can interact with them through our soul energy.

These so-called "crystals" drop from Spirit Beasts.

Creatures that have absorbed to much magic and started running amok.

You can also get Magic Gems and Crystals by clearing Rifts,

but I'll leave that topic for later as you haven't even become an adventurer yet.

It is the most important to clear one's mind while performing meditation and cultivating one's Soul Energy and Inner Spirit. You can do a variety of different things with your soul energy, for example manipulating the energy around and inside you to harness the power of the elements which we call Magic. Or to bond with a Spirit Animal gaining their powers and working together as partners. One can even absorb the Spirit Beast in their Inner Spirit to become one and freely use its strengths."

As Amaris continued I tried to clear my mind and start meditating while continuing to listen to her explanation. These Magic Crystals have pure mana essence inside of them which can be used to learn whatever the Crystal is holding. Even though there is no method to extract these powers as of yet it is possible to force it out gaining a small portion of the power inside. Some tried breaking them by force, to no avail. Because this would instantly make the pure mana essence inside evaporate in thin air or making it explode on impact.

The only method which has been found recently by the Arcana is to slowly extract the essence with gentle care gaining a small portion of what was inside.

We do know how to use neutral Crystals, but Elemental Crystals proof to be difficult to master." A bit confused yet intrigued by the existence of magic I took her explanation to heart. "Seeing as I understand the basic concept of these crystals and magic, I think it's best to give the rest of the tests a shot. But before we do, I was wondering since you told me it's possible to bond with a Spirit Animal, if you bonded with one and what it might be.

"You're a fast learner aren't you? As a reward, I'll show you something cool.

This is Kyuu my trusted partner." As she introduced her spirit nine flames manifested around her as a small orange fox curled up on her shoulders. They merged together as her eyes turned green and her teeth and nails grew longer and shaper. The nine floating flames were at the tip of each tail which seemed to come out of the top of her but.

"Wooow!! That's so cool!! I have to find myself a worthy partner when I get the change."

"As a bonus, I'll even show you what power I gain by merging with my partner."

Seeing as her tails all had flames on them I expected the fire element to be the main attribute. It seemed to be only partially right. Amaris opened her hand as a small flame grew bigger in the palm of her hand. The oddest thing was that the flame while first being blue, turned completely purple.

"You keep amazing me Amaris didn't expect you to have both Fire and Darkness Elemental magic with your partner, to be completely honest I thought you would just show me an awesome flame. Yet I was surprised by such an astonishing purple ball of fire."

 Amaris got all flustered and shy because of my compliment and knowledge about the elements that she decided it was time for the next test. As Amaris was getting the room cleaned up and setting everything in place getting ready for the next test. She took out a few Magic crystals and put them in a circle in the center of the room.

[Test of Mental Strenght]

"Before we start the next test I have to tell you that they are a bit different from what you had to do before. Taking into account the rest results of the physical tests, you have outperformed commoners from our world as a whole.

Therefore, it is extremely important for us to test your mental capabilities."

As I had been bullied until my teenage years by seemingly superior humans to me I had built up a sort of mental understanding of why this was happening. Eventually, this made me unfazed and unaffected by their ways creating some sort of unconscious barrier that blocked them all off. Still... at first it was mentally scarring... Because I was unable to retaliate.

This later wasn't the case as I was done with being bullied and made them stop bullying me. Well... What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! 

Amaris had placed a bigger crystal in the center of the circle made by smaller ones.

When she finished preparing all the crystals we would be using for the remaining tests,

she gestured with her hand that I needed to come sit next to her.

"Now. What I want you to do is relax while holding your hands against the bigger crystal.

I will do the same as I am going to read your mental strength. So when you feel a little bit of pressure while doing this, don't worry because that will be me carefully analyzing your strength."

I got ready to perform the task ahead, I sat down, breathed in... and exhaled out slowly.

I did this for a few times to clear my mind. Next, I carefully placed my hands on the crystal.

This oddly rough but slick feeling was something I never felt before.

