
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · Urban
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45 Chs

You are about leaving us

The next day, Hana woke up to see if she could help around the house but it was like she was a little too late, Mrs. Yi got up early in the morning to clean the house and make breakfast for everyone.

"Mum! Don't you want me giving you a helping hand?" Hana was sad when saying those words.

"Oh Hana, I'm so sorry. I am used to doing thing on my own that's why there is nothing for you to help me with."

"OK in that case I will go outside to those mountain side, to check for some rare herb to make facial cream for the ladies and lipstick too."

Mrs. Yi was shocked hearing those words from her, she was scared that Hana has regained her memory then she will leave them here. She began to cry because of Hana departure from their lives when she just gave them much joy in being a parent to a child.

Hana saw the tears falling from Mrs. Yi's eyes, "What is wrong? Why are you crying mum?"

"You are about leaving us since you regain your memories. Please don't think about us holding you back when you get home OK just..... "

"Mum what are you talking about? What memories? I just had the knowledge of those herbs and treatment like that was my job before I lost my memories. I still don't no my real parents and how I got to be in that sea side. Please don't cry I am still here with you." Hana tried to comfort her new mother.

"OK go and look for the things you need and remember to be careful."

"I will mum."

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