
Are You Crazy? He's only an Intern Lawyer?

Attorney Zhang Qiansheng, a criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience, had won more than 2,000 lawsuits and helped countless tycoons escape conviction, earning himself a fortune worth hundreds of millions. Standing in the courtroom, he struck fear into the hearts of those who heard of him, chilling them to the bone. But due to an accident, his soul transmigrated into the body of Zhang Wei, a law student from a parallel universe's Blue Star. Since then, the underachieving law student Zhang Wei had transformed into an unbeatable attorney! And this time, with the help of a Simple-minded person, he slowly transformed from the ruthless attorney Zhang Qiansheng into the compassionate and righteous good lawyer, Zhang Wei.

Some Dog · Urban
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368 Chs

Chapter 9 The prosecution's witness, I summon myself!

Translator: 549690339

The jury selection was complete.

The result defied the expectations of the law school professors.

Zhang Hui had dismissed five male students, and Zhang Wei had also dismissed quite a few male students.

All along, they had believed that Zhang Wei would try to keep the male students, but the outcome turned out to be unexpected.

"The court now announces that jury selection is complete, and the trial will start promptly at 1 PM. Everyone may now go have lunch!"

Judge Geng Hongxia once again banged the gavel, signifying the end of the pretrial.

"Junior, your questioning was quite surprising; I had thought you would keep the male students. However, during the trial, whether they are male or female, it won't significantly impact the outcome,"

Zhang Hui passed by Zhang Wei, leaving behind a light remark.

"I had no choice, I wasn't sure if any of these people might be fawning over the female students so I just got rid of all I could!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and chuckled, "What can you do when sycophants get no house."

Zhang Hui, leading Jia Meili and others, left, and the auditorium was temporarily dismissed.

Meanwhile, Zhang Wei and his two companions also gathered together.

"Zhang Wei, why did you dismiss so many male students?" Luo Xiaobu was the first to burst out.

"Didn't I tell you? Sycophants get no good end!" Zhang Wei appeared entirely innocent.

Seeing Zhang Wei feigning innocence, Xia Qianyue couldn't hold back either, "Good end my foot, they're all female students! Although I'm not a law student, even I can see that this doesn't look good for you!"

However, Zhang Wei shook his head confidently, "You're wrong, the situation is very favorable for me. I hold the advantage in this trial!"

Luo Xiaobu and Xia Qianyue exchanged glances, both seeing a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

"Silly person, do you dislike Jia Meili?"

"Of course, I can't stand that woman!"

"Why do you dislike her?"

"Because she's two-faced and no good!"

"There you go, you detest Jia Meili because you know she's not a good person. We just need to prove this point, right?"

"Let's go, I'm starving. Let's have lunch together!"

With that, he pulled Xia Qianyue and Luo Xiaobu with him, heading straight for the cafeteria.


Lunchtime passed quickly.

After a brief rest, the crowd gathered again in the auditorium.

A mock trial is different from a formal trial, so the interval between sessions is shorter.

Usually, after selecting a jury in the morning, the trial with hearings and defenses begins in the afternoon.

At 1 PM, it was time to start the trial.

"Everyone, please rise, the presiding judge will now enter!"

A trial needs a sense of ceremony.

The entire room stood up, awaiting Geng Hongxia's arrival.

"Let the trial begin!"

Geng Hongxia announced the start of the trial and nodded to Zhang Wei in recognition.

As the prosecution, it was his turn to make the opening statement.

Zhang Wei also read from the script, laying out his claims and the purpose of the lawsuit.

He was seeking to recover two years' worth of tutoring fees, totaling 80,000 yuan, plus 20,000 yuan for emotional damages.

Zhang Hui, however, argued that this was a matter of gift-giving and that his client, Jia Meili, shouldn't have to pay for Zhang Wei's generosity.

Both sides' statements were ordinary but managed to convey their points within three minutes.

Typically, during opening statements, especially in civil lawsuits, it is common for the plaintiff to recite the complaint and then for the defendant to read the already submitted answer, and the procedure continues accordingly.

However, such presentations are too formulaic, often failing to achieve the intended effects of the prosecution and defense.

For law students, this is acceptable, as fancier openings and overly dramatic statements, while attention-grabbing for the jury and students in the auditorium, might displease the law school professors and leadership.

The leaders were present throughout, quite the burden.