As I felt something burn up inside of me I heard a voice.

"Strong you are, my summoned one, look into your soul and deepen the bond within.

As you bond with your soul, the engine will roar!"

It was the voice from before, the one I heard when I died... When I had awoken in this world.

Even as I entered the village. Was the gentle and mature voice the one who saved me from my death? Was she the one who gave me another chance? If so... I have to find those ruins as soon as possible. To thank her and maybe even help her so I can repay this depth.

The voice faded away as I felt one last burst of energy coming through me as if... as if she pushed me to go on. The burning energy inside spread throughout my body as it entered my arms and legs, going past my pals and into my fingertips. I felt the burst of energy leaving through my fingertip and opened my eyes.

The big Crystal I was touching. It was now glowing and began feeling warmer ever so slightly.

As time passed the crystal began glowing brighter, just before the energy completely left my body.

"That... Looks Promising. You have a higher mental strength than I expected. 3rd Grade brons. Not bad at all. Tell me, how did your first encounter with spiritual energy feel?"

"It's hard to describe, cause I have never felt this before in my life.

It began as a gentle and warm burning sensation inside my chest while at the same time it stung a little bit. It flowed through my entire body as if it was nothing and rooted deep inside me when it began leaving my fingertips.

At that moment I froze a little as I felt a desire to push harder, yet I could not do this.

Before I knew it the feeling was completely gone and here we are now.

"I'm glad the crystal held it all as your energy almost became too strong for it to handle.

We don't have many participants that are this mentally strong when they start.

You can be proud because I think it's rather exceptional.

I'm curious to see what kind of affinity you have Michael, this was a first for me.

Can you wait right here, I'll get one of my superior who knows more about these elementalaffinity's so we can examen you in the right way."

As I nodded Amaris gave me one of the smaller crystal to put my soul energy in for my last test, after that she left the room to get her superior.

I was holding what looked like a normal Mountain Crystal from my home world "Earth".

As the word left my mouth, and I thought of my home I wondered if there would be anyone back home who missed me.

Shortly after I heard knocking on the door which startled me a little.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"we're back~" As Amaris slowly opened the door and gently smiled at me, she escorted her what seemed like an old small dude through the door and helped him on a chair.

His hair was orange and long, he even had a kick-ass beard of that matched his hair color which he played with while he was sizing me up.

"Good afternoon sir, I appreciate you taking time for me to teach me what kind of elemental affinity I might have." "Well mannered I see. well, to be honest, only Amaris knowns why I am here." The Elderly small man replied while smirking. As he had a fulfilling looked at her butt when she was closing the door. During all this time he kept fiddling with his beard.

"I have to say, sir, you have one epic beard if I may say so."

"Thank you young one." As I closed in on the Elderly man, Amaris had closed the door and went behind the desk again. "She has all the goods in the right places, I understand why you hired her haha. I joked with the man.

"Hahaha! You have just the right taste Young one, I appreciate an honest and open mind like yours. I am Beardal Von Smithnar, head of the Alchemic & Magical Research here in Kintheris, who might you be young one?" "My name is Brightfang Sir, Michael Brightfang.

I am glad that Amaris here came up to me and helped me through the process till now as I was a lost cause when I entered this mighty building. I haven't had any idea what to do as she approached me and made me feel at home.

Amaris got all red and flustered as she wasn't used to getting many compliments.

This was due to the fact that she just started working here a few months ago and her colleagues loved to pull pranks on her.

She turned to Baerdal and told him about my results with the Mental Strenght test.

"By Odin's Beard! Is it True? This Young Lad acquired Brons 3rd Grade on his first try with the stones?! Now I understand why I needed to come here... let us continue the examination then."

"Please take a seat in the center of the ceremonial ring, when you're ready we will begin the test of Elemental Affinity."

[Test of Elemental Affinity]

"This test is similar to the last one as you need to poor in your soul energy, only now we just need a small portion to take shape in the crystal. By doing this The Elder Baerdal here will be able to determine what kind of magical affinity you might have. I myself have high hopes for you, as you gave off a strong aura and are the actual first that is willing to take this examination together with me." As she mumbled the part about being her first examinee.

