
Chapter 17 Medical Checkup

It was the middle of the night, the first day William felt something was genuinely amiss with what happened.

After most of the day was spent dealing with the School Board snoops that came over and visited during his time in the Medical area with false pleasantries, a bunch of little brown nosers trying to get credit for reporting back on his condition.

Knowledge System: Full Scan Complete. 72 Virus Quarantine in the vault. 231 eliminated, report complete.

"Tch!" The 231 eliminated viruses; he could barely make heads or tails out of what they were from. 'Has to be from the bites and scratches. At least I gained a little Mana from them getting taken care of, the same as when I helped my students. But the 72 Quartine ones..'

William was not strong enough to get rid of them outright safely. If not for the fact his laptop and other backpack items existed inside him currently, there would be a big problem, or he would be dead by now.

'If I can just get to a better, safer location then I can try something. Or maybe if my Soul gets fixed?' Running the Command Prompt for his laptop with all his mental thought at work, it finally came up fully. 'Progress...'

Focusing with hard meditation and focus, William was able to see inside himself with clarity. But not like he thought it would be in the way of a space or anything, it was more of an X-Ray inside himself.

Enough medical work he was at the location of his sternum. Just constantly shrinking down towards the microscopic level and then some. Unable to guide thoughts in this state, it was enough to push the energy in his Soul Pool about.

'Command Prompt...' William pulled up a Command Phrase he hope would help. 'Cmdkey...' A list of passwords, stored names, and a way to create more to put for use appeared. However, the list already there was too much between both of the Souls. '....this guy needs to give up the ghost or I need to find a way to completely get rid of him.'

Thrown out by the complete drain of his Soul Pool, William kicked around on his bed in pain. It was mentally demanding but also soothing in a way.

A rush of Soul Mana that belonged to the previous William ran rampant inside. Completely pure and refined, all ready for use. Mixed inside was a Gray type energy. Leftover from the Striped Hyenas and Ghoul Mana Beast, he figured.

Before he could start cultivating the energy acquired, a Glyph on the door lit up for the room. Health Coordinator Bailey and a few of her close students arrived. Ones William put togethor from his previous visit.

Behind them is a table with lots of Gels and weird Curved Devices. The students, for the most part, were quiet, but the energy a few gave off was a little weird. Antsy anticipation and glee.

"It is not good you are still awake, but this will help maybe." Coordinator Bailey sat to the side as her students moved. "The test revealed several issues. Unfortunately, the deposits inside the area here have grown since the first time you fainted."

This was an assumption she made of course.

It was Body & Mental Kidney Stones developed from poor control when cultivating. Then the consumption of the Ashbone Elixer sped up the process, something that should have taken months to build happened in hours.

William wonder if it had anything to also do with the energy taken in from the Ghoul mana Beast because of the rat. The very weird rat that cultivated the energy between the two before disappearing to who knew where.

After thinking it over and explaining between each other, the solution was not to William's liking at all. They wanted to do surgery to remove the Kidney Stones to study.

Not good any strange knew occurrence was something the Akademy wanted to learn since they needed to figure out more for the Health Field as a whole. Mostly to stay relevant and in Power William thought anyway.

"Only way do I consent to this.." William eyed the very primitive-looking device and shuddered. The metal was strong enough to cut through his Body's Cultivation easily but not the best craft to modern standards at all. "..is if you.."

"Consent is not really required. Unless you plan on paying for treatment." Coordinator Bailey said in such a matter-of-fact tone he shuddered. To think medical fees were so troublesome even back in this day and age. "So, we remove the stones, and depending on what is discovered, you might even receive payment to boot."

The might was a bit of a problem.

"Tch!" William scoffed since she knew he needed money. Plus, she wasn't that bad, he just needed to get use to the way they did things here more. "Medical Rights for patients would be really nice about now."

The Health Students just moved about getting ready. There was no bedside manner to make sure a patient was ok at all, which was actually not appealing at all.

It gave the feeling he was in the hands of a bunch of mad scientists, which brought up the memory of a friend back home who liked to experiment named Richard.

William was broken out of the memory pretty quickly by the shift of Coordinator Bailey's legs. Details in regards to the boots she wore under her robe were alarming. Not something a teacher would wear for one. Unless they wasted money a lot.

Something Coordinator Bailey didn't seem like the type to do. She could have had an appointment or a meeting with someone maybe.

It was put away as just some simple matter until later.

"This brings up another matter, actually," Coordinator Bailey passed over a manual for him to look over. "...your Major Focus of Study, why not switch to the Health Field or take it up as well?"

"Who will fund this exactly?" William looked at the Manual very briefly. It was the one used by new Health Students. Getting it for free did help and defintely would help add some insight into his current cultivation methods.

