
Ch. 1. 1 life story

Eric woke up in an unfamiliar space, it looks like he is floating around in nothingness, everything is so quiet that he can even hear his own heartbeat.

The only thing he remembers is he is in icy cold water, everything is so cold, he can feel his blood freezing up, then a warm hand help him. He remembers that a warm body held him in his embrace, putting some warm in his icy cold skin. He doesn't remember much, he just recalls that he put something in his wrist, saying that it would help him in his journey... And one more thing, he remembers that it also had a mesmerising mismatch eye.

Then he wakes up in here, what is this? He decided to look in his wrist to see a small as a smartwatch, it blinks for a minute before displaying a holographic word.

"Hello host, I'm system 1.1, I'm here to help you with your future life." The word is written, 'this is so cool' Eric thought to himself, he is a hacker before the collision happens that put him in a coma, he really like advance technology, and here is one.

"Future life?" he asks when the word he read is properly digested on his mind.

"Yes, host, future life. I will send you into one of this world, you will be reincarnated, I will give you some mission to do to help him." the System answers his question.

"Him? And the mission?"

"On time, You will know, just remember, you have to help him."

"Okay. So can I go now?"

Eric can feel himself falling in a never-ending cliff. The wind is gushing to his face, his ears are buzzing, then... It stops making his stomach feel sick, he really wants to vomit...he close his eyes to avoid nausea when a hand in his body startled him.

"What's wrong honey? Are you in pain? Do you need something?" a soft voice of a woman ask him.

Eric looks at his surrounding, he is in a hospital ward, the woman who asks him if the nurse on duty. He can feel his cheeks swollen up. His side is hurting, no scratch that, everything is hurting. He winces.

"I'll give you some pain reliever to elevate your pain somehow. Just go to sleep okay, everything would be alright when you wake up," she says in a comforting voice.

Relief can be seen in his face when the medication is on his system, he can now somehow move a limb without feeling so much pain. He closes his eyes when he heard a mechanical voice talk to his head.

"You been reincarnated in a human world, you're the goal is to change the fate of your new self, it is into you if you want to change it for the better or for the worst."

"Then, why am I in the hospital?"

"You been in a car accident. In a minute I'll upload his memories and his fate in your brain, look closely, It is in your own hand to change his fate."

Eric feels like he is watching some kind of 3D movie of someone else life, 'Kaidan' s life'.

Eric can see how Kaidan grow up in a close-knitted community with his loving parents, he practically knew everything and everyone in their community so when his father got a job offer in the city, he doesn't want to go, he is afraid of strangers, he hates a change of environment, his surroundings, and he would never cope up with a new school and new classmate.

His parents know that but they can't do anything about it, his father if he doesn't grab the chance to go, he would become jobless, the company he is working at are currently in midst of bankruptcy.

Then Kaidan's life becomes hell, he is the transferee, a new student making the bully target him, they would make fun of his glasses calling him a four-eyed freak, some called him a sissy or a nerd.

And when Kaidan feels like he can't take it anymore, life again, throw another challenge into his face, a sunny morning, they are on their way to the beach, a wind is blowing in their hair and face, the radio is on, everything is perfect, he is with his parents, the bully is in detention.... Boom... A truck collided with the there car, the windshield shattered in tiny pieces impaling the people on the car then he blacks out... A minute later, he can hear his parents voice calling his name, in his hazy eyes, he can see his mother face tear stricken, bloodied and bruised but still wearing her comforting smile, the smile that would instantly calm him, his father, his security is wearing an encouraging one, they keep on saying that he would crawl out of the car.

"Go, honey, quickly, we will be there following you." his mother's voice say making his move, everything hurts, he can feel his eyes drooping low, his limb begins to grow weaker and weaker. He looks back, his father gestures him to go on.

"Don't look back Kaidan okay, Go, everything would be okay."

"Everything's hurt momma," he complained, usually, when he had scrap knee or elbow, his mother's embrace and kisses would make the pain go away.

"I know honey, I know, I'm so sorry I can't be there for you." Saying that she broke out crying.

"But why?" come Kaidan's reply, in his eleven years of existence, his parents are always on his side.

"Kaidan!, go, now! Kaidan!." a panicky voice of his father shouts to him making him crawl out from the back of the car.

"I love you honey." his mother voice.

"Why are you still in there? You say that you would follow me, are we playing games?" come to to to to to to to to his innocent question.

"Yes honey, You will hide and I will find you." his father's voice making the dizzy child broke into a smile before walking to look for his hiding place.

"Run! honey run!" Kaidan run in a tree before sliding down, he really wants to sleep, huddling in the corner, he collapsed.

In his sleep, he didn't see how the car explode. In his sleep, he did not see the paramedics and the police arrived. In his sleep, he did not see that his parents didn't follow him. In his sleep, he did not see the pitying gaze of the paramedics upon seeing him. In his sleep, he knew nothing.....

I don't know why but i cried writing this one....

I'm writing this for the contest, please do vote...

Empress_Aicreators' thoughts