She instructed that I held the crystal and slowly cleared my mind.

As I have done it before it was a bit easier because now I knew what it felt like.

When the burning sensation came back I gently and carefully guided it to the crystal.

The Elder was completely focussed on the crystal as it began taking shape.

There was a small flame and 8 smaller orbs that manifested.

The flame was no ordinary flame as it became bigger and had a purple and indigo color.

As the flame became bigger so did the orbs. In the end, the orbs went into the flame becoming one as it slowly faded away.

As I opened my eyes I saw the Elder had turned to Amaris as they were talking with each other. Probably discussing the end result? I did not pay much attention to it as I was wondering about the things that I felt during this examination.

Because of the feeling I had was different. Unlike last time...

Now it felt like the flame had devoured the rest of the sensations as there was clearly something rooted inside of me.

Amaris and the Elder went outside for a while to examine the results of my tests.

When Amaris returned she apologized for Baerdals sudden departure as he had other matters to attend to. It seems he told her in detail what my affinity was as she proceeded to explain this to me.

resulting in above average strength & stamina, high mental strength and the affinity for all elemental magics available, known as the Eternal Affinity.

Curious and surprised about the affinity for all elements Amaris toyed a little with me,

she wanted to reward me for this feed even if I didn't know what it meant.

To my surprise, this meant that she got permission to become my Guidance Partner before getting my license. Baerdal wanted to make sure I got all the necessary things for my departure which is why he rewarded her with the responsibility.

This was needed because she was rather new and wasn't sure how to put this on his recommendation. As Amaris Hugged me tightly being happy with this achievement,

She handed me the Recommendation and a small letter from Baerdal which read;

"Never in my career as Guild Guidance Counselor have I ever seen someone with the eternal affinity. It seems we will see you do some great things in the future if you want sir I will make sure to put you together with Amaris for the remainder of your career as an Adventurer.

This would mean you will have a lot of contacts and teamwork together as this will be beneficial to both the Guild Hall and yourself. The reason why I want to recommend you to her is that she seemed to have eyes for a talented, strong and promising young man like yourself and discovered your talent personally."

I joked that I didn't want to team up with her, but when she thought I was serious I laughed.

Do you think, that I would betray the one person that believed in me in this world right after accomplishing something?! Who do you think I am?! Haha, I would love for you to guide me through my Journey, but I have to ask. Does that mean you will be accompanying me once I leave town for the Adventures Examination?

"Yes, for now, I'll be staying in the Guild Hall and helping you with the basics,

getting around town and preparing for departure. Once you do, I'll be coming along as your personal Guidance Partner." She said proudly.

We got out of the examination room and she showed me the features of the Magic Recommendation Bracelet.

As she was explaining a bit more about Spirit Beasts I realized how lucky I was meeting a kind young woman like her, even being comfortable talking with her as this was no easy task in my past life.

She even took the time to explain how the exchange rate worked for the currency in this world as it seemed that the most basic way to get money would be to slay the monsters in the fields and forests around Sharoo.

"These monster will drop certain Magic Crystals together with Materials and sometimes equipment which can be exchanged for money or used by yourself of course.

The bigger the crystal the better the payment.

Don't forget to come to visit me from time to time so that I can help you locate certain places and to keep me posted on your adventures. Here is your Adventurers Licence Recommendation Bracelet".

Amaris handed over the bracelet with all the test results on it. A small window opened above the bracelet.

"The bracelet contains information about you Michael Brightfang.

Better change that to Shadowfang when I can." "We can do that right now if you want to."

asking about this, Amaris showed me how to change my name which legally got changed to Shadowfang.

"It is a special bracelet that actively changes the information as these changes in real time.

This makes it easy for us to update the archive with your files so you won't have to wait long,

This also keeps us updated if you might unlock new skills, or even apply for a certain class."