
Change of Fate

I stared at her for a moment letting her take it all in, before I continued.

You're blessings are immunity to all types of poison ever known. and you have basically became one with the Celestial Rock." I explained with a smile, meaning that she also if used right can control rock in its entierity, make it form any type of metal, or it can turn into lava, as well as sand. "I will train you to make sure you have a better grasp on your abilities, then once you are able to train and use these abilities casually, you will be able to train yourself and master them."

Her eyes widened, "My lord...I...I do not deserve-"

"You deserve every single bit of it Sul." I said softly interrupting her, , " You are the one who will make a heart as cold as Darkseids soul warm, and that says everything about that person, and because of this, because of who you are, it is then...that you deserve every bit of what I just told you. Now we shall begin training immediately."


"Sand Burial." A cold voice spoke. Multiple waves of sand shot out from under me, I looked around curiously, Sul had a look of intense concentration on her face, she clapped both hands together, the sand closed in on him.

"My fist clenched as I released a bit of my power as well, the sand that was closing in completely evaporated. Sul frowned at this, before she raised her hand and formed two blades of Lava, before the lava hardened into rock. She then launched herself at me, slashing wildly but with precise accuracy.

"That's good Sul." I said with a small smile as I blocked the slash from her, I smiled at her, she was now able to handle herself well with her new found abilities.

Her hands balled into fist, as her fist shifted to sand before shifting to rock. she started to thrown punch after punch, each punch breaking the sound barrier, but that did nothing, to me, I just blocked the punch gradually.

I was dressed in a clothing that was similar to xeno Goku, but I had a golden cloak instead of a crimson velvet, and Silver instead of black, I also had a golden slash around my waist, with golden wrist bands, and golden training boots, my tail was wrapped around my waist,,

This went on for a good hour, before I smiled at her, she was panting heavily.

"Let's stop here." I said,, "you have improved a lot."

Sul was not only panting, but she was sweating as well, her She was dressed in a similar manor as well, she had on a Gii which reminded him of Goku's turtle hermit gii, with orange silver, and the blue golden. It looked pretty good on her to be honest.

"T-thanks ...Master." she said through pants, but I could tell she was really happy with my praise, considering if her blush and happy smile was anything to go by.

"I looked over to where her planet was, I looked at her with a smile, "I can tell you this, you are the first person that was like you born from the universe, my power, that I have ever taken on as a student, you have done well, and I am proud of you."

She smiled at me, "If I may master, who was the one before me"

"That would be the angels in heaven, along with the endless, the phoenix force, and my children."

She was very surprised at what I said, "I...you have children?"

I smiled at her, "I know what your thinking,...how could a being of my caliber have children? How could angels have children period?"

She nodded, I chuckled softly, "I tell you what child, when your life is over, and you come to me, I will give you that answer."

She frowned, was...was that a pout? Is she giving me the puppy eyes? That's so adorable.

"The answer is still no." I said with a chuckle hearing her groan in disappointment.

"Sorry, but the puppy eyed technique is a good one, but it won't work on someone like me. "

After all having kids and a wife, who tries to use those techniques to me all the time, you eventually get immunity towards those things, especially since my family is much more adorable than her, she is still adorable, but her adorableness pales in comparison, the adorableness of my family.

"Well, it is time to send you off." I repeated with a smile, "You will wake up, and it will be the morning, you will feel like it is a dream," I said to her, "Do not hide this from your husband, I do not want him to hate you for lying to him, just tell them the truth and nothing but the truth, unless others or himself finds out first, and cause bigger problems than need to be."

Sul, nodded slowly.

"I understand, I nodded, before I pulled her into a hug, she was surprised for a second, before she slowly hugged back, one we broke, she sslowly began to fade, before she vanished completely.

I gazed towards where she was with a smile on my face.

"Goodluck, my student."

I hope you like it, I appreciate powerstones, have a good day

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts