
Arcanum Astra

Soran Xenthos completely sucks at being normal. Being found inside of a destroyed mech in the middle of a civil war in the year 3981 certainly made him unique. He has also been able to manipulate fire before he could even learn how to walk. On the very long list of the things that make him special the one thing he truly hated was the strange nightmare that he can't seem to get rid of. A night of horror and death involving a woman named Alara and a man named Solomon who ironically looks just like him. Now living on the fourth planet of the Prime System known as Neo Arcadia, he attends the Albion Military Academy. A special school comprised of students from each of the Prime System's six worlds. Though for the past two weeks he's spent time in suspension for an altercation at school gone horribly wrong. For his first day back he hoped he could spend it peacefully with his friends, Andrew, Clarke, and Talia as well as his cousin Minerva. Yet he found his hopes dashed away as a school rival nearly kills him. Moments before death, Soran comes face to face with Solomon himself, who reveals that Soran is actually a member of a long-forgotten race known as the Arcadians. Beings made of living Ether, the unlimited energy source that powers the very society Soran has known. It is then he gains awareness of his true potential as the holder of an Arcadian Marker called "The Fool." Realizing his destiny, Soran is entrusted by Solomon with the task of stopping Lucian, the man who murdered Solomon eons ago from realizing his ambition of creating a utopia, where only Arcadians exist. However, Lucian's cunning knows no bounds as he attacks Albion Academy in an attempt to recruit Soran for his grand ambition just after the latter awakens to his true self. With the Prime Council and Solomon now placing their faith in Soran, he must acquire the secrets hidden within the Fool that will lead him to Lucian's ultimate goal. The Arcanum Astra, a device that is said to have the power to shape the very cosmos itself. For that he will lead the greatest fighting force the Prime System has ever created... Nova Astra.

SoranX · Sci-fi
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48 Chs

Chapter 32: Mobilize

As we approached the Asterism I could see the fighting from a distance. Well, mainly a crimson beam being fired occasionally destroying a group of enemies. There were some smaller beams as well. I couldn't help but be a little jealous of everyone else getting to fight. With how on edge I've been, a good fight would've been a really good distraction. Whatever Talia had for me, It better have been worth all this stress.

Our arrival back on the Asterism wasn't pleasant as I thought it would be. Like before everyone was scrambling to different places. Fighters and Ghosts were beginning to deploy to assist the others outside.

"Soran!" I heard from the distance near the hangar's exit. From the crowd, I could see Satomi wheeling herself over to us.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked, "It's utter chaos on the coms."

"Yeah we're fine," I answered. "Andrew is a little out of sorts but he'll make it."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Satomi checked for Andrew who was now behind me still waking up from his small nap.

"You two catch up," he suggested. "I'm going to head to the bridge."

Andrew trudged his way toward the hangar exit leaving the two of us behind.

"So, how's the plan coming?" I asked. "Will we make it in time?"

"Fortunately you guys got back in time. Once the fleet in front of us is cleared out we'll be able to set a course for Neo Arcadia"

"Excellent, what have you got for when the time comes?"

Satomi closed her eyes as we headed toward the hangar exit. Within the next few minutes, a pop-up appeared in my field of vision. Opening it I saw a simple map of the outer atmosphere of Neo Arcadia.

"There will be two teams for this mission," Satomi began explaining. "The first being the Lance Unit and the second being the Shield Unit."

A blue triangle appeared a distance away from Neo Arcadia's atmosphere while a few green squares appeared closer to it. Then many red triangles and squares appeared facing opposite of the friendlies.

"Now if Haumea's Intel is correct we shouldn't have a hard time fending off the enemy fleet. But we've planned for if the enemy appears in greater numbers."

"That's fine," I said. "We can't completely trust her just because she showed up."

"Right... Which is why Talia needed you back on the Asterism. I'll let her give you the details on that."

The display changed now showing a list of everyone consisting of the Lance Unit. There was Edwin, Seraph, Haumea, and myself.

"Sending the Arcadians into the breach?" I chuckled.

"Well, you guys are pretty hard to kill. Besides, we'll need a force to defend the perimeter around Neo Arcadia."

It seemed like a pretty decent plan. While the heavy hitters were clearing most of the enemy forces in front of us, we have the reserve units defending the planet.

"Well, we need to be ready for anything. We may be able to blitz through their front line but there could be the chance that Arjun may try something."

"I thought this Arjun fellow was pretty predictable?" worried Satomi. "He shouldn't be as dangerous as Lucian."

"Honestly you wouldn't be wrong making that assumption. Yet Lucian is far more predictable than Arjun. If Necron Arcadia taught us anything it's to expect the unexpected."

"So what do you propose?"

I had to think about that for a second. Scrolling through the details of the enemy fleet's arrival I noticed that we'd sent scout drones to ascertain their numbers. The drones never returned, presumed destroyed by the enemy. Since the information I'd been able to see was shared by Satomi she likely saw what I was looking for.

"From what we investigated those drones were not destroyed using conventional weaponry, but rather Cyberwarfare," she explained. "I was able to trace the origin of the viruses used by the enemy and it pointed to somewhere in the enemy flagship."

Someone capable in the field of Cyberwarfare was our enemy. Not something I wanted to go up against. Then I remembered, Haumea did say that Arjun wasn't alone. That meant Laufey was the next likely culprit. Arjun likely didn't have the brains to pull that off.

"Then we'll need to proceed with caution when attacking the fleets," I reasoned.

Well actually you don't have to worry about that," Satomi muttered. "The entire time I'll be providing support from the Cyberwarfare suite."

I'd stopped the moment I heard that. "You sure Satomi? That's a lot to put on you."

"Relax Soran... As a member of Nova Astra, I have to support you in any way I can. Besides, Talia made it easier."