After the opening statements were concluded, it was time for the eagerly anticipated confrontation between the prosecution and defense.

Zhang Wei stood up first and called out, "The prosecution summons Ms. Zhang Wen as the first witness to testify!"

In the audience, a middle-aged woman stood up and quickly took her seat in the witness stand.

At the defense table, Zhang Hui and others showed no surprise.

She was the first witness on the list, serving as a librarian at East University University.

Even what she would testify to was something they had all guessed at long ago.

"Good morning, Ms. Zhang."

"Little Zhang, good morning!"

"Ms. Zhang, may I ask what your job is at East University…"

"I'm a librarian at East University University, responsible for managing the borrowing of books and the maintenance of the library…"

"Oh, then may I ask, Ms. Zhang, are you familiar with me and the defendant?"

"Of course, Little Zhang. You are a frequent visitor to the library, often delving into your studies there since your first academic year. It is quite rare to see students as studious as you."

"And do you know the defendant?"

"Yes, I remember she began coming to the library often after her second year, frequently sitting with you. I even saw you tutoring her sometimes…"

Zhang Wei asked the witness several questions in succession, all pertaining to matters of the library.

The testimony described how both Zhang Wei and Jia Meili often spent time in the library and how Zhang Wei acted as a mentor, diligently tutoring Jia Meili with her coursework.

In the witness stand, as well as the jury box, many students nodded unconsciously.

"Alright, the prosecution has completed its questioning!"

Zhang Wei smiled at Zhang Hui before ending his questioning and returning to the plaintiff's bench.

Then it was Zhang Hui's turn.

"Witness Ms. Zhang, may I ask how long have you been a librarian?"

"Almost ten years now; I've been working at East University since my graduation."

"You just mentioned that it is quite unusual to see someone like Zhang Wei constantly at the library, but that doesn't mean there aren't any, right?"

"Yes, there are many students at East University, and in the past, I have seen a few as serious as him."

"So, did these students also have study partners?"

The witness thought for a moment, then nodded: "Some did."

A smile tugged at the corner of Zhang Hui's mouth; after such a long build-up, it was time for her move.

"Then witness, do you think that such study arrangements were voluntary for both parties?"

"They should be, after all, the students who go to the library are all…"


The witness was about to answer, but a discordant voice interrupted.

Zhang Wei stood up from the plaintiff's bench; he was the one who had objected.

"The defense attorney is leading the witness to speculation!"

On the bench, Geng Hongxia was slightly surprised but still nodded: "The objection is sustained; please rephrase your question!"

In the visitor's seats, Yang Qingquan was equally surprised.

Normally, attorneys have the right to object to the other side's questioning, but they typically need to provide a reason, which tests the lawyer's ability to think on their feet.

Zhang Hui's questioning was leading the witness to speculate on the study intentions of those students at the time, something that could not be objectively judged and could only be subjectively guessed by the individuals themselves, so Zhang Wei's objection was indeed valid.

Many young lawyers forget they have this right during their first court appearance.

"This Zhang Wei is not simple at all!" Yang Qingquan's regard for Zhang Wei rose a notch.

In the courtroom, Zhang Hui had not expected to be interrupted by Zhang Wei.

Nevertheless, she collected her thoughts and continued to question: "Witness, you just said that Jia Meili joined Zhang Wei's study group in her second year; how was Zhang Wei's behavior at that time?"

"Zhang Wei seemed quite happy, and he was very attentive to the girl's studies, even staying up all night to write study reports."

After thinking, the witness recalled: "Once I saw him staying very late, so I went up to ask, and he said he was helping Jia Meili organize her coursework schedule because they needed it for the next day, so he had to stay up late to finish it."

"What time did Zhang Wei stay until?"

"He stayed until 11 PM, which is when the library closes."

Zhang Hui smiled and walked in front of the jury box, saying, "According to the witness, Zhang Wei was indeed very dedicated to my client!"

"So, may I ask the witness, during the two years of tutoring, did Zhang Wei ever receive any payment from my client?"

The witness shook her head: "No!"

"Did Zhang Wei ever proactively seek any benefits?"


"In your opinion, did Zhang Wei tutor my client willingly?"

"It seems... yes, he did!"

"My questioning is over!"

Zhang Hui returned to her seat, satisfied with achieving her objective.

