
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · Urban
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45 Chs

We are your family

"What? How can you say you don't know your own mother or are you still pretending that we not related to you?" Cho said.

"No, she is joking she can't be serious because the probation period ended two years ago. Isn't it love." Mrs. Jang spoke.

"My wife said she doesn't recognize your family now leave or you won't like the action I will take against you this minute." Jeong answered.

Mrs. Jang cried after hearing what Jeong just said, she couldn't hold her tears anymore she just let them flow for a long time.

Seeing the elderly beautiful lady crying, Little Cutie couldn't bear it, "Please don't cry Grandma I am sure if you explain yourself, we could help you my mother isn't heartless, she just doesn't' remember anything apart from her time she spent with us and our dad and his family."

"You mean that she lost half of her memories?" Seong asked.

"Yes, mom is trying to spend her lost time with our dad." Strong Hero spoke.

While the children were trying to calm Mrs. Jang down, Jeong looked at the lady crying, he saw his wife likeness in the lady crying and the young men standing together with the lady looked like his wife, 'Is it true they are the family members of my wife.' Something hit him at that moment, he knew their faces where not strange in the business world and all over the globe. 'This is that mysterious rich family that no one could dig out their history of, they have been in wealth for a very long time.'

"Wait a minute! I think I know who you are. You are the Jang family." Jeong spoke with surprise in his voice.

"Jang family? My name has Jang in it but first we are going to the hospital to perform a DNA test." Hana said.

"After that I would like to know what really happen to you that you lose your memory just like that." Seong said.

Hana felt goosebumps on her body after she heard what he said, even the other members of the family felt the anger in his voice when he spoke.

"It looks like your sister has lived a pampered life for her brothers to protect her this way." Jeong spoke trying to ease the tension in the air.

"Everyone let's continue our discussion somewhere else not in the open because we don't know who is looking at us in the shadows." Mr. Jang said.

Wow! Just wow! I am speechless right now.

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