
Are you really a healer?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you, mirroring your every feature? Now, imagine being thrust into a completely unfamiliar world, where everything around you is strange and daunting. The sudden change in your surroundings is overwhelming, but it's in these moments of uncertainty that we discover our true strength—the ability to adapt, to strategize, and to overcome. Faced with such a challenge, what would be your plan of action? Consider this: What if all your wildest dreams suddenly became reality? The fantasies you once entertained are now within your grasp. What choices would you make? What path would you follow? In this story, the stakes are high. Are you ready to fight? Ready to emerge victorious? Do you have what it takes to survive the trials ahead and come out on top? This fantasy novel chronicles the journey of Gabriel, a young man who unexpectedly finds himself in a mystical world, where he must harness newfound powers and confront formidable challenges. The heart of the story lies in Gabriel's "Awakening"—a transformative process that grants him special abilities and assigns him to a "Support Class," specifically as a healer. While the role of a healer might seem passive, Gabriel's journey is anything but. His path is marked by intense battles, profound personal growth, and the gradual unveiling of deeper mysteries within the world he now inhabits. As Gabriel ventures further into this unknown realm, he encounters dangerous foes, including a formidable figure whose power rivals his own. Each battle tests Gabriel's resolve, pushing him to explore the full extent of his abilities. The narrative delves into the broader lore of this world, where mystical realms, dungeons, and the enigmatic force known as mana play critical roles in shaping destinies. Gabriel's evolution is intertwined with the complexities of his unique talents, which allow him to reverse the effects of his abilities—transforming healing into damage, for instance. This power becomes a double-edged sword, offering both advantages and challenges as Gabriel learns to wield it. The story masterfully weaves together elements of magic, combat, and personal discovery. Gabriel's trials reflect not only the external dangers of the mystical realms but also his internal struggle to realize his potential as an Orion—a protector and warrior in this perilous world. Through his journey, Gabriel comes to understand that true strength lies not just in physical prowess, but in the ability to adapt, to grow, and to harness the power within.

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Chapter 44: A Moment of Reflection

Gabriel had been in the Mysterious Realm for what felt like an eternity, lost in the thrill of exploration. Three long hours had passed without him realizing it. Suddenly, a loud alarm blared from his token, pulling him out of his reverie. Startled, he quickly retrieved the token from his pocket, and as he stared at it, he remembered the fourth guard's warning about the strict time limit for Orions within the dungeon. The restriction was there for a reason: to prevent Orions from overextending themselves and risking injury—or worse.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Gabriel wasted no time. He smashed the token in his hand, feeling its power surge through him. In just a few seconds, he was whisked away from the dungeon, returning to the real world in a blur of light and energy. He found himself standing outside, his heart still pounding from the sudden exit, but safe and unharmed.


As Gabriel reoriented himself, a guard, the fourth in line, approached him. The look of relief on her face was unmistakable as she let out a deep sigh.

"Kid! You had me worried sick!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

Gabriel blinked, caught off guard by her reaction. He couldn't quite understand why she seemed so anxious. The guard, sensing his confusion, quickly explained that he had exceeded the allotted time by a full thirty minutes. Her words struck Gabriel like a bolt of lightning, and he immediately felt a wave of humility wash over him.

"If we hadn't received a direct message from our high supervisor," the guard continued, "we would have gone in after you, fearing the worst."

The realization that the guards had been on the verge of a rescue mission just for him made Gabriel's heart sink.


Gabriel's disappointment was palpable as he opened his experience window. He had been so close to reaching level 12, but now that goal seemed just out of reach. With a deep breath, he thanked the guards for their concern and assured them that he would return the next day to finish what he had started.

[Experience: 323,321/350,000]

He knew that he needed more experience points to level up, but the strict time limit on his access to the Mysterious Realm was a frustrating barrier. He wasn't yet strong enough to increase that limit, and the knowledge of his own limitations gnawed at him.

As Gabriel walked away, he closed his experience panel with a second sigh, feeling the weight of his current situation. "I just don't have the strength to extend my time in the Mysterious Realm," he muttered to himself. Despite his frustration, Gabriel's resolve remained unshaken. He knew he had to keep pushing forward if he wanted to achieve his goals.

Before heading home, Gabriel decided to visit the market. He had earned a decent amount of money during his journey, but he was acutely aware that it wasn't enough. With 98 gold and 27 silver in his possession, he still couldn't afford even a low-level green rank item—a fact that added to his frustration.

Still, Gabriel tried to stay optimistic. He had the 300 gold coins he'd won for coming in first place in the assessment, though 5 gold had already gone toward potions. He knew he had to manage his resources carefully to keep an emergency fund for unforeseen needs.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Gabriel finally made his way home. The house was quiet, the only sounds being the hum of the refrigerator and the creak of the floorboards beneath his feet. With a weary sigh, he set down his bag and headed to the kitchen, his stomach growling in anticipation. Although his parents wouldn't be joining him, he still prepared dinner for them, chopping vegetables and stirring pots with a focused determination.

After finishing his meal, Gabriel glanced at the clock and realized he had some free time. He turned on the news, hoping to catch up on the latest events, before heading upstairs to his room.

The moment he entered his quiet sanctuary, his communication device buzzed loudly, jolting him from his thoughts. He checked the caller ID and was surprised to see an unfamiliar number. After a moment of hesitation, he decided against answering but quickly typed out a message instead.

"Who is this?" he asked, curiosity piqued.

A few seconds later, his device buzzed again with a response.

"It's me, Miss Claire. You still haven't provided the details for the item you need as part of the hidden quest reward from the Empire. Do you have time to discuss it now?"

Gabriel stared at the message, dumbfounded. How had he forgotten something so crucial? The realization hit him hard: he had been so focused on the dungeon that he had neglected an essential task—the completion of his item set.

After his time in the dungeon, Gabriel knew one thing for certain: while he could hold his own against the Fallen Knights, he wouldn't be able to progress much further without significantly boosting his stats. The old ways of farming wouldn't cut it anymore; he needed better gear, and fast.

Gabriel quickly responded to Miss Claire, requesting a specific item. He mentioned that he was fine with it being a white-rank item, but if she could find a green-rank one, it should be part of the "Gold Set." After sending the message, he waited anxiously for her reply.

A few minutes later, Miss Claire's response came through: she wasn't sure about the exact item he was referring to and suggested he visit the academy in person to provide more details.

Gabriel found himself at a crossroads. Visiting the academy could expose his secret, something he had been careful to protect. The risk was real—powerful Orions had emerged among humans, but the world was still dangerous. Races from alternate dimensions and magical beasts in the wilderness all posed threats to humanity.

Gabriel couldn't afford to let his secret slip. His nearly complete set after just one assessment ranking was unheard of, even among the strongest Orions. If word got out, it could attract unwanted attention from other races and beast overlords, who might abduct him just to uncover his secrets—including his Divine Grade awakened talent, [Yin-Yang-Soul-Harmony].

But despite the risks, Gabriel knew he couldn't neglect his survival inside the dungeon. After weighing his options, he made a decision. Trusting in the academy's discretion, he picked up his device and sent a message to Miss Claire, informing her that he would be at the academy early tomorrow morning.