
The New Shogun and Shogun's Attaché

In the original timeline, Kurozumi Orochi had used hostages to threaten Oden into dancing. However, on that day, Shinobu happened to be lurking in the Shogun's residence and became the only person who knew the truth.

Now, many things have changed greatly. For instance, Shinobu is equally unaware of what happened that day. On New Year's Day, Shinobu was spending time in Ringo with her older brother Shinosuke, and the next day, all she saw was the obituary.

Both Oden Castle and the Shogun's residence in Flower Capital have both turned into ruins. She returned here simply because she heard the news that Kozuki Hiyori is going to become the Shogun. She believes that the former Oniwabanshu are no longer fit to protect the Shogun, which is why she came back.

This was also the goal of the Beasts Pirates. Instead of allowing those loyal to the Kozuki to remain hidden in the shadows, they decided to use Kozuki Hiyori as bait to lure them all out. Now, the first fish has taken the bait.

She had already fallen out with the members of the former Oniwabanshu, but seeing them all injured, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

"Why are you all injured? What really happened that night?"

Neither Chome nor Raijin answered her question. These opportunists only wanted to stay alive and avoid angering the Beasts Pirates because of Shinobu, who had already fallen out with them.

Forget that they didn't know all the details, and even if they did, they didn't want to divulge it. They didn't want to be sent back to the mine to work under the supervision of those monsters.

So, Chome provoked her a bit, suggesting that she challenge Greninja.

"Hey, Chome, was that really necessary?"

"Who told her to be so high and mighty? Our paths diverged years ago. If she's so adamant, let her go find trouble on her own."

"Otherwise, that person will always look for an opportunity to assert his dominance. If you don't want to be killed, then just watch from the sidelines."

"Besides, who knows what he's capable of? Let Shinobu test him out."

Without provoking anything, she simply told Shinobu that Greninja was the leader of the Oniwabanshu who had been parachuted in by the Beasts Pirates, and that beating him would give her the position of leader.

Pokémon like Greninja, Inteleon and Zeraora, which are humanoid in appearance, would be difficult for ordinary people to distinguish from devil fruit users if they were given full language capabilities.

In their eyes, Greninja is simply an unusual sorcerer.

Greninja didn't decline the challenge either; he needed an opportunity to showcase his skills. Even though he was just born and lacks real combat experience, for a sparring match, it was more than sufficient.

"What are we going to compete in?" Shinobu, dressed in all pink, turned to Greninja and asked. Before becoming a plump middle-aged woman, Shinobu was indeed a "seductive" kunoichi, with titles like "Bewitching Kunoichi" and "Men-Killer."

Among the motley group of the Oniwabanshu, Shinobu was relatively strong. However, it was of little use against Greninja, as attempting to bewitch a frog was essentially impossible for a human.

"Oniwabanshu is a ninja squad, so let's keep it simple. Since you claim to be a ninja, you should at least know the Three Bodies Technique."

Greninja's knowledge came from Arceus, so he started talking about ninja techniques that Shinobu couldn't comprehend.

"Three-Three Bodies Jutsu?"

"Substitution, Clone, Teleportation. You call yourself a ninja and don't even know this?" Greninja said as he demonstrated Substitution Jutsu by creating a substitute using Substitute Move.

Clone Jutsu, or more accurately, Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu; he used Double Team to directly create multiple illusionary copies of himself.

Teleportation Jutsu- Quick Attack, he nearly teleported behind Shinobu and swiftly swiped his finger across her neck.

"By the way, I forgot to mention, the Oniwabanshu under my command is different from the previous Oniwabanshu. You can't just come and go as you please. If you betray us again, I'll make you understand the cost of betrayal."

As he spoke, he condensed a Water Shuriken in his hand. Water-type Pokémon have many special uses for water, such as Inteleon's high-speed Snipe Shot and Greninja's Water Shuriken.

Since Greninja has been parachuted into becoming the leader of the Oniwabanshu, Oniwabanshu's former gathering place had become his territory. There were several practice targets for the ninjas here, albeit they were only straw-stuffed wooden dummies.

Normally, the shurikens they threw would at most embed themselves in the target, but Greninja's Water Shuriken directly sliced through several straw dummies in a row and disappeared into the sky.

The "Three Bodies Technique" and Water Shuriken marked the end of this so-called challenge. While Wano Country's ninja system is different from Greninja's, the clones and shurikens are still the basics. This shows that Greninja is far stronger than them.

However, she still chose to return to the Oniwabanshu as she cares about the Kozuki family.

The day of Kozuki Hiyori's succession arrived quickly. The collapsed palace had not yet been fully repaired, but during these days, the old ministers had instructed Hiyori in what they called "etiquette."

In his youth, Oden had never paid them any heed, and after Orochi's usurpation, they had dared not voice their opinions. Now, with a young Shogun in power, these people could finally make use of their skills.

Under their guidance, Hiyori's mind was filled with thoughts of how a Shogun should act, what a Shogun should do, and the like.

The ceremony was originally supposed to be attended by all the Shogun and Daimyo's families, but now those seats were empty, with only nominal nobles present, such as Kojiro.

As well as the former retainers of Oden. Seeing Kozuki Hiyori safe and sound was their greatest relief at this moment.

For Hiyori, the ceremony was a burden as the clothing she was wearing weighed around 30 kilograms in total, even after being downsized. Just wearing the hat made her neck ache.

In the presence of a live broadcast, the citizens of Wano Country witnessed Kozuki Hiyori becoming the new Shogun. On this day, a new official position was also established in Wano Country, known as the "Shogun's Attaché(御用挂)." [TN: Here this position also means that Shogun is a puppet and the Attaché controls the affairs from behind. I had translated this term to Puppet Shogun in chapter 205.]

This position meant that it was dedicated to managing the Shogun's affairs, acting like a confidential secretary, and the person appointed to this position was none other than King.

In summary, everything that needs to be handled by Shogun should be conveyed to Kozuki Hiyori through King. Even if someone wishes to meet Kozuki Hiyori, they have to go through King.

After the complex and exhausting ceremony, she hadn't yet had a chance to rest when King approached.

"Shogun Hiyori, there are many tasks ahead. Firstly, the previous samurai squad, the Mimawarigumi, has been disbanded. Shinsengumi will now serve as the new samurai squad, and under the leadership of the Oniwabanshu, a new ninja squad will be established. Boss Kaido has been appointed as the Wise King of the country."

Bonus Chapters:

600, 800, 1000, 1300, 1600, 2000PS [1 chapter for every milestone.] 

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