
Arceus’ Pirate Journey

In the Great Pirate Era, countless people rushed to the sea. The person who obtained Arceus’ power arrived in this world as the new Arceus and got in touch with the Lunarian race. Based on the reality that everything can be Mythical Zoan, the current him can also be called Mythical Zoan user. Whether it is One Piece or Pirate King, it has nothing to do with him, all he wants to do is to retrieve the lost plates first. During this process, he formed an alliance with Beasts Pirates, a famous pirate crew in the New World, and Mr. Kaido got his coveted Mythical Zoan Army. When Pteranodon becomes Aerodactyl, when Brachiosaurus becomes Tropius, the combination of Pokémon and devil fruit powers will bring a whole new change to the world…. Lunarian’s glory will surely reappear. *This is a fan translated novel by me ****Please support on pat*eon for extra chapters https://www.pat*eon.com/dmtranslations

dm95 · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Amazon Lily's view on love


The implied threat in Olga's words was clear, and they naturally turned to look at their older sister, whom they usually relied on.

In fact, extreme aversion towards males on Amazon Lily only began when Hancock returned to her home and became the new Empress of Amazon Lily.

Before that, while Kuja was a male-restricted area, Kuja women didn't hold such a strong hatred toward males.

Even though it was the Kingdom of Women, it ultimately doesn't have the Mother-Child River*. To procreate, they still relied on men, which often led to the warriors going outside to engage in romantic relationships and returning to Kuja when they became pregnant. [*Women after drinking water from this river can get pregnant. You can google it for more information.]

This was the only source of population for Amazon Lily, and it had been the prevailing custom. There was a significant difference in perspective between warriors who had ventured outside and those who hadn't. At least those who had experienced the world outside had some knowledge of males.

"Can we make a call to inform them about our situation?"

"Yes, but don't say anything unnecessary."

"In that case, I'm fine with it."

Staying outside temporarily for three years wasn't a big issue for her. Some warriors had shared their love stories with her, and she feels like she has encountered it too.

Under Olga's supervision, they made the call to report their safety.

However, in the next moment, Hancock's heart underwent a slight change.

"*Boss, we're about to reach Fishman Island. Are we going in this time?" [*This term is used for female boss.]

"No, head straight to Onigashima. It's safer this way because of this time's matter."

Although it was their first time at sea, they understood that "boss" was a term of address for females. It wasn't just the three of them; even Victarion was startled by this address.

Then Olga's appearance distorted for a moment and then she once again returned to her original appearance, her height naturally decreasing greatly. She could do nothing against the slow growth caused by Pure Gold.

Victarion had joined the crew for the time being, and if the three sisters were going back with her for three years, then sooner or later, she would come into contact with then. Since that is the case, there was no need to keep hiding.


"What's wrong with being female? Brat, take a good look at this, Boss Olga is a notorious pirate with a bounty of 480 million Berries. Your 50 million is nothing."

These subordinates had a habit of carrying their Boss' wanted poster, as it seemed more effective in intimidating others.

Seeing the wanted poster, Victarion wasn't afraid; instead, he got excited. This seemed to be the opportunity he had been waiting for.

As for Hancock, her budding heart was broken, but not completely.

This was because she was born on Amazon Lily, and it was her first time out to sea in 12 years. Amazon Lily has a unique situation: because there are no men, some women have quite close relationships, and this is considered normal among the Kuja people.

Even in the eyes of many, women should be with women.

"Um, may I ask if you have a girlfriend?"


In such a situation, Olga received a rather strange question.

As Olga sailed past Fishman Island and entered the New World, a battleship with Kuzan arrived belatedly.

Even though he had wasted a lot of time before setting off, he quickly reached the location through the Marine-occupied tarai current. After all, Sabaody Archipelago was not too far from Marine Headquarters.

"Vice Admiral Kuzan! Vice Admiral Kuzan? Vice Admiral Kuzan!"

"Ah, I heard you; don't rush me."

Kuzan impatiently rubbed his ear. Even though he had boarded the battleship at Sengoku's urging, it still couldn't change his current personality. He had immediately put on an eye mask as soon as he stepped onto the battleship.

Before the Ohara incident, he wouldn't act this way. He would directly carry out orders. Back then, disturbing his sleep would result in a serious case of morning grumpiness, but now it seemed like those things didn't matter.

The burning justice had turned into lazy justice, and he had no enthusiasm whatsoever when it came to upholding the interests of the Celestial Dragons.

"How is the situation on the island?"

"According to the report from the guards at Sabaody Archipelago, after robbing the Celestial Dragon, the criminal engaged in a fierce battle with the guards, but seeing that he was no match for them, he left and the only thing they found at the scene was a broken puppet.

"So, the Celestial Dragon is fine, and the culprit has escaped, right?"

"Um, that's correct."

"Turn around, let's go back."

"Vice Admiral Kuzan, in that case..."

"Arara, Arara, I suppose you're right. Then, let's clear out the troublemakers in this lawless area."

On this day, due to Kuzan's mission, the pirates gathered in the lawless area were attacked, leaving numerous ice sculptures on Sabaody Archipelago. However, the culprits of the robbery were not among them.

In the hospital at Sabaody Archipelago, all the patients were expelled because the Celestial Dragon believed he didn't deserve to share a hospital with them. The man inside the bubble helmet was currently on oxygen and describing the appearance of the attacker.

"Saint Hobb, did he look something like this?"

"Close enough! Catch him for me! I want to turn his entire family into slaves! Let them experience all the pain!"

After uttering a few words, he resumed inhaling oxygen. According to the doctor, he was just a step away from dying due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

"Death Actor...Ryleth?"

"Yes, Vice Admiral Kuzan, based on our analysis, it is indeed this individual who attacked the Celestial Dragon, and according to the Marine's account at the time, that person's abilities also match those of this Ryleth."

"How many years has this guy been in hiding?"

"According to the Intelligence Branch's investigation, it's been over ten years, and we don't have enough clearance for more information about him."

"Not enough?"

If even with Admiral Candidate's authority someone couldn't be investigated, there was only one possibility left: the World Government is concealing something. That guy must possess some secret.

However, this worked out perfectly for Kuzan, as he had no intention of dealing with this mess. With the frozen pirates on board, Kuzan returned to Marine Headquarters.

While Kuzan continued to laze around, someone was having bad luck.

Inside Mariejois, Spandine once again faced the wrath of his superior.

"You useless wretch! If you hadn't lost that guy's Vivre Card, would we be in such a passive situation now? The Pure Gold situation isn't resolved yet, and this guy dared to rob a Celestial Dragon. Tell me, what should we do next?"

"This... Sir, I think this is an opportunity. After being silent for so many years, he suddenly did something like this; he must have other plans."

When it came to deceiving his superiors, Spandine's intelligence never faltered. Under his persuasive efforts, Cipher Pol once again increased their manpower and resources to investigate Ryleth.

However, the next moment after he hung up the phone, Spandam, the newly appointed CP5 chief, was beaten up by his father.

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