
Foolish little brother

I Struggled to hide my grin, as he saw the headbutt do know damage, not even so much of a flinch, in fact the only reason why I let him go was to save himself from his own embarrassment, but it seems that it failed.

"I smiled at him, "Now why don't you come at me with more effort."

""Tch." Samael snarled, he got in a stance, and powered up, an a Dazzling aura appeared around him, he vanished from his spot once more, I blocked his punch as he appeared in front of me, a stream from force of the punch appeared for a quick second before it disappeared. He raised his clocked his other arm backwards before he thrust it forward oncee again, once again, I blocked it, the streams appeared and disappeared once more. I looked at him, My lips quirked upwards as a small smirk formed, something he noticed, his own lips twisting into a snarl,.

He stared to do a repittitive process, Punch after punch after punch, Block after Block After Block, Each becoming much stronger, and much faster. It wasn't that long before eventually. *BANG!* His punches started to break the sound barrier, Soon each punch was followed after the Bang, before it turned to another weird sound, it was a whistle sort of... *Sheeeer! My eyes widened, as my smirk grew, His speed surpassed light, the fist was now flying beyond warp speeds and almost instantaneous, which was not depended on how well trained you are, beings only I and the presence could see clearly. I smiled at him, not bad indeed.

Samael started to kick, but I grabbed it, then I powered up slightly and started to spin, Samael's eyes widened at my sudden action, I let go, sending him sailing uncontrollably through the air. I teleported above him with both of my hands raised, together, and balled, before I slammed them into Samael's back, sending him flying to the ground, I appeared on the ground below, before I kicked him upwards in a horizontal direction, Samael Spread out his wings and stopped himself, he looked down at me with a hateful glare, "So, it seems that you can do more than just dodge after all," he sneered, He raised his hands, about 1000 light spears all formed and pointed at me, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

""Dodge this!" I smirked, I raised my hand and created a light construct, it was baseball bat shaped, my smirk grew as I rushed towards it, having my bat ready, I batted the spears away and dodged others, while heading straight towards him, Samael frowned as he watched me back flip back bend, matrix dodge, left side step, right side step, left flip right fliip front flip, all while continuing to run towards him. Samael let out a grunt and his Aura expanded he roared as he charged at me. The smirk left my face, as I charged above the spears and attacked him head on, he attacked me with the same ferocity,



B-B-B-BANG! *B-B-BOOM!!!!!*

We disappeared and reappeared, both of us showing a barrage of punches and kicks, before we disappeared again, only to reappear in another close area, throwing another barrage of punches and kicks. Samael roared as he charged forward, two energy blades out, I bent my back to see him sailing pass me, only to put my hands on the ground pushed upwards, kicking him across space. I pushed onto my feat and followed after him, becoming a trail of bluish white, I reappeared above him and slammed him into the ground, only to appear below him and give him a devastating uppercut. I reappeared above him I twisted my body as I spun spreading my legs in a certain angle before I delivered a devastating dropkick,

Samael crashed into the ground with a loud thud, I looked at him with a smile, and thought inwardly, 'his power is at his peak, which is as I expected, but I only went half of my base power.' I looked at him with a small smile, "You've done well brother, I could see the improvement, but I could also tell that this is your limit, it would be wise if you stop now."

he looked at me in anger, and his frustrations were shown so clearly, that even a blind person appeared. unleashing a devastating blast of magic, using the afterimage technique I vanished, with my image still there for a moment, slowly fading, Samael was confused for a moment. He started to glance around, until he felt a tap, his neck snapped and he twisted his body and unleashed another devastating blast of energy, that energy landed only to travel right through,

""Face me Kakarot, are you that much of a coward to not fight me face to face!"

He saw me from the distance and shot another blast of energy, only for it to fade, this went on for a long moment, before his rage grew to him,

"KAKAROT SHOW YOURSELF!" Samael roared, he fired another beam at what he saw only for it to fade again.

"a voice spoke, "There is more to battle than what you know, what you are using is only one small sense, but there are others, if you only focus with your eyes you will never find me."

"'SHUT UP!" a Sphere of pure energy encased Samael, "RAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Samael gave off one final roar and unleashed thousands of energy blasts in all directions,

After a long moment, the Sphere faded from his body. and he panted, sweat dripped from his body. He smirked, "How do you like that, Kakarot!"

The smirk was wiped off of his face, his eyes widened in shock as a fist buried itself in Samael's stomach, "Foolish little brother," I whispered, "You lack will to listen."

This was my first battle scene and I don't think I did good, tell me what I need to improve it alright, sorry for the long wait too, I had chapters ready, but it deleted itself for some reason, if you like this I would appreciate powerstones, if you don't tell me what I did wrong so I can correct it, have a good day.

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts