
Elaine Super Saiyan God

As the Phoenix Force gone out to the universe to do her duty, I had decided to spent some more time with my children, now...I was training my Daughter trying to make her ascend.

"Haaa!" an Aura burst forth from her body as she started to scream really loudly, easily her power was at her max.

I frowned at her, "Elaine, you are not going to become A Super Saiyan God Gold, Just because you power up, that isn';t how it works."

"She panted heavily but she stopped trying to increase it more, and looked at me. I smiled at her. But this time it was much cruler, and punched her in the gut....

Her eyes widened before she managed to spit. "I tell you what." I said coldy, "After this, if you do not become a super Saiyan, I will kill you, I will kill your mother, I will kill your brother. then... I will destroy everything you have ever known."

Her eyes widened, "You...you wouldn't do that..."

"Wouldn't I?" I asked with a sneer, "you do not know me child, none of you do."

"Your wrong....you love me....you love my family..."

"Why would I love them, there all a bunch of weaklings," I gazed at her coldly, "My own Daughter cannot even become a SuperSaiyanGod, how will she be worth anythng if can't even do anything as simple as that, it's honestly pathetic..."

Shut up."

Elaine had her head bowed, her fingers curled up into a ball and was clenching it tightly, I could see her power in the air, shift. it was clear what I had said had deeply effected her, I smiled a bit painfully but continued onward.

"If you do not become a SuperSaiyan, I will kill your brother, I will kill your mother,..."

Her hair suddenly flashed goiden, before it reverted back.

"Shut up!"

"After all she is a disgrace to ever birth a weakling like you, so I will kill her, I will kill my family, I will kill my sorry excuse for a daughter..."

"The ground started to shake really violentl;y, as the air shimmered from the power output coming from her.

I looked at her and smiled,

"And the city....what would they do, but....


"I said shut the fuck up!" Elaine roared, finally snapping. The entire area exploded in a brilliant golden light

She gave off another primal roar and started charging at me...

"I will not let you lay one finger on them!" She roared as she charged forwards at blinding speeds, punching at him at a rapid pace. Her Aura flaring wildly with each assault. and with each assult, there was a Shockwave that stretched, as reality shattered from her punches.

I smiled through the punches, I was so proud of her...

She pounded me into the ground, before she shot upwards towards the skies.

She started to charge her attaak with everything she had....Her arms spread outwards before she thrusted it forwards.

"TAKE THIS!!" she roared as she fired a massive beam of energy that shot towards me , I was just getting up, before I saw the blast, I stared at it with a calm expression on my face.

She roared as a red crimson aura burst forth from the golden aura, the beam continued onwards for a long moment.... before the beam exploded. her power decreased. and She was panting slightly. She dropped to her knees, and her golden aura faded back to black, she was panting slightly.

her eyes widened when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a chest, her eyes widened once she realized who this was and instantly began struggling, "Let me go you bastard, I won't let you harm them!"

"It warms my heart to know that you love me, and my family so much." her fathers voice spoke softly, "I am sorry I said all of those things. As much as it pained me to say it, It was the only way to unlock the Golden Power hidden within you.."


The Power..." I said smiling softly, "The power comes in a response to a need not a desire...the need to protect all those you hold dear.. and the untold anger and fury you felt inside you...that is how Gohan had unlocked his...when I told him tips of true strength."

"Oh...." she muttered calming down slightlty, "So, you didn't mean anything you said?"

"Not a word." I said with a smile, hugging her tightly. " You were right on point before, I love you all way to much, I wouldn't even think of doing anything to harm you."

Elaine slowly stopped struggling, and relaxed into her fathers grip .

"I love you Dad...and I'm sorry...."

"I love you too dear," I muttered, "and don't be, it was my fault."

I appreciate powerstones, have a good day.

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts