
Chapter 7 A Technique Like No Other Has Problems!

A week later-


William was watching over the students as they dutifully trained. Each one is giving it their all for physical body training and practicing lunges, weighted pushups, doing curls, and basic yoga. All the while circulating the personal manual of their choice.

"Not bad purchases." In front of William were a few wooden swords. Made from Cypress Branches with Glyphs etched into them. The Glyphs came from the Manual put together from the various offensive techniques read over. "Not gonna buy actual swords just yet."

In case the Glyphs were messed up, or he screwed up the techniques, he didn't want to be broke or injure himself to a high degree in the process.

*Schup!* Two swords flew into his hands with the activation of his blood mana. The two swords fit into his hands perfectly. The Glyphs spread further in design with the mixture of his understanding and the material.

Despite the lack of understanding from William fully, Advancing causes a slight throbbing in the back of his neck.

Knowledge System: Glyphs Gathering Rank I. 10 Gigabytes obtained. Available Blood Energy has increased, Blood circulation has increased, Trace elements of Bone Improvement, Trace elements of Skin Improvement due to Software Upgrade.

"Oh..." William hadn't activated them yet was the issue.

It was the last bit of making the Glyphs something he could understand. Learning and reading the information still needed actual application. Like running a computer program after just installing it.

"I wonder what will happen when I activate the next set?"

Stopping the circulation, the swords were put down. A distinct feeling of still being connected to them could be felt. The best example would be a string going from the hilt to his fingertips.

A stronger sensation than one brushing the hair on the back of an arm.

Three more swords were called over with the activation of his mental mana, A light blue glow circulating them as they hovered in front. The technique for them was designed to use the mind to react and fight with.

Even weakening the effectiveness by 15% if used in the hands. He felt a little more information enter his mental understanding but nothing that caused a notification to appear from his computer.

Akin to a program running in the background, it was best to find a way to work his Taskbar or Control Panel to understand what was going on further. Yet the Voice Commands still didn't work for him.

"Alright, the final seven." Stopping the use of the mind swords, he grasped hold of the four with his soul. "Tch!" These were hard to do with flexibility, but the hold on them and the moments were stronger.

The students took breaks watching the student teacher at work. Seeing him struggle made them actually happy. No one likes a golden child when they to are trying their hardest.

'At least he is not like the other Teachers, I wonder what will happen when he is pushed?' A Teacher Coordinator was making the rounds and saved William's class for last to view. After hearing the rumors and word of mouth by some, he thought it best to try and appease the young man. In case the Lancaster's wanted him back. 'Surely he will see the Akademy is a good place after the benefits we can provide. No sense in losing a promising student even after falling from grace.'

"Hah!" Swinging with the soul swords again, the taxation had increased with every swing exponentially. But William was able to feel something was trying to move, or to be precise, startup inside him. "Almost there!"

Forcing the technique further, caused the other swords to shoot towards him. The blood ones were burning his palms with the biggest headache in his life developing. Eyes glazed over, William struck with all the swords under his control.

"Woah!" Three of his students felt the weapons they were practicing with react. Almost trying to break from them forcefully.

"Kuh!" William collapsed to a knee in the grass. Completely out of mana, the technique stopped with the swords dropping to the ground. The Glyph's on them all lit up, imprinting on the wooden blades deeper. "So hot.."

Knowledge System: Processor overheated! Closing programs forcefully!

"Get some water!" The student rep said. Two students shot off to get a bucket of water. "Are you ok, teacher William?"

The steam rising from his body where sweat used to be was a good indicator of no. Smelling a bit of burning flesh, the student rep helped remove his outer shirt. Even that was hot to the touch.

Muscles are bulging and wiggling underneath like earthworms.

"Ouch!" The student sighed most of their fingertips on actual cloth! "Anyone with cold skills yet!?"

"Yeah, I do!" A young man came over and circulated his mana quickly. The area around his palms for a few inches turned extremely chilly. "Really hot!"

It took a few minutes for the situation to calm down. The Teacher Coordinator did not help and only observed the situation at first. Seeing the students worry for their teacher was a rare sight lately.

"Haaa, thank you for that." William had said nothing the entire time as he felt he might lose the little moisture that was in his mouth. 'I really hope I didn't cause severe brain damage, just then. Must make a note to head to the Infirmary later.'

"Student Teacher William, that was quite the display. I am Astrid, one of the Teacher Coordinators to review classes and check make sure they are not misguiding the students." The Teacher Coordinator was polite as the display of skill would not move his overall view on the William matter. "A proposal for you to look over."

"It is not a bad arrangement.. but it would tie me to the Akademy to much. Which is defintely not worth it." William continued to swing the swords in practice without the use of the Glyph and Techniqine for now. Three others floating under his Mental energy striking differently, and seven others were striking under the control of his Soul energy. "I am no fool to jump on that ship."

