
Are you our Daddy?

Jang Hana woke up with no memory of her life and pregnant. What would you do if you find yourself in that situation and worst she got tangle with a man she felt a connection too Kim Jeong the demon and ruthless man that doesn't care if you are family or not. #PS. The cover is not mine but from webnovel.

flobabe9090 · Urban
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45 Chs

A little girl like my sister

Jang Seung the young man that saw the live performance on the television couldn't bear the excitement he felt when he saw the little girl, he called his mother on the telephone. "Mom, I just saw a little girl that looks like our sister on the television."

"Which channel did you see it?" The lady asked her son shouting at the same time.

"Mom, calm down, I told my secretary to look into it we will have news about the little girl very soon." Seung tries to comfort his mother.

"No, I want to go to the place it was broadcast from, your sister is supposed to be home two years ago, I don't know why I can't get to her nor am I see any news about her."

"I know Mom, but we have to be careful about looking for her, only members of the family knows that she isn't with us all these while and if our enemies find out about her whereabout before us you know what it will spare for us. Mom, please try to put your mind at rest for now."

"I don't care, your sister is the most precious thing I have I don't think I can bear if something bad happen to her."

"Mom, you don't trust your daughter again. She has the greatest mind in the world so please don't worry ok."

The mother and son try to put unhappy thought about the youngest member of the family behind them.

After the call ended, Mrs. Jang Jin called her husband Jang Hye to inform him of the news about the little girl that looks like their daughter that was broadcast all over the world.

"If what you just told me is true then that little girl will be in danger because our enemies will harm that child." Jang Hye told his wife.

"But no one knows the real face of your daughter, so they wouldn't suspect a thing." Jang Jin tries to put her fears to rest by saying those words.

"No, my love, Hana and her brothers all look alike but the only difference about them and Hana is that Hana is always on mask when she is outside, but her brothers don't wear mask outside only when they are attending missions and meeting with the other members of Knights of Darkness." Jang Hye informed his wife.

"Now, I get the reason you said the child is in danger because she looks like us."

"Yes, we need to get to the parents of that child before those people do."

"Then call the rest of your sons and inform them of the trip, we can't leave it to chances if our daughter their sister is there in that country."

Yes, but I hope nothing will happen at the end.

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