
obsessed with threesome

Sometimes the boss was more of a lunatic if that is how he could explain him. The assistant decided to do just as he was told to. He gathered all the reports and other official announcement and . He arranged everything in order as the meeting was to be held the next day in the morning .

He stayed in the office and started to rehearse his work as well as improve his confidence. It was his first meeting to attend on behalf of his boss within seven years which he have been by Rayvince's side as his assistant . To other people it was considered luck but to him it was like hell punishment . Sometimes his boss would disappear for a week and was left to attend to difficult desicion making proposal and document and all claims made by clients due to either dissatisfaction or otherwise . His boss obviously required no mistake total accuracy and efficiency when he was away which made him give his best in that work sometimes he would go without sleeping for two to three days while working . He cursed all his ancestors for making him an assistant .

He always asked his boss for time off once the boss reappeared after disapearing for some time but the boss would assign more work than before , he was tortured and didn't not have time to lure more ladies as he liked . He was quite often a visitor of massage parlour and every time he would end up leaving a room with two ladies, he was obsessed with threesome . He loved sluts while his boss was disgusted with every female company he had. When the boss learnt that his assistant was sex maniac he decided to always load him with after work assignment so as to reduce his free time. Was this jealousy or lesson , no one knew.

Rayvince ended his assistant call and hurriedly walked back to the hotel room , he figured out she might be awake by now, he wanted to know her more and spend all his time with her. Love was more powerful to turn a torn city into fruitful and green land ever .