Both the jury and the audience looked at Zhang Wei with peculiar gazes.

On the bench, Geng Hongxia tapped the gavel: "The first witness has been questioned by both parties, next..."

"Wait, because of the defense's questioning just now, I need to follow up with the witness!"

Zhang Wei stood up and looked at Geng Hongxia.

Geng Hongxia looked at Yang Qingquan, and seeing him give a slight nod, she also nodded in agreement.

Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand, gazing directly at the other person: "Witness, you just said I did it willingly, that's just your speculation, isn't it?"


"Very well!" Zhang Wei nodded, smiling as he asked, "Since you said so, how do you know I didn't have any other motives?"

He walked over to the jury, smiling: "If a guy goes to tutor a girl, what do you think is his motive?"

As soon as these words were spoken, both the jury and the audience became somewhat restless.

Many guys, even unconsciously, showed a smile, with a hint of lewdness in their expressions.

A guy helping a girl surely had an ulterior motive, offering help without expecting something in return was just talk; nine out of ten, they were after the girl's body!

Everyone knew this, but such things could not be said in court.

Zhang Wei continued his questioning: "Witness, you manage the library, right? Have you ever seen me outside of the library?"


"Given you can't leave the library during work hours, how would you know if I hadn't asked Miss Jia Meili for any favors outside the library? If I had asked for something in return elsewhere, my tutoring wouldn't have been willing, would it?"


The witness didn't know what to say.

Zhang Wei's point was valid; aside from the library, she indeed had never seen him and Jia Meili together elsewhere.

Zhang Wei smiled at the jury and was about to return to the plaintiff's seat.

But halfway back, he suddenly turned around, slapped his head, "Look at my memory, almost forgot to ask something. Witness, did you have any contact with the defendant's side this weekend?"

"Objection!" Zhang Hui finally couldn't stand it any longer and stood up.

"What is the basis of your objection?"

Zhang Hui paused for a few seconds, thought about it: "The prosecution is harassing the witness!"

"Your Honor, I am establishing whether the defense had any private contact with the witness, and whether they interfered with the witness's testimony, which also pertains to the credibility of the witness's statements!"

Geng Hongxia pondered for a moment, then looked at Zhang Wei: "Prosecutor, remember to speak with evidence, or I will rule that you are harassing the witness. The objection is overruled for now!"

Zhang Hui reluctantly sat down, while Zhang Wei smiled again and turned his attention back to the witness.

"Miss Zhang Wen, please answer my question, did you have any contact with anyone from the defendant's side over the weekend?"

The witness glanced at the defense and shook her head.

"Oh, I didn't hear your answer?"

Zhang Wei pressed on unrelentingly: "It's a simple question, whether you had contact with someone on the defense, please answer 'yes' or 'no'!"

"No, I didn't have any contact!"

"Really? Then I'm curious!"

Zhang Wei said, pulling a note out of his pocket and then asked, "How come I have a classmate telling me they saw Yuan Dong at the library looking for you yesterday at 11:23 a.m. during lunch break?"

"Even though it was the weekend, and most students wouldn't go to the library, it's quite a coincidence that one did, and they saw you with Yuan Dong. Should I have them come forward and confront you about this?"

Zhang Wei pressed on relentlessly: "Witness, you must realize that you are sitting on the witness stand. Even though this is a mock trial, if we find out you've lied under oath, you will be subject to moral censure and this act will go on record."

"You need to think carefully about your answer. East University does not need a liar for a librarian!"

Pressed by Zhang Wei's interrogation, the witness became flustered.

After a long pause, she hesitantly said: "I... I did see..."

"Saw whom?"


The witness pointed at Yuan Dong.

Suddenly, all eyes in the courtroom were on Yuan Dong.

Next to Yuan Dong, Zhang Hui inwardly cursed her luck,

She quickly stood up and explained, "I declare that Yuan Dong is not a member of the defendant's party, but attended the trial simply out of concern for classmate Jia Meili. Now, I will have him return to the observers' bench!"

Yuan Dong had no choice but to trudge back to the observers' bench.

Zhang Hui added, "Yuan Dong is not a member of the defendant's party, and all his actions were taken on his own initiative. Our side and the client had no knowledge of his actions whatsoever!"

This explanation seemed somewhat like sacrificing a pawn to save the chariot.

