
Chapter 6

Rainer coughed up blood and shakingly stood up. Everything the copy had said shook him to his core. Yet Rainer was no longer angry. He was saddened “You’re right. I am weak. I was always weak. I wanted to be like Cleo, I wanted it so badly that I never thought about who I was. I just wanted to be liked for once. I stepped on a battlefield and all people saw was a mindless killing machine. Off the battlefield they feared me, and ignored me. Cleo was the only one who spared a thought for my well-being. I just wanted to be like her.”

Rainer tightly gripped his sword and kneeled in front of the copy.

Tears rolled down his face as he began to stand tall. “But now it’s different. I’m not trying to be like her, not anymore. I have my own way of doing things. I can change everything.”

Rainer wiped the tears from his face with the sleeve of his coat, and looked back at a disappointed copy of himself.

“You are Rainer the Mercenary, and I am Rainer Arden.” Rainer gripped his sword and pointed it towards the copy. “It’s time the past stayed where it belongs.”

The copy stared back and smiled a sly smile. “How cheesy. Well if that’s all I'm getting out of you, then you don't deserve to go any further.”

Rainer and the copy stepped onto the lake and prepared their battle stances. They both charged in with their swords ready to decimate the other. Rainer dodged the first strike and maneuvered behind him. The copy turned and continued his assault of slashes. Rainer was more focused now that he knew what he was facing. His movements were no longer sluggish, and he was able to dodge and parry the attacks with precision.

With one final parry, Rainer created an opening for a strike of his own; he moved in with a quick thrust to the copy’s chest, but his attack was unsuccessful when the copy jumped back.

The copy seemed frustrated, he wasn’t expecting a second wind from his opponent.

“What’s the matter? Are you scared of me?” Rainer taunted him.

The copy chuckled “There’s that smart mouth.”

Once again the two charged at the other with full force. The water behind them burst like an explosion and covered the area like rain. Their swords clashed many times and the sound of metal echoed through the forest. The ferocity of the battle was on a level Rainer had never experienced. Each attempted strike either grazed the other or completely missed.

Rainer backed away from the battle and summoned a fireball in his hand. The copy ran towards him to attack, but the attack was dodged. Rainer threw the fire into the water, forcing an explosion of steam. The thick smoke covered the area, and it was difficult for the copy to see anything.

Rainer took this opportunity to take a quick breath while the copy searched for him. “A frontal attack won’t work. He has the same fighting ability I do. I’m almost completely drained of prana and mana. I only have enough for one more spell. If I don't think of something, I won’t survive.”

“You think this smokescreen can hide you? It’s pathetic.” The copy swung his sword in a full circle, clearing most of it around him. Rainer was still hidden in the smoke but it was starting to clear.

Rainer gripped his sword “I have one chance. I have to time this next attack perfectly.”

The smoke began to dissipate and Rainer ran in from the copy’s left side. The copy noticed him immediately and attacked him directly. Once again they were locked in close combat, but Rainer was slowing down. More and more of the copy’s attacks were getting through his defenses.

Rainer was covered in minor scratches and a few slightly deep cuts. It did not stop him from continuing his fight. “Just as I thought. You’re still far too weak.” said the copy.

With a hard swing, the copy knocked Rainer a few feet back. Rainer began to prepare a fireball in his hand. “Not this time!” yelled the copy as he made it in front of Rainer in time to halt him from completing his spell. Rainer parried the attack but was knocked off balance. And was open for another strike.

The copy took a step forward to deliver the final strike but felt a sharp sting in his right leg. He fell to his knees, unable to move. He turned his head and saw a sword piercing through his leg.

Rainer smiled as he stood in front of the copy. “The fire was a misdirection. You were materializing a sword in the smokescreen the whole time. Then waited until I was focused on only you.” The copy looked up at Rainer and clicked his tongue in frustration but with a slight smile. “Maybe there is hope for Rainer Arden after all.”

Rainer lifted his sword with both hands above his head. “If it weren’t for you. There wouldn’t be.”

“Then so ends my tale.” replied the copy, bowing his head to Rainer

Rainer swung the sword downwards and cleaved the copy’s shoulder, stopping the blade once it had cut the heart. “Rainer the Mercenary. Is no more.” muttered the copy with his final breath before shattering like glass.

The fragments of the copy reformed once more but this time in the shape of a crimson scarf. Rainer laid out his hand and let it fall gently onto his palm. “My essence, a blood soaked past.” He felt refreshed just holding the scarf. Rainer wrapped the long scarf around his neck and let the ends fall to just below his waist.

“On this I swear to the dead mercenary. I will change Earth for the better.” He said with confidence in his voice.