
Chapter 9 Student Teacher v.s. Teacher Part 1

William was currently cultivating in the student area. A few of his students doing the same. With a few other classes having been canceled because of Teacher complaints, quite a few students paid to sit in on his course.

Nothing outwardly expensive, a gold piece, or let him view the Manuals they were using if they were going to socialize instead of listening in. Slowly the expansion of knowledge on what he could use increased for work and personally.

A rowdy bunch started making noise, causing a big stir.

"What is going on?" William walked over to check it out. A few other student teachers were doing the same. Two students were yelling at each other loudly, with their friends holding them back from all-out fighting. "Enough of this; I need you all to stop."

Of course, they just didn't comply with the request.

*Woom!* A pulse of Mana left from William as he stepped in between the group. Both students were still raring to go but stopped when seeing the murderous look in his eyes. A bunch of 1st years and 2nd years, by the looks of it.

"STOP!" William shouted. His wooden swords pointed at both of them. He was radiating as much malice as possible. "What is the problem that you think it best to start a fight in the area? If you have so much energy and so little disregard for everyone, go somewhere else!"

Both students looked away not saying anything. Their buddies let them go as well.

"Someone speak up, now. Who started this nonsense." William lowered his swords, speaking calmer but firmer. The other student teachers didn't say anything but stood nearby, showing a little support without actively doing anything. "If you wish to handle this, it first starts with speaking up."

"It was just a disagreement." The older boy said. Not one from William's classes. "Weapon disagreement."

"This idiot thinks swords are better on horseback than spears," the younger student barked. "everyone knows that spears are better!" A few students were chiming in with agreement.

"Crowd swaying" rearing its head pretty quickly.

"Hey, do not start acting up." William said sternly to the bandwagoners. "Spears are better depending on what is going on while on horseback. If it is for charging and blitz attacks sure, but for something like a duel or holding the line, the sword would win in that case."

"That's just stupid." The younger student barked. "The spear would still win even then."

"You are stupid not to consider the viewpoint of others. The moment you think you know everything is the moment you stop learning." He gave the student a sharp look of disappointment. "In close quarters, reach, overall extension, and lack of flexibility becomes an issue. A spear cannot maneuver in close quarters as a sword can. Even then, daggers win out on the two in that department if you want to bring something else in. But that is beside the point."

"Reach.." The older student mumbled, but all could hear him, of course. "..flexibility.."

On the back of another student was a greatsword. In William's opinion, the best way to diffuse the situation was to focus on something else entirely after pointing something small out to them.

"On average, a sword is much shorter than spears. No matter the variety. With the Greatsword, generally, the longest type seen an used on horseback depending on the enemy. A greatsword would, however, have its own issues than a spear of course."

"What about a Lance against a Greatsword then?" Another student piped in.

"Then back to the instance before somewhat. A Lance could be considered a bride of the two weapons. Depending on which version." The students had know idea what they were talking bout, so he drew it in the dirt with his hands. "A type of cone that is thin at the front for piercing that spreads outward of course. Think a narrow pyramid if you have to. A cut cone replacing the primary spear portion and having a thicker shaft is also a thing."

The students were so engrossed now and talking amongst themselves they stopped arguing altogether. Most of the anger was drowned out by several students talking over the one disgruntled one from before.

Walking away, William had a few more students following with. They were using the chance to sit in on his class instead of paying or asking to sit. Which at this point was fine considering those who were socializing had left.

"Alright, to continue in regards to Weapons and one's Body. The small feeling you develop with certain weapons is familiarity. Whether it is from your Mind working with it better or your Body is hard to determine in the beginning."

As the lecture continued and drowned out, the day finished in a few more hours. A Teacher had walked over with a student that looked to be grinning from ear to ear.

The student was not the young one from before that was upset, he found that one to be named Mason. This one looked to be a little older and but slightly spoiled and a little arrogant. William had know idea who the teacher actually was until he announced himself.

The Man name was Claude, a new higher teacher that was strutting his stuff. After hearing some of what was reported, he found some grounds to make an example of the Teacher's Students. This was also to help solidify the pay that his Uncle had arranged for him.

The Teacher Meeting covered the pay many teachers were receiving, which also took away from funds for the older ones with tenure or pay bumps. The standard issues with education plagued this time period as much as it did William's.

"After teaching such drivel, why don't you back it up with an exchange?" Claude's words were provoking and to disrespectful for most. Some students frowned at the upstart as they had actually learned more from William and talked amongst each other than they did from his course. 'Humph! These brats need to be corrected before he messes with their minds to much!'

