
Chapter 25 Talks with New Enemies and Ghoul Beast Cultivators

William was a few miles away and only felt more worried about the stream of Essences turning into Mana that started to condense thicker. Running none stop and cultivating was just not in the cards to do smartly. But at least his movement technique grew leaps and bounds.

Knowledge System: Talkback Feature enabled Satelite Uplink connected. Autoconnect Incoming transmission...

William stopped in place due to pure surprise.

"William.. Claire... Pete.." The breaking of the voice ended once he moved a little to the left. A quick check to the connection level revealed it had increased two full bars. "..anyone respond."

"This... this is Dr.William, I have no idea where the others are. Neither if they have any working gear. In fact.." Looking down at the bomb that was made of stone and glowing Glyphs, he was still trying to figure out how it worked in regards to his computer. "... I am barely surviving now. Attacked by hostiles in great number."

A bit of shuffling could be heard then the person he least wanted to speak to came on.

"So you have no idea where my daughter is!?" Isabella's father, Mr.Dvoryanstvo barely held back his anger while speaking. Elation from talking to at least a member of the missing Dig Team was lost once he got on. "It's been months since we excavated that hellhole! Where are all of you!? Are you being detained!? Were you all seperated!?"

"So what had happened was..."

William did his best to explain without using any far-fetched sci-fi explanations and try to make it sound as believable as possible for right now. Until he was able to deliver proof or anything else substantial it wouldn't matter.

Not to mention he was worried about his daughter. A billionaire and enabler he may be, but his daughter and business are two things he did not play around with.

Time passed so quickly with William explaining it, he didn't pay to much attention. He did notice the bomb device disintegrating and an odd Glyph burned into his hands. However, he caught the sight of casings that had fallen in front of him.

"We have your GPS, an extraction team will be there as soon as possible! Don't you dare escape Dr.William!" Mr. Dvoryanstvo shouted before turning off the contact. which was a pretty stupid thing to do. The billionaire turned to the security team leader with a frown. "Are you sure about the location you tracked him to?"

"Positive sir, the trace shows he is in the South of Yemen's capital. That isn't all. Look here, and here." The security team leader had pointed to two of the other spots. "We couldn't get a read until the connection with Dr.William locked down. But it shows that Claire, Isabella, and Pete's locators show they are in Mongolia."

"That should be impossible, all travel between that part of the Country is restricted. Even government officials have trouble getting there." The Billionaire frowned even deeper, in worry now. "Isabella ran with a few young rich idiots when she was younger, two of the parents were really into artifacts from that region."

"Then you think it is because what has been found so far?" The Security Team Leader thought about the first few artifacts that were completely foreign to most things on the market. Not to mention strange metallic beetles they couldn't break or study due to their durability. "We also have the problem of what was obtained from the recon drone that went into the Dig Site to look over."

"That did not look like any animal on record." Another security member voiced his concerns. "Damn near prehistoric."

"Never mind that nonsense, just send a team to extract William at once!" Mr.Dvoryanstvo ordered then moved to make some calls. Namely to Pete's mom about the situation of where her son may be. 'Dr. William sounded unnerved on the phone, in fact, the surrounding noise was weird as well. I need to have some analysts find out that information soon.'

Back on the otherside, William had already started running after picking up the casings. They were defintely from his modern era. The insignia of the University were on them.

Why this was crucial was because it was the new design that the Dig Team did not have. So this came over after they did somehow.

"I still should leave and look for other means to get back. No way do I get from the Akademy without going into deep cover. That's not going to happen at all." Coming to a river, he jumped in after taking a deep breath. Riding the current to move faster downstream. 'What other functions are now available since the bomb worked more with the computer inside/within me?'

The GPS was defintely working and the Mobile hotspot was working. Which was weird an actual signal was still going. Connecting to the internet, he was suprised the internet was strong and worked faster than before.

Downloading some software updates and backup everything to the Cloud from the University removed a burden from future issues. Browsing the web and finding some information on diseases and how they are treated had to be done to survive more in this setting.

'If I can cure the issues I develop from that weird method for making elixirs, I defintely have a brighter future.' The passing thought to download methods to use a computer deeper came up. 'How to Program for Dummies and Troubleshooting without internet is a must-have.'

As everything finished up, William kept a close watch on the internet strength. The moment he thought it would stay strong constantly, it dropped one bar then two as he jumped onto the riverbank.

*Dumm!* A muffled hum echoed outward from his chest. The University's signal was cut off. On the otherside, the Security Team had done so after looking at what was getting downloaded.

"Haaa, feel so refreshed!" He shot into the woods to make some tracks and get far away from the Kingdom's area some more. Good times were not to last as William was surrounded in seconds. "Well... that just sucks!"

The Lancasters of all people pointed weapons at him. Before any talks could take place, four figures burst out of the water. Health Coordinator Bailey, and two people William hadn't met before, and the enemy Captain Coyotl fought.

"Like can everyone just.. parley or something?"


