

I was just a normal office worker but suddenly because of some 'ARCANE' my life changed. I worked in my office but now I am fighting monsters, supernatural beings. How did this happen? It's as if my life became ARCANE

DOUBLE_V · Fantasy
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25 Chs

ARCANE Chapter 7



"What the hell??!!" I shouted catching Happi's shirt collar.

"Maan! don't shout so loud. I am gonna go deaf" he then caught my shirt collar and started pulