
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · Urban
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45 Chs

Little Cutie and Strong Hero

Hana woke up a week from the delivery of her children, she was happy to hold her children again, she gave Elena instruction to get some herbs for her so she could get her strength back to take care of her children herself.

Elena was not sure at first to get those herbs but she saw in Hana's eyes she was serious so she went to buy them, those herbs were planted in Hana's garden but she knows that Elena wouldn't tell the difference of them so she had to comprised to buy them from the market no matter how expensive they are she needed them when she get home she will make those things herself.

Little Cutie never wants her mother to leave her sight, she cries whenever they want to take her far from her mother same goes for Strong Hero.

"Nurse, can you bring their cot here in my room, so they don't cry and to disturb other children in the children's ward." Hana asked the nurse that was about to carry her daughter to their ward.

"No problems madam we will bring their things here." The nurse left after that to prepare for the move of the children to their mother's ward.

Elena returned just after the nurse left, "I bought the herbs, so what do I do after this."

Hana showed her the way to prepare the herbs for her to drink, Elena followed her instructions properly after that she brought the medicine for her to drink. Hana gave the children to Elena to hold. She finished the medicine in one go, "Now I can treat my body myself without the help of the hospital since I am no longer pregnant, I pray the children didn't carry this my weak body with them."

Because she was taking her herb medicine on regular basis she was discharged from the hospital on time, this made the doctors to question how she could get her body to full recovery in a short period of time.

"How did you do it?" The doctor asked.

"A magician never shares his secret." She told the doctor.

When they got home, she moved to the children's room to sleep since they don't want to be far from her and themselves.

Hana build her body back to its peak, she worked from home while taking care of children with the help of her mother and Elena.

When the children were five months old, Strong Hero already knows the numerical symbols, he could arrange them properly without the help of anyone. While his sister was has started reading the alphabets little by little.

By 8 months old, Strong Hero is already good with the computer, he could hack any site and his sister has started singing, she wanted to be a singer and dancer.

The twins were doing everything together, while the brother has been in the dark web for 1 year taking on mission to make money for the family the sister also help in producing and drawing weapons for themselves.

Their mother knew about their talents, she helps them in training them in martial arts so they could defend themselves from other bad people, she couldn't shake the feeling that they (strange people) will come for them one day she didn't how or why, but she has to prepare herself and her family for it.

Smart kids I wish I could have them for myself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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