
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Finally I am doing my first step as an Ninja.

"Okay I will teach you how to use Chakra but first..."

"What is it Sensai Madara?"

„First tell me why didn't I allow you to train chakra until now?"

"Don't know maybe you're lazy, maybe because I am your first student and you had to find someone to teach you how to teach, maybe you're lazy, maybe you wanted to see if I'll follow your orders so as to make conclusions about my character, maybe you're lazy, maybe my I was too young for chakra training and maybe you're just lazy."

Madara's face looked constipated.

"So Okami-kun thinks that I am lazy?!" Madara's voice sounded quite pleasant and his smile was as welcoming as always but there was an underlying tone of threat.

"No. No. No. I would never dare to say that out loud." Okami tried pleading.

"But you would dare to say it in an quite voice." Madara said.

[Boss seems like your Sensei understands all your little tricks.] Ai taunted.

"Hahaha Sensei you're kidding me right." Okami tried glossing it over.

"Well Okami-kun seems like you can't give me an proper answer..."

"Ai help me answer him."

[Boss in my data there's an ancient approach to training Chakra which was later on given up because of the difficulties it included. Chakra is not a meant to be used to power Jutsu's it was originally meant to be used for peace in an wide variety of fields. As such it was meant for medical purposes, meditation and enhancement of one self. But after humanity got their hands on it they mainly focused on being able to unleash the most possible destruction upon their enemies.]

"Fast tell me everything about this method." He said in his mind to Ai while saying to Madara.

"Sensei give me a second to think you're asking me such an sophisticated question while I am only a five year old boy... you can't expect me to have an answer immediately."

"A five year old boy that was able to write when he was barely 6 months old. A five year old boy that survived many more confrontations with wild beasts than many Senior Shinobi have done. Who are you kidding Okami-kun?"

"If I knew being outstanding was going to bite me in the ass I would have behaved much more low key." Okami murmured his complaints to himself.

But who do you think Madara is he totally could hear what Okami was complaining about.

"So you do know that you need to be more low key? Boy for the last few months you have not only ruined this village and done the exact opposite of why I joined up with Hashirama, you have also gone and started involving innocent people. Do you know how often I wanted to beat you up? Just yesterday some of your goons wanted to rob me for the 9th time this month. This is the actual reason I am seeking you out but nah you had to ask me about chakra..." Madara was not actually all that much annoyed because he knew Okami was not an evil minded person he was just unconventional in most things he did.

"Sensei you told me to steal those Scrolls but I am unable to do that but what I am able to do is stealing the village." Okami said matter of factly.



"...so you want to steal the Scrolls be stealing the village with everything they own."

"Yes. Also we need a [Base]. You becoming the second Hokage is something that might or might not happen but having a [Base] has many advantages."

"Oh and what advantage do you see in owning this rundown village? Well first of all we can research many kinds of Jutsus, second we can make money by doing missions and finally we will not be alone. In the case of you becoming Hokage we'll just use the village as income source in the case of you not becoming Hokage we'll relocate and take anyone who's willing with us. And we won't be labeled as Missing-Nin because they don't want to oppose another Village... So like that we won't lose our reputation and our Clans have an escape route should the case that Tobirama becomes Hokage and is out for blood."

"Mhh quite a cunning move for an five year old wouldn't you say? Okami-kun why are you not taking over with brute force? As far as I know with your Kekkei Genkai's it shouldn't be much of an challenge."

"The reason for that is also as simple as it is complicated. Madara Sensei you're quite strong wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes I am. Why are you asking?"

"If I take over with brute force and prove my strength, it would end up the same as with you and Uchiha-Clan. They'll leave me hanging when I need them. So I have to make them believe it's their own will that I become their leader. In fact they'll think I am doing them a favor by leading them because I am stronger and I am protecting them even when I could just leave. This is something that the Uchiha Clan didn't feel towards you and also the reason why I think they'll come to regret their decision in few year's time."

"Mhh interesting you're caring about what the weaklings are thinking?"

"Ai, what have you found out about that ancient training method?"

[Boss it seems like the concept is about "lacking exposure". The less you have something the more you appreciate it and start thinking about how to properly use your lacking resources. So by not allowing you to touch on Chakra you're eager to have it and thought about all the situations where you could have used it. So your mind is open to new ideas and your body isn't tainted by Chakra. What most people don't know about is how the moment you start training your Chakra you will start developing an affinity but if you start training later you can postpone this and maybe even aim for affinity with all elements.]

"Mhh Sensei I think I know why you wanted me to wait for such a long time..." And Okami begann re-telling what Ai told him moments ago.

"Okami-kun you're right I want you to learn how to use Chakra for more things than just using it to fuel your Jutsus. The world is made up of the five basic elements: Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning and Earth, additionally there's also Yin and Yang. The training regime I've chosen for you is a rather old fashioned one and aims for mastering all of these basics and further allowing you to recombine them into powerful combinations which might even be counted as Kekkei Genkai's."

And then Madara explained the training regime to Okami. Okami completely clueless that this explanation will be the beginning of the most horrendous experience in his life.

Madara would throw Okami into all kind of locations with dense "Nature Energy", sometimes for weeks or months making him fight by only using that "certain" kind of Chakra but right now Okami didn't know how much he would have to endure in the not so far future.

And all that torture for the sole purpose of becoming able to become [Kami no Shinobi] the greatest Ninja of all times called the God os Shinobi at least Madara intended to make Okami into that Shinobi because Okami was his first and only disciple.

This chapter is actually meant for tomorrow butbecause it is the weekend I think I will just write one more chapter.

So just enjoy the chapter for now :)

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