"You know, Talia has been doing a lot behind the scenes. It's a little concerning that her Commander doesn't know everything."

"Don't worry little rabbit. It's nothing bad I promise."

As she was about to continue down the hall a thought occurred to me.

"Hey, Satomi..."

She stopped once again and turned around. "Yes?"

"Sorry... About the Haumea thing. I never apologized."

She didn't say anything at first though she did seem a bit bothered. She took a deep breath and then looked me in the eyes.

"It's fine Soran. It's not like we're together or anything. I just kind of..." Her voice trailed off and her gaze seemed to falter.

"I did feel a little angry to tell you the truth. But it wasn't right considering the circumstances. That just means I have to try a little harder."

That last bit seemed a little fuzzy. It was still weird hearing her speak in my mind. Before I could ask she turned back around. "Come on. Minerva's going to die of fright if she doesn't see you again."

As much as I wanted to address what she said, this wasn't the right time.

As we made it to the Bridge we could hear something like shouting going on inside.

"Ensure the defensive perimeter around the ship is airtight!" Barked Alice. "Send all available strike teams to assist the others!

"Come my dear subordinates! Let's show these miscreants the might of Nova Astra!" Minerva bellowed.

"Ma'am yes Ma'am! Roared the rest of the soldiers

"Wow... the Witch and the Empress are taking command," I said.



Saying aloud was kind of stupid, but it wasn't like they weren't going to find out eventually.

"You girls ever check the U-Net? You're pretty popular throughout the web." I sent them some quick posts and while I did I saw a few of the officers try and hide their faces.

"This is... interesting." Alice quavered in embarrassment.

"Ugh... utterly revolting," Minerva spat. "It reminds me of a certain blond lecher"

"Go easy on the troops' girls. Your gallantry invigorates their hearts. Besides at least the guys are a little tamer than the girls. You should be honored the troops revere you as the dazzling lights of Nova Astra."

Even though they were uneasy about it, the girls seemed to relent. Which now allowed us to return to the topic. "Anyways... the Lance Unit is kinda full of Eidolon pilots. The shield unit will only have a few of us protecting the ship. Mind explaining that little missed detail?"

One by one the girls smiled, it seemed a bit strange considering my question.

"I was going to allow Talia to tell you but the way she's been bossing us around with the weapons I'd rather ruin a bit of her fun," Alice said. "Claire and I will be a part of the Shield Unit."

"Claire!?" Why's she in the unit!?"

"You cannot object dear Cousin," snapped Minerva. "This was her desire and she is already undergoing the surgery."

"Even so... She doesn't even have an Eidolon to pilot."

"It's something she wanted," Satomi stated. "At least this way, she'd have her brother looking after her."

In a screwed-up way sure, yet no matter how much I wanted to protest it, there was nothing I could say. I just hoped she'd be able to handle the Animus enough to just protect the ship.

"I guess I should begin preparations for launch," I grumbled, "Since when did Talia hold more authority than the Commander?"

"Since probably when you let a runty tyrant take charge of all of our weapons," Satomi giggled.

Turning to leave, I felt a tug on my arm. "Wait Soran, aren't you forgetting something?"

I had my weapons on me, and as we spoke Ragnarok was being prepared with whatever Talia had in mind for it. "I don't know what you're talking about now Minny."

She flicked me on the forehead before waving toward the Captain's chair. "You claim that we are the dazzling lights of Nova Astra yet you have forgotten your place. You are our Monarch, our sovereign, the Big cheddar as our more homely soldiers would call it."

"Um... Miss Galatea, I think it's the Big Cheese," Satomi corrected.

"Whatever the case, you are our Commander. Your troops must hear your words to press forward."

It seemed a bit cliche to even entertain the idea. That was until I noticed everyone in the room now looking at me. Satomi and the girls, along with every member of Nova Astra now looked at me with a seriousness that made me a bit nervous. It was almost like the look Clarke gave me right before the mission to Necron Arcadia.

I was hesitant at first, I didn't think anything I'd say would even make everyone willing to go along with this madness. Until earlier this year I was the little nobody everyone wanted to avoid.

"Come now Soran... They believe in you so you must believe in them."

Hearing that voice caused me to jolt up. I looked around trying to see if what I was hearing was real. It shouldn't have been possible and yet there was a part of me that knew it. I wished he gave me a break. Even from beyond the grave he's still trying to keep me from moping.

The muddy haze of hesitation suddenly cleared. I briskly stepped to the captain's seat and jacked myself into the Animus. Broadcasting to all channels within Nova Astra's network held out my hand. Creating a tiny white flame I took in a deep breath and then released it moments later. The communication line connected and now the entirety of Nova Astra could hear my words.

"Attention all crew and personnel of Nova Astra. This is Commander Soran Xenthos broadcasting a message to you all. In the next couple of hours, the forces of the Arcana Order will be knocking at our doorsteps. They've brought quite a large fleet and intend on raining hellfire on our beloved homeworld. Should we fail, the lives of countless of our friends and family will be snuffed out."

I closed my eyes for a moment allowing that fact to sink in for a second. It wasn't an optimistic note to stop on, what came next would surely get them riled up.

"That being said... Your mission is simple. Protect Neo Arcadia with everything you have. We cannot allow a single one of those bastards even to see the skies of our home. For one hour we must hold the line. The Prime System Alliance will flank and destroy their only hope of escape. Until then, we must defend Neo Arcadia since our very lives depend on it."

Standing up I held out my hand in the most commanding way I could.

"So give it all you've got out there but do not waste your lives foolishly. Survive this and defend your home! You're the best of the best every planet in the Prime System has to offer. So let's show the Arcana Order that they've messed with the wrong planet.

"For those who've died! For Albion!"