"Oh~ You had no knowledge whatsoever?"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei laughed, "Alright then, since Sister Zhang Hui has said so, I'll take your word for it~"

"I believe the jury will also trust your explanation that Yuan Dong really acted on his own initiative to contact the witness and that he has absolutely~ absolutely nothing to do with you and classmate Jia Meili, right?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's sarcastic remark, Zhang Hui's face distorted, but she was unable to retaliate.

This Zhang Wei is such a jerk!

"Alright, I have finished my questioning!"

Zhang Wei returned to the plaintiff's bench, and both the observers' and jurors' gazes towards the defense carried a trace of doubt.

Clearly, they all believed that Yuan Dong couldn't have approached the witness on his own.

In the audience.

Yang Qingquan watched Zhang Wei, his gaze having shifted from initial surprise to admiration.

Especially the added questions just now, and the last question he asked, perfectly pointed out the potential issues with the defense, turning the trial proceedings in his own favor.

Many people on trial actually don't dare to ask such questions, risking offending the judge by harassing the witness.

Even many young lawyers don't dare to speak loudly in court, yet Zhang Wei's performance was beyond my expectations!

Thump thump thump!

Seeing some commotion in the trial, Geng Hongxia once again knocked the gavel and announced loudly, "The testimony of the first witness has concluded. Does the prosecution wish to summon the second witness?"

"Certainly, Your Honor!"

Zhang Wei stood up again, dusting off his suit, "I summon myself as a witness!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the courtroom erupted into murmurs.

Forget other faculties, even many students from the law school were confounded.

Summoning oneself as a witness, how come we've never heard of this trick? It's not taught in the textbooks, is it?

Zhang Wei, however, sneered; summoning oneself was nothing, when necessary he could even summon his opponent.

When he had lawsuits in the past, he had even summoned prosecutors from the Procuratorate's Office!

Compared to the past, when he matched wits with the elite of the Procuratorate, these were just small scenes.

"Respected Your Honor, and everyone at the observers' bench, leaders, and students, what I want to clarify is that everyone has the duty to testify in court. As long as they're summoned lawfully, they're required to testify, including myself. As for the questioning, my assistant attorney Luo Xiaobu will carry it out, so there's no need to worry about any self-questioning scenarios," he explained, then took a seat in the witness stand.

Luo Xiaobu, seeing all eyes on him, swallowed hard. His legs trembled as he stood from his seat.

Although the questions he was to ask were already prepared by Zhang Wei, still, the pressure was immense.

Especially from the observers' bench where a group of law school professors were watching him, he felt as if their gazes could pierce through him.

A few seconds' walk felt like three or four times longer as he finally approached Zhang Wei.

"Witness, please... your opinion about the tutoring?" Luo Xiaobu began to ask, his mouth trembling, but he was able to manage reading from his notes.

Zhang Wei paused for a moment, then began to narrate, "I believe I invested two years of time for classmate Jia Meili, and during the trial I have also submitted evidence to prove this. Two years, a total of 20 months, 320 days, amounting to 800 hours of effort; I deserve compensation!"

"Everyone can calculate, with 800 hours, 320 days, what can you do? You could complete a course, extraordinary talents could even finish several courses. You could stay up nights writing hundreds of articles, type up 20 theses, complete a dozen or so graduation projects. Even if you used this time for part-time jobs, with an hourly wage of 20 yuan, that would be an income of over ten thousand yuan, right?"

"Hmm, I think I understand!" Luo Xiaobu nodded, took a deep breath, and continued to inquire, "Then please tell us, what did classmate Jia Meili gain from your tutoring?"

Zhang Wei looked towards the defendant's bench and smiled, "She gained an improvement in her course grades. I remember in the beginning, she was not up to standard in several subjects, even failing all assessments. However, during the two years of tutoring, her academic performance improved significantly, and eventually she passed all her assessments!"

"Hmm, in that case, your tutoring was very effective!"

Luo Xiaobu nodded solemnly, but immediately asked, "So, what did you gain in return?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing!"

Zhang Wei's expression grew colder, succinctly stating, "Not even a single 'thank you' from Jia Meili!" "Even when you throw a steamed bun to a dog, it will wag its tail, but Jia Meili is worse than a dog!"

As soon as he said this, murmurs spread across the audience, and many people started whispering to each other.

It never crossed their minds that Zhang Wei would use the trial to insult Jia Meili!