
Are my dreams real???

after a long night of gaming. Bari goes towards his bed to sleep and when you open eyes Bari see yourself in a world of magic??

Nirio · Fantasy
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2 Chs



"bye guys see you!"

a 17- to 18-year-old boy was streamed to apparently 112 people. as soon as the camera turned off, tiredness took over the young man's face.

"I'll never do a 24-hour live again." said the young man while stretching. the young man looked around the basement where he lived looking for the clock that must have been on the wall.

"....well I sold the watch."

Turning to the pc, the hours arrived.

"11:00 pm I'm glad I started the live last night otherwise my sleep would go to hell."

'Wait, was I talking to myself? I really have to stop this mania.

' '.... what was I going to do again? sure sleep.'

getting out of the plastic chair he was sitting on and walking to the bed at the bottom of the stairs. as soon as he fell into bed and covered himself with the sheets sleep came like a sledgehammer to charge the 24 hours without sleep. the last thought her sleepy mind could muster at that moment was that.

"I'll never do a 24-hour live again!"

•a while later•

a silence took over the basement but if you focus you can hear a slight sound of breathing. without warning a small hole opened in the wall next to the young man. and from there came a black ring with the green antlers of an elk. as soon as the ring fell on the young man it began to emit a green, black and blue light. that entered the boy's brain.

the young man who wasn't having a dream today suddenly found himself in an empty space and totally dark except for the only ray of light which was a white cover book.

The young man, paying attention to the book, looked down at his feet and froze.

he saw something moving underneath him and it wasn't just one. without really thinking about his own action he did what most humans do when they are in a dark place they run to the nearest light. so the young man grabbed the book that was floating towards him.

'What a fucking dream!'

The young man kept looking down waiting for a cosmic being or one from hp lovecraft to appear. but what came after he grabbed the book was just the silence of emptiness.

the book started to shine bright enough that not even closing my eyes and putting my hands in front of my eyes was enough to contain the light emitted by the book.

as the light began to fade he found himself in a white room in front of a PC much like the one in the basement except everyone's brand on the pc was a moose and the colors were white black and green.

'...is this room made for me to calm down?'

it was the only explanation in the young man's mind after he wanted to leave that dark and "empty" place for a safer place.

'...my safe place is my PC? ...it makes sense.'

even thinking all that to explain this whole situation still he felt like he was a little safer here than in that emptiness.

'well let's see what this PC does.'

even afraid and apprehensive was the book that had now become a PC that had all the answers to his questions.

as soon as the young man sat in the chair and turned on the pc the screen started to turn on the startup screen was a black fur moose with green horns. the young man felt that it was looking at him with complicated feelings. before he could think too much about it the screen had finally come on. the home screen was pretty limbo and uncluttered it didn't have a trash can to delete files and all apps were in the lower left corner.

there were only three applications called world, a store and an application called transfer. the world app was shaped like a black planet and no matter what i clicked on it would not open. like nothing was there. the store was not accessible and had the shape of a white chest with a red jewel in the center. the last one to be tested was the transfer.

the app transfer looked like a green ray.as soon as i opened the app i was greeted with a character creation screen.

the character was random. but I could change some things like the name and flaws and talents other than that I couldn't change anything else. I started with the name and put my name on the character.

Name: Bari.

14 years

Type of life: vagabond.

inheritance: none.

Talents: Magic and Mutable Genes.

Lifetime: 29 years.

Defects: lifespan shortened by 30 years and without right eye.

I might add one more feat because of the life-killing defect. I chose the accelerated learning speed to curb this defect a little.well i started to get the talents that the root character had.

Magic: You can learn magic.

Mutable genes: Beast genes are more easily accepted by your body.

well that was all I could do so I clicked to transfer the character to a world called "Wizards and Beasts." as soon as i clicked everything went black.


"let's wake up you bags of shit!"

that's how i woke up in another world blind in one eye looking with my one good eye at the 25 year old in front of me.