
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Unreasonable people are the most respected

"Okami-kun we've to do this for the Clan." Sofu-san said.

"Oh for the Clan that loves pillaging and wouldn't have had a chance of joining Konohagakure if it weren't for my person."

"..."They didn't reply.

"Do my parents know about your deal?" Okami asked.

"Your mother doesn't know anything and your father has already agreed."

"Mhh Seems like I don't have a say in the matter... Hashirama-san, Tobirama-san what about your opinions?"

"For the peace of the village it is a necessary sacrifice... and they'll not treat unjustly..." Tobirama said.

"..." Hashirama didn't say anything and it seems like he was coerced into agreeing.

"Oh so once I get enslaved can I leave the village then?"

"No you'll be part of the Hyuga Clan as such you have to do what is in the Hyuga Clans best of interest, meaning you'll stay in the village and you'll do what is asked of you."

Hyu said.

"Oh I have to do what is asked of me...don't you mean I have to do what I am told to do like a slave."

"Well if you like that word so much then yes you'll be a slave."

Madara was just looking at the show and waiting to see how Okami would deal with this problem.

"Mhh so you all have agreed to use this method to control me. Well let me ask you something what if your Jutsu doesn't work or what if I don't agree?"

"Well if you don't want to agree you just need to give you eyes to the Hyuga-Clan and there has never been a case where our Jutsu didn't work." Hyu said.

"Mhh so if I gave you my eyes...I would be free?"

"...yes." Hyu replied.

"Okay why not, being blind is still better than being a slave." Before anyone could even react he poked his eyes out and threw them onto the table.

Tears of blood were slowly dripping from Okamis face.

"So I am blind now. Anything else you want to take from me?" Okami said while smiling but you could see all the muscles in his face twitching.

"..." no one said a word.

"Okay I think we're done here. Do I have to pay another price if I want to learn medical Ninjutsu Hashirama-san?"


"Okay then please excuse me I'll go now...Madara Sensei I am off...also let me tell you all something from this moment onwards I am cutting all relations to the Kaguya-Clan a Clan that cannot protect its members isn't worth being part of. From now on my name shall be Okami Ootsutsuki."

"Okami-kun..." Sobo-san tried saying something.

"Old granny you've sold me out. Don't you dare call me Okami-kun it is Okami-san to you." While saying this sentence he released his aura completely as he left the room and Hashirama, Tobirama, Hyu, Sobo-san and Sofu-san broke out in cold sweat.

"Have we really been threatening someone with such an dangerous aura."

"Hahahahaha you all are as stupid as always...hahaha..." Madara suddenly broke out laughing.

"Madara you have to talk with that boy." Tobirama said.

"Madara-san please talk to my Grandson and make him understand we had no other choice."

" Madara please solve this misunderstanding."

"Hahaha are you all stupid? What misunderstanding? What [no other choice]? Why should I talk to him Tobirama?" Madara kept on laughing.

"All of you wanted to control him, by using family ties and you even forced him to pull out his eyeballs. Did you really think a disciple of mine would hesitate, compromise or accept being a slave?"


"You've lost him. Okami is no longer a Kaguya Clan member as he himself said and you Hyūga Clan guys better stay away from my disciple. The consequences of what you all just did will be serious..."

"What do you mean Madara? He's only a ten year old boy."

"Haha Hyu you idiot won't you understand it unless I spell it out for you? Okami is as Strong as me and Hashirama. Do you think anyone in your Clan has a chance against him, even you yourself could survive for no more than half an hour unless someone comes and helps you." Madara said while his smile was wide he was totally showing his Schadenfreude.

Only now did they realise what kind of person they've threatened...meanwhile Okami bandaged his eyes and used his skill to create a mask to cover his face. On the mask were Symbols engraved which made it impossible for it to com off unless he himself took it off.

Also he used his cells to recreate his eyes, honestly did they think he was an idiot.

"Ai we'll make Madara into the second Hokage and then leave this Village. I understand now why the original plot happened every person in this world is a spineless coward and they all hope someone else is going to pay the price for them...see Itachis fate, see Obitos fate see everyone's fate."

[Boss please calm down. According to the scan you've reached a never before seen level on your anger index.]

"Ai, I am angry but I am calm. These people have provoked me and they wanted to take my freedom."

[Boss please don't do something that you'll regret.]