"House Amalienburg," A voice said from the corner. A Health Student held a stone tablet while activating a Glyph to dampen the sound where she stood. Two others started making a few cuts on William after removing his outer clothing. "if you remember a little, it will help understand why."

Even with the recent Mental Shock and what he did recently, William still did not know much of the other William's past to figure from just a single name spoken out. But those in the room acted like he should have known.

Just a few blinks, and the student continued on with her agenda.

"A friend of yours... from that House has paid fully. With your time so free besides the classes taught to your students and the lectures you have done, it shouldn't take long." The Health Student kept a close eye on William's breathing for any signs of deception used. Noticing the long pauses, he was taking while the others cut him open made the student smile. "Unless you plan on wasting time relearning your "course" from before."

"Not really thinking it over just yet with my mental state all jacked up." William was already shifting mental gears more. Just escape into the wils at this point. Was still not going to tell them that of course. "They must want something for this."

"Just wants to help a friend from what I was told." Coordinator Bailey didn't think to much about the situation considering it was small movements between Nobles Houses. Nothing to major to deal with. "Are you not going to take the help?"

It was quiet for a few minutes beside the cuts made against Willaim's skin and the clinking of instruments. The relying on the mana use instead of other methods was really discouraging.

Enough William's heart rate picked up a little.

They really needed a better numbing agent or ways to put people under. The sensation was maddening and caused issues against nervous reactions. So much William was forced to keep eye contact with any of the others while making sure to keep his senses sharp for any problems that may occur.

"I will take the help, just deliver word on whatever they want to come straight out an ask it in the next three days. Any day after will be ignored." He tried to put as much steel in his voice as he could in case anyone was watching besides those in the room. "If none come in three days, I will see truly as just this, a friend helping out. So it will not be considered for any future bargaining attempts."

"Humph, you speak as if they were trying to leverage some kind of favor from you." One of the Health Students said with contempt in her voice. Backing her fellow student and also trying to gauge William a little better. "You are just a Student Teacher, not anyone important. Not anymore to anyone."

The verbal jab took a few of the other Health Students by surprise.

"If I am know one important, why is someone paying for my classes? Or attempting to little girl?" William would not let some Health Student give him lip despite his current condition. "Someone so "unimportant" yet used in some little games of the Houses. Such a shame even like this I have more care and than someone like yourself."

"Why you..!?" The miffed Health Student was offended and barely contained her anger. "This method is taking to long and will cause the loss of some of the sample!" Grabbing a needle, she insert it a few inches away from the cutting area.

One of the others gave her a stern look to watch herself. She went back to work cutting a little to deep and nicking one of William's organs in the process. The fact he was able to feel it in such detail was maddening.

"Me what? Keep mouthing off, and I'll snap your freaking neck! Then we'll see who really is important!" William snapped at her. Looking at the one who just nicked his kidney, he bit back the curse words in his mouth. "Hurry up before you do more harm than good!"

An older female in the group took over. Coordinator Bailey just kept watching as she looked over the situation carefully. Somewhat bored even by the looks of it.

"Of course." The Health Student just nodded and focused more on the task at hand. "This is the second one, only a few more to go." The crystal like balls were placed in a small bin that lit up and created a dome of Blood energy for preservation. 'The fact he has not blacked out from the pain is worth taking note. I wonder if the other Seat Holders have this level of focus?'

"Serena, increase your level of Pain Blockers. Don't need any complications taking place for a new Health Student." Coordinator Bailey said unbothered out of the blue. "As for you, Katarina, try not to upset the patient to much. Nothing good will come out of defending young Barnabus's namesake."

Obeying her teacher, Katarina, no longer caused trouble for William. Placing the stone tablet next to his bed for self-reading later.

"Grrr.." William clenched his teeth as the cut travelled deeper through his tissue. Painful because it was fresh flesh. Blood Mana churning trying to heal the damage but kept back by the female student on his right. 'She seems to be having trouble in this regard!'

The Lead Health Student's brow kept furrowing but not because of the difficulty, but because she kept finding herself enjoying William's Blood Energy. It was rich and complimented her own in several ways.

Enough that she started to improve just slightly while mixing her own with it during the procedure.

"Just keep calm if you feel.. a little sluggish through the pain." The Health Student spoke in the same matter of fact tone as Coordinator Bailey. Just a bit younger, of course. "

"I think I know you..." William focused on her face closely. "Kimberely... you belonged to House Lancaster at one point." His eyes were unfocused before going full-blown with blood coming from the ducts. "Uggghh..."

Completely out cold, William went into a seizure of sorts.