
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · Urban
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45 Chs

They are nobody to me

"Daddy, who are these people?" Little Cutie asked. She turns to look at the couple that looked like their father and aunty, stood up together with her brother waiting for their father's answer.

"Sweetie, they are nobody to me and your mother and they are just leaving." Jeong answered his daughter.

"Jeong Kim what do you mean by that? Did I carry you in my womb for 9 months for nothing?" Mrs. Kim asked screaming at her son at the same time.

Because of the scene Mrs. Kim was creating in the restaurant, other guest turned to their table, they wanted to know what is going on with the Kim family since it is announced by Jeong that he is newly married.

"You walked into my restaurant with your husband, you treated my wife like garbage and you except me to treat you nicely just because you are my parents. Did you forget so soon how you disowned me because I refused to acknowledge a white lotus that is cable of committing a lot of evil crimes. I don't care if you bring her to marry your husband but don't bring her close to me because I will kill her with my bare hands." Jeong told his mother with an angry face.

Mrs. Kim slapped Jeong on the face, her husband told Jeong, "You speak to me in that manner all because of that..." before he could continue Kim Dong to his walking stick to hit his son on his knees, Mr. Kim shouted in pain, "Father, what did you do that for? he asked.

"Somebody has to teach you and your wife manners since you don't have it." Kim Dong replied.

"Great-grandfather, you shouldn't have done that, my sister and I would have taken care of it. Mr. and Mrs. Kim please don't you ever show your faces in front of us anymore since you hated our mother, we don't like you too and we will never acknowledge you as our grandparents just as our father told you a while ago." Strong Hero said.

"Let's go family they have ruined our celebration dinner." Little Cutie said while dragging her mother's hands along with her.

"No, no, please don't say that I am your grandmother." Mrs. Kim tries to get hold of Little Cutie's hands.

"Don't touch my daughter. I used to look up to you a long time ago, but it seems time changes people for the worst except my husband and my sister in-law together with grandfather and his close confidant they welcomed me with open hands, you just care about what happened to me all these while but you want to acknowledge my children, that wouldn't happen just as you don't want me in your family I don't want you in mine. Goodbye." Hana spoke to Mrs. Kim while Mr. Kim looked at her angrily for speaking to his wife in that manner.

"I used to think you were a good girl, but it seems you are evil just like my wife said some time ago that is the reason why you can destroy my family without lifting a finger." Mr. Kim said.

"You destroyed your family on your own hands besides the two of you are no longer members of my family. Tomorrow morning, I am removing your names from the Kim family." Kim Dong said.

"Dad, you can't do that for a nobody." Mr. Kim said to his father.

"Watch and see."

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