"I do not have time to entertain you. You teach your way; I will teach my way." William paid little attention to the teacher. Not evenly remotely interested in what he was trying to do. As before, he only wanted to stop the two students from creating a problem and disrupting the course. "My information was not correct."

"Nonsense!" The man did not like being disregarded at all. 'Why can't this stepping stone act accordingly!? He is just a student-teacher to help us teachers look better!'

"As I said, I am not wasting my time with you." William stated flatly. Having secured his area, most of the students started to disperse. But stopping once they heard what was said next. "If you want to fight, sign a Life or Death Contract or pay me 10,000 gold. The choice is that or leave before I take matters to the Affairs Coordinator for harassment."

"Tch! Coward!" The student grumbled next to Claude.

"You shouldn't talk about your teacher like that." William's head tilted over as he stared at the mouthy student. A sword covered in Murderous Intent floating around, making cuts in the air. "Your teacher doesn't want to risk his life, so I made sure to offer another "safer" solution."

"Fine!" The teacher snarled again. Pulling a "Life or Death Contract to sign. I will meet you in a week!" Finishing signing on the spot, it broke into four copies. One shot to the challenging teacher, one into William, one shot off to the nearest Discipline Coordinator, and the last towards the School Board.

"Haa, no need for that. Let's go now. My time is precious." William sighed and walked off to the arena. Several students followed with. "Do not tarry or I assume you have run away like a coward that you are."

He wouldn't give the man a week to improve further and cause all sorts of problems. He also was not willing to deal with this nonsense over and over again. If he is dead, it's over, and it might get him something for performing well.

The trouble it would cause the other Seat Holders if William defeated someone stronger in his condition would go a long way. Small probs to determine the value of the position as well as any in the Akademy worth knowing still needed to be done.




Despite the short time it took place, several students were in the area have gathered and made bets. For some, it would be the first time they would witness a teacher and teacher-student fight. Let alone a Death Match.

"Is this correct?" The referee looked at them, seeing William nod and the teacher Claude nod; he couldn't believe it was happening so early in the Akademy term. Inter politics between students, teachers, teacher students, and the faculty was not something he looked forward to this year. "Then, since both parties agree, let's get it on!"

It was a standard arena for use as far things went. A stone circle with no barriers or padding on the outer rim.

"You are such a foolish.." Claude started to taunt and ridicule William. It was dumb, as William sent two wooden swords behind his opponent and charged right at him with a sword in each hand. "..I am in the Pillar Realm.."

"Look out teacher!" One of Claude's students shouted. But it was to late to act.

*Schlick! Schlick!* Both wooden swords cut right into the man's calves. The killing intent was only in the two in William's hands. Drawing the other's attention the entire time and helping the strike from behind to go undetected.

Minus the shouting student of course. Around the loudmouth's neck, a black band appeared silencing him. A penalty for helping in a duel by giving advice and heads up to those participating.

That student would also have to pay a fine of 500 gold as well.

"Aggh!" Claude shouted in pain. Whipping around, thinking his opponent was behind, and the one in front was a fake somehow. With just the two swords sticking out his calves, he pushed it out with a circulation of his Mana. "A sneak attack.. how disgraceful."

Claude was unable to even pull his spear out to fight back with. Something he should have had out at the ready before entering the ring.

"Not really in a position to argue really." William said calmly. He struck down with both blades in hand taking control of the other two again before starting a flurry of strikes. "The moment this was a battle to the death.. your only thought should be on survival."

The words were for his students and to mess with the Mind of his opponent. It was obvious Claude had underestimated the student-teacher and was paying for it. A difference in a modern person trained and conditioned compared to.. whatever upbringing Claude had.

Claude outranked him with his overall Mana gathered in his Realm achievement. But only in the Soul. Like most, he was only in the Gathering Realm for the bare minimum in the other two. A newly hired teacher was going to die before their eyes.

"I won't lose to you!" Claude unleashed all of his Mana inside. It came out like a violent surge of energy. Forming into what looked to be a large spear. "What?!"

*Woosh!* William had kicked back placing his swords in the front to help shield against the blow. He rode the energy across the arena then broke free of it with a slight twist. Dancing like a top, the unfocused energy flew off into the air due to the redirection.

"Remember my students.." William shot forward with both swords in front making an x. ".. keep your Mind as calm as possible and never expend all of your Mana at once. Never know when you will need it."

Both wooden swords glowed with killing intent. However, they were not going to be the killing blow. Two of his swords were coming from high up to strike down just in case.

Mind: Gathering Realm V

Body: Gathering Realm III

Soul: Error!

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