"Oh and what would I regret? Killing innocent isn't my way of doing things but I have no problem with doing it. The big question now will be who is going to be the second Hokage if it is Sensei then I'll pass on getting my revenge for this insult but if they chose Tobirama then they better be prepared to reap what they've sown."

Okami made his way to his parents home.

"Mom I am back."

A woman came running to the front door.

"Okami is that you? Welcome home. Why are you wearing a mask?" She asked the moment she saw him.

"I have hurt my Face mom and now I have to wear this mask for sometime but everything will be fine." He reassured his mother and they kept talking and talking until evening.

"Chiasa I heard Okamis back." Okosunes voice sounded from the entrance.

Chiasa went to the front door to greet her husband but when they returned to the living room Okami was already gone.

He had no intention of meeting that traitor and should he meet him then he knew for sure that he couldn't remain calm and he didn't want to make his mother worry.

"Where is that boy he was here just a second ago." Chiasa said with a frown.

"He doesn't want to meet me."

"Why you are his father."

"Well sometimes boys will be like that."

Late at night while everyone was sleeping Okami was sitting all alone outside wondering if this place really was his home.

"Okami-kun why are you all alone outside?"

"Oh Sensei where should I be if not outside?"

"Well shouldn't you be at home."

"Sensei this place is not my home anymore that man sold me out. This village sold me out."

"Yes he did and once more yes they did. What are you going to do now?"

"Are you asking about my attitude towards the village?"

"Yes Hashirama, Tobirama, Hyu and your grandparents are worried and they asked me to talk to you."

"Oh it isn't all that complicated Sensei. You know me, if you become Hokage everything will be fine otherwise I'll deal with this Village like how I dealt with all my enemies so far."

"In other words you'll start a vendetta against Konohagakure if I don't become the leader here?"

"Exactly. I know you are here Hashirama and Tobirama so no need to hide."

Two more people emerged from the shadows.


"Okami-san. You use kun for someone younger but I am as strong as your brother Hashirama and if you show disrespect one more time I'lol attack you directly Tobirama."

Tobiramas whole body felt like a block of ice what is this pressure.

"Stop Okami-kun." Hashirama blocked Okamis path and pushed Tobirama behind himself.

"Oh the Hokage-sama has spoken. Sure I'll leave your baby brother alone. What do you want from me by coming here?"

"I want to make peace with you."

"Peace? Sure you've got your peace now leave me alone."

"Okami how dare you be so impolite to the Hokage."

Boom. A fist hit Tobirama straight in the face sending him flying towards the mountain where the Hokages heads would be engraved.

"Tobirama I warned you. To. You. I. Am. Okami. San." Okami said it slowly wird by word.

"Okami stay calm. Oh I am calm Sensei but unlike you I won't tolerate his attitude anymore because of that idiots little plots I am now blind. I won't tolerate even one misstep of his." Okami said

"Okami-kun can we please sit down and talk."

Hashirama said.

"Sure. Please take a seat I don't have a home or any tea to offer to you so the fresh night Air must suffice for now."

"Sure no problem." A table and for seats made of wood suddenly grew out of the ground and Hashirama directly sat down.

"What will it take for you to forgive the Hyuga and the Kaguya Clan?"

"Oh for the Kaguya Clan there will be no forgiveness needed I'll deal with those who sold me out. And for the Hyuga Clan I want both of Hyu's arms but he shall keep his life. I'll stay blind unable to see the world and he shall be maimed unable to touch the world. That sounds fair to me." Okami said.

Tobirama returned at this point and sat down the right side of his face was swollen.

Madara also sat down but didn't say anything.

"Okami-san you're being unreasonable." Tobirama said.

"Oh Tobirama I learned something today from you all, unreasonable people are the most respected. See after just being a bit unreasonable and face slapping you, you have already learned to add san to my name. And if I were unreasonable from the beginning Hyu wouldn't have dared provoking me. But if I forgive him too easily he won't learn anything from all of this and will keep riding his high horse."

"Can't we find another solution Okami-kun?"

"Oh sure there's another option give me all the members of the sub Family."



"Okami-kun both of the things you want are a good choice I am proud of you."

"Thank you Sensei."

"So there is no other alternative Okami-kun."

"None, Hashirama-san. Let me make a suggestion though leave the Hokage seat right now and let my Sensei be Hokage and I'll forgive Hyu, how about it?"


"Brother you cannot agree to his demand."

"Whatever you decide It'll stay between us and won't be revealed to anyone apart us four."

"Okami-kun I can't leave this position yet."

"So we've decided that Hyu has to pay."


