
Are you My Guardian Angel?

A soldier met a doctor and later realises her problems with the gang called the " Black Dragon" and protects her, becoming her guardian angel. But both of them eventually had feelings for each other. How will it end?

DannyChin2557 · Realistic
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

After a few days, Doctor Irene is good to go. She continued to go to work as usual the next day she got discharged.

For safety reasons, James decided to pick her up from work specifically everyday. James arrived as usual, waiting for Doctor Irene to get off from work.

He waits in his car and wonders to himself if something will happen. But his concerns was interrupted by Doctor Irene tapping on his car window. He opens the car door and lets her in. " What are you thinking about?" Doctor Irene asks. " Oh, nothing." He gives Doctor Irene a smile but from the inside he is worried. James drives her to a restaurant to have dinner. This has been going for around 1-2 weeks already so both of them are getting used to it already. James will drive Doctor Irene to work and pick her up from work, for security purposes.

Today, as usual he waited outside the hospital for Doctor Irene. "Gosh, she usually doesn't take this long to get off from work. I hope she is okay in there" James thinks to himself... Just then, he sees a gang of people walking into the hospital. He doesn't seem concerned at first but then he saw the black dragon logo on their shirts. "It's them, they are going after Irene. I got to go grab her out of there"

James got out of his car and ran in the hospital, rushing to Doctor Irene's office. He reached to her office but before going in , he saw the gang exiting the elevator door. He then saw his friend, Mark. " Ayo Mark?" James said in a shocked tone. Mark looks up " James, ayo brother" before Mark could say another word he grabs him and enters Doctor Irene's office. Doctor Irene jumps and looks at both of them. "James? Why are you here and who's this?" "Uh, nothing. I just came to see you because you took longer than usual and I saw my friend on the way to your office..." He chuckles and clears his throat. "I was just going down already, let's go then." Irene said.

Introduction: Mark

Navy Seal Captain

served in 4 tours

Age: 25

Birthday: September 15th

Both of them had no time to spare as the gang was walking closer and closer to them.

Both of them nodded at each other and slowly walked out of the room, protecting Doctor Irene so that they can't see her.