
Are you my husband?

Eric becomes the scapegoat found by the scientists and the leaders, he would become collateral damage. An AI somehow trap twenty plus people in its terminal, siphoning their memories and talents making them brain dead. His family decided to put him out when the scientists decided to log him in the terminal, he would become the body—the sacrifice. Then, something big happens, the AI somehow look into his memories and see how the scientists plan to exterminate him to the moment he would occupy his body. He doesn't know that he had that memory in him, it might be that his brain process it and store it to his mind when he somehow becomes conscious. He has been in and out of a coma for many years now. Then the miracle happens. Together with his Wristwatch/computer. He decided to live in this dimension, his youth which he wasted on laying down, he would start again, this time, as a normal and healthy physique and with his talent in like a hacker.

Empress_Ai · General
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37 Chs

Ch. 1.22 Defendant

"I rest my case your worships, but kaidan please do remain in the witness box, I'm sure the defense attorney have some question for you." the prosecutor said, sitting down again.

"Good morning. I just want to ask a few questions about the evidence that they provide. You see your worships, the defendant plead guilty on wanting to kill Kaidan Felix and staging the rape. But denied accusations about the different homicide charges and the kidnapping incident."

The judges nod, prompting him to continue.

"Mr. Felix you said here that on December 1st 3031. The defendant and his companion tailed your car and kidnapped you? Your worships, my client at that time is at the beach enjoying his vacation."

"Do you have any evidence?" the judges quickly asked, looking at the defense attorney.

"Yes your worships, the ledger where my client sign his name, logging in the establishment and again logging out." Providing a photograph of the said ledger and giving it to the bailiff to give to the judges.

"May we call Mr. Pratt to stand."

"Certainly your worships." Miles is quickly called in, standing face to face with Kaidan.

"Can you give your own explanation for us Mr. Pratts. Mr. Felix kindly continue to stand in the witness box."

"Yes your worships." the two almost synchronised in answer.

"Do continue."

"As I said your worships, my client at that time is in a vacation. He is not guilty about Mr. Felix kidnapping."

"I object your worships. We provided the video footage of Mr. Pratt getting inside the sedan car together with a man in the SUV van and following Mr. Felix." the prosecutor called out. Handing the video footages together with the photographs to the bailiff to give to the judges.

"Mr. Felix, how sure are you that the man who is tailing your car is Mr. Pratts?" the defense attorney, giving attention to Kaidan.

"Hundred percent sure your honor, with my own eyes, I see him getting out of the car, prying open my door. He is wearing a brown coat, a black pants, brown boots at that time your honor." Kaidan replied, answering in a slow manner.

"And where is you car? Where is the supposed to be companion of Mr. Pratts?"

"I don't know your honor, Miles injected a sedatives into me making me lost consciousness. I did hear a gun shot though before blacking out."

"Lies! I didn't kidnapped you." Miles outburst, pointing at kaidan in the witness stand.

"Silence!" the head judge said, "Continue."

"Your worships, we have here a video footage of Mr. Pratts wearing the said attire, dragging a big luggage and going up to the pent house." prosecutor again provide the evidence making the judges nod their head.

"Your worships, that footage are all fake. I never done all of that. I've never even been gone at his house." Miles quick objection. He knew what really happened at that time. He is now in despair. All his gadgets and devices all shut down, erasing all his evidence. His photo at the beach are all gone. He is now hoping for the lab report to come revoking the evidence.

To his dismay, the prosecutor produced several lab reports on all the video footages, indicating the authenticity of all the Files they provided.

His is now screwed up. All the evidence they keep on providing adding to his charges. Plus with the audio recorder that Kaidan recorded, him admitting and bragging his crime.

"Your worship I rest my case."

"Okay, we will take a break, the jury would look at the different evidence provided and decide amongst them selves."

Without even knowing the courts decision, Miles now know that he 'fuck up' even the defense attorney knows it. All the provided footages and documents evidence and with them giving just a minimal if not, just a signed document, winning is very slim to none. They now want to just plead guilty and plea for a lower year in prison.

At the other side of the town, a big explosion occurred. The underworld—a gang— are shock looking at their main building exploding in a tiny pieces, where their leader—The heart is residing.

Everything is done in just a blink of an eye. Police cars piled up, arresting all the goons and confiscating their guns. The warehouses are quickly raid up, drug substance and high powered guns are all seize. The underworld which operated for almost a century vanished. All of it's higher ups are escorted in the police station. Some hired killers, fleed and taking shelter from a different gang.

Again. My research about court and trial is poorly done. If you have some comments and suggestions how to do it properly. Please do comment..

Thank you.

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