

The boys carried Katherina to the medical room she was unconscious and in a deep sleep she dream about another prophecy about herself "IT DIDN'T FEEL LIKE A DREAM BUT IN THE SAME TIME IT DIDN'T BECAUSE IT ALWAYS ENDS THE SAME MYSELF DEAD ON THE FLOOR. "Huh wha- where am i?" She asked" "your in the medical wing" Ace answered "how long was i out" Katherina asked "you've been out for 2 days" Kai said "the sim crash cause of some error coding" Ace said,when the nurse suddenly said visiting hours is over "were going to pick you up tommorow" Daphne said ok bye before they go Kai tell Katherina that Klaus have left something a letter that is saying meet me in the green house after that they head out of the room and when they left Katherina's room Kai left the both of them while chatting Daphne bumped into Drake who was about to visit Katherina "ohh I'm sorry- it's you" the both said "I never got your name,do you mind telling me what is it?" Drake asked "ohh I'm Daphne by the way your Drake right?" Daphne said "Drake, coladris prep Drake?" Ace asked "yeah why so" Drake replied with a question "you beat Klaus last year's" Ace answered Daphne cut their chatting and asked Drake why is he here "ohh I'm gonna visit Katherina" he answered "visiting hours is over now" she replied "dammit-" Drake said "you can join me picking her up tommorow if you like?" Daphne said "sure" Drake said "give me your number so I can call you when we are picking her up"Daphne said "sure here's my number" Drake answered, the nurse came up to Katherina and told her she has a visitor the teacher came in from her room and tell her that she is chosen in the league, she remembered the the threat that has been said to her she the teacher said that she should think of it then the teacher left the room after the nurse tell her not to go outside and rest well after the lights were of she sneak out of the hospital and walked to the green house. Before Katherina appeared Zargon appeared out of nowhere and have a chat with Klaus but Klaus rejects the talk, Zargon bullies Klaus "how much do you bet that she is coming?" Zargon said "what do you want?!" Klaus asked "I already told you that we are tend to be friends you're one of a kind glitch in the system" Zargon answered "you-you put Kat .. you put her in danger!!" Klaus asked angrily, Zargon tied him "hey!!what did you?! do let me go!!" Klaus said "I told you your no match for me" Zargon said then disappeared 5 mins later Katherina appeared "your late" Klaus said "do you ever tried sneaking out of the hospital?" Katherina asked Klaus nodes as a yes Klaus said sorry for being rude to Katherina sometimes she hugs Klaus as accepting the apology of Klaus Katherina realized she was too close to Klaus so she said sorry cause she didn't notice it but something unexpected happens Klaus kiss Katherina as he loves her so much Klaus apologize for that he said he just got carried away but Katherina kiss him back saying she loves him too they sat there by the stars and wishes something's on the shooting stars as time passes by Klaus brought back Katherina to the hospital and before Katherina entered her room she kissed her as a sign of goodbye Klaus also gives Katherina her necklace "it looks good on you Kat" Klaus said bye "I'm gonna see you tommorow" then Klaus left her there and head over to his dorm he was about to enter his room when he notice that someone is watching him "who's there?" Then Zargon appeared "have a good day out there?" He asked "leave me alone!" Klaus said "klaus let's not make it harder than it has to be" Zargon said "other else the girly is stuff there will be over" Klaus release himself into Zargon's power "you wouldn't dare" Klaus replied Klaus threw his power to Zargon but Zargon easily catches it Zargon beat him from back and front he falls to the floor then Zargon starts to posses him "you are mine now my own personal weapon and you'll be helpless seeing the yellow die,I'm sorry but I started to like you after that Klaus passed out. The morning da

Drake and Daphne came to pick Katherina up the nurse came and tell the 2 the medicine needed by Katherina after the both talking to the nurse she appeared "hello Daphne" she said "ohh Drake I didn't expect you to came" Katherina said "ohh I was about to visit you yesterday but it's the end of visiting hours" Drake said "by the way what day is today?" Katherina asked "ohh it's Thursday I believe"Daphne said "tommorow is the chosing of the assembly team" Katherina said it frightened "ohh yeah I'm so excited about it-" Daphne said Drake notices that Katherina seem to be sad so Drake touched Daphne for her too notice it too Daphne asked katherina "what is wrong?" She asked "I don't want to participate that's why" Katherina said "why what's wrong?" Drake asked "the sim crashed because somebody wash their with me he threatened me that if I participated they will hurt others" she replied Daphne hugs her for her to be comforted Drake asked "what does he looked like this is a foul game" then suddenly Katherina blacked out and saw some pictures of Zargon flashing in his mind "Kat - you blacked out for a second" Drake said "Zargon that's the one who joined the sim the both got shocked once she recites Zargon's name "Zargon must wanted something to you" Drake said "we need to train Kat" Drake said "are you serious Kat is at risk..." Daphne said "we should train Kat Zargon must want something from her,were gonna train you today" Drake said, Kat nodes so as Daphne on the other hand Zargon successfully possessed Klaus body and grins.

Is Klaus gonna be possessed by Zargon?is he gonna do what Zargon wanna do with katherina?