
The Fact About Serry

After finishing eating, Hano, Stefa, and Taera got ready to go to the hospital. Stefa, who didn't have time to change clothes, finally borrowed Taera's clothes to wear to the hospital. She only realized that she hadn't changed after she finished eating. They then set off while bringing some food and drinks for Ardilo's family. Meanwhile, Taera's Mom will follow after Taera's Dad comes home. When leaving for the hospital, Stefa told Taera what had happened in college.

"Tae, do you know that I slapped our friend?" said Stefa to Taera.

"What? Slap? Why do you like to slap people? Don't make it a habit," said Taera.

"Well, yes, Tae, she can't contain her emotions," said Hano.

"After all, they say a bad thing about you. I can't stay silent. I can't just leave it like that," said Stefa, who was a little emotional. She remembered what had happened.

"What did she say about me?" Taera asked.