"I can understand your reluctance, but as a teacher, you would have more value. Especially after the accomplishments with the current students so far." Astrid tried to sweeten the deal up to what the Akademy would allow. "The two students that left your class only because an opening happened in another.

"Gonna pass still. I will continue my student-teacher thing, though. Unless that is getting pulled?" He received an adamant no to that. Astrid's red beard was flailing about, causing a few chuckles from the students. "Good then."

The two only spoke a little more before it was time to go. Astrid left a decent enough impression on William. With William leaving a stronger impression on the man by not giving in so easily.

"What to call this?" William mumbled. His students were at a loss as well. They named the different variations of the moves while taking a five minute break and pointed out William didn't name his. "To many different techniques rolled into one. Defintely to many names to pick from."

"How about the Fingers?" The student rep said.

"They are nothing like fingers." Willaim countered at the bad naming sense.

"Rainbow slashes!" Another said quickly. The others looking at him oddly. It was bad enough he mixed all his foods together based on wanting to see the multicolors turn into one. "The Rainbow is the perfect mix name! Plus.. swords!"

"No," William made a note to watch his mumbles. The sensitive hearing of a cultivator was just to sharp. "do not force your odd naming sense on me." He gave a chuckle.

"How about the 36 strikes?" Another student questioned. They turned to him in wonder at something so simple. "Well, he can eventually make 12 swords with each of the three. So once he gets to the height of it, 36 swords."

"Sounds good enough to me." A few more words to his students, and class ended. Three of the students remained behind as they wanted to go to the Infirmary as well. "Hopefully, it is not packed or anything."


Medical Department-


After waiting an half hour, William had his students checked then he was looked over. The fact it was other students conducting everything was not a concern. They were basically Interns, as far as he understood.

"Alright, just lay down on your stomach for me." The young woman's name was Vada. Relatively adequate at her work from what the students who left while they waited stated. "So you overheated earlier, is that right?"

"That's what I have on the paperwork filled out." William said calmly. "Just want to know if I did any damage to my head or nerves or something."

"Right." A pair of green fingers appeared that mimicked the Intern's own hands. Her eyes contained the same hue as she poked along his spine and the base of the neck. 'This damage looks to be from Overdrafting, but why is it so severe?'

The touch against the neck had William squirm involuntarily. She literally caused a nerve to fire off despite the damage not connecting the tissue.

Not knowing anything about William personally and going over the reason why he was here, the Intern didn't take anything else it to full understanding. Prior injuries were listed but seeing as he was with a bunch of first years she just assumed it was a basic mistake.

Her green fingers pressed down harder, piercing deeper into the flesh. The thick muscles forcing her to exert more effort with each poke while checking. He was to compact and to uniform for her lack of experience to work around.

"Grrr!" Luckily, the Intern was not dumb enough to forcefully go further. This would cause her grade to drop as well as put William in danger. "I am sorry, I need the help of a Higher Tier Medical Student."

"Alright.." William frowned while keeping face down. "..do what you have to do."

After a few minutes of pitter-patter of feet, another pair of green hands pushed along his body. The fingers were thinner but contained a stronger concentration of mana.

"Hmm." William was unable to prevent himself from letting out a content smile. 'Well, at least this weird era I am in has great massages. Might have to go into town and treat myself to a full body one.'

As the green hands touched around checking, William had various programs running that he was unaware of. The mana of the intern and the Medical Student were well worth the visit he would find out later.

"How much pain are you in?" The Medical Student asked. The press against the neck was almost impossible for her to push pass. "How much training do you subject yourself to?"

"Pain, none currently. Only felt bad when I was training earlier and got to hot." William didn't count sore muscles, that was just a part of life and hard work. "I train.. constantly, I guess. But not pass what my body can handle. I know when to relax my muscles to let them recover."

Which he would do by doing Yoga and then experimenting on his different Mana Pools to check theory of ways to heal faster and better.

"It doesn't feel this way or look this way to me." Vada voiced out a little to happy. The fact that her teacher found it odd as well did well for her ego. "You don't look like you know the meaning of rest with these dense muscles!"

It was good that he was turned over. Her voice didn't contain any emotion but her face defintely did. Raking her eyes over William nonstop, she wanted to know the training regiment he was under. One of the reasons she took this profession was to grow a strong body.

It was all about finding a way to obtain it while making sure she didn't break any police. The Health Coordinator took her job very seriously.

Mind: Gathering Realm IV

Body: Gathering Realm III

Soul: Error!

Space: 1 Terabyte, 15 Gigabytes

Scanner: Connected

Processor: Damaged

Extended Drive: 7

Programs Installed: 36 Strikes

Magmatidecreators' thoughts