An encounter of a dangerous kind-


Captain Coyotl and his two people attacked with a fury that shook the ground. In an instance, Health Coordinator Bailey and the Lancaster soldiers were knocked away after an unusual glance at one another.

Whatever Coordinator Bailey did to take down the Akademy people who were planting a bomb must have done serious damage to her.

She was not able to strike down three people who were a Realm under her. But she was was able to push them back with the help of the Lancaster soldiers at first.

'It is good he is well, but what happened to the bomb?' Health Coordinator Bailey spared a glance then went back to fighting. 'These Lancaster people, what are they doing around these parts?'

*Woosh!* A burst of wind trailed behind William as he shot off without any care or concern for the situation. The Lancasters had pointed weapons at him so they couldn't be trusted even more so than before.

"Where do you think you are going?" With a swing of his spear, Captain Coyotl cut a path open for himself. In three heavy steps with unimaginable bursts of speed, he made it to William. "You are quite the runner, but something about you has changed. Something deep down that I must Inspect."

William was grabbed like a chicken and hoisted into the air dangling. Why in the world was this guy still fixated on him he had no idea. Even to the point, he ignored the Lancaster soldiers and Health Coordinator Bailey to reach him.

"Yes.. will do nicely." Captain Coyotl's eyes were gleeful as he sniffed William. With a wave of mana and cutting off the air supply available, William blacked out while struggling. "Leave the rest of them, they are not worth much."

Following the orders, the other two with him released a radiance of black gold mana. The light stuns each of the Lancaster soldiers and causes Coordinator Bailey to fall back in fear at full recognition of who she had an underwater scuffle with.

*Fwip! Fwip!* Two punches went towards the retreating figure. A palm strike in a fast counter caused the situation to turn volatile.

*Kaboom!* The Fire Stone Coordinator Bailey was using met its breaking point. The constant fighting and then the cooling of the river did the worse to the fragile stone. Exploding and doing more damage to the Lancasters than anything else.

Whether she wanted it that way remained to be known. Once the light cleared, a few key people were missing from the brief fiasco.

"You better have a good explanation for being in this area." Health Coordinator Bailey actually looked livid for once. The scene she saw when popping out of the river painted them as trying to attack William. "You do not have permission to operate in this region the same as everyone else."

The surviving soldiers gave worried glances before spotting their leader coming over to handle the situation. Unfortunately, it was not someone that cared for the Akademy or the Royal Family members.

A younger man with strong striking features to William walked forward with two Adjucants in tow from the Lancaster Family. Walking with more self-worth than any Noble tended to in this day and age.

"You speak as if we are up to no good woman." The young man listened to a soldier report with only a little interest. It wasn't until the moment William was mentioned that he perked up. A trace of malice flashed in the Noble's eyes. "The Pariah and shame of the Family, this has gotten better."

"Lord Jameson..." The older of the two Adjucants spoke with caution to the Noble. ".... you are to be reminded to treat him like anyone else of the Akademy and Kingdom. As well as a protected.."

*Woosh!* A trace of bloodlust washed out from Lord Jameson. The Lancaster soldiers trembled and stepped back several feet out of reach. The younger Adjucant cleared away at least 200 feet.

Ignoring Health Coordinator Bailey in his outburst of anger, the bloodlust cause the woman's eyes to dilate. As well as her Cultivation to recover more in the best way. Focused on the older Adjucant, the young noble was caught with a death grip.

"I am talking to you.. how dare you ignore me?" Health Coordinator Bailey's eyes turned silver briefly. Her fingers sank deeper into the flesh ignoring the armor and Body Cultivation of Lord Jameson. "I have never met such an annoying little insect such as yourself!"

The situation unfolding was etched into all those who saw it. They just had to survive to be able to talk about it.


Ghoul Beast Cultivators-


William was awake with not a single bruise on him. In fact, his scars were healed and he could tell that someone had fed him something. A metallic taste was in his mouth, a signature of blood by all accounts.

"Told you he would come to fast." An Enemy Soldier, one with features very similar to Captain Coyotl and a few spots along the chest. The pattern reminded William of Spotted Hyenas. "Don't worry and don't fret. We are helping you help us."

"Right..." Try as he may, mana wouldn't circulate and he didn't feel a sense of panic. Despite his brain telling him it was a bad situation. 'Why am I having trouble accessing my Computer features?!'

"Older than your years Student-Teacher William." Captain Coyotl tossed over a book with his full information on it. "To think a bounty was put on you even after your cultivation was knocked down, or so they say."

"Haa, yeah..." William sighed after no gains were made to his access. The taste he figured out was very close to that of Nitrogen after swirling his tongue around. "What did you feed me?"

They didn't answer the question and counter with one of their own.

"How long have you been a Ghoul Cultivator?" The third one who was mostly quiet the entire time finally spoke up. His eyes close to that of a Bat Falcon with the features around the neck and back. The same spots traveling down that area like the other. "It is less than a year I know this much."

So they couldn't pinpoint it or haven't really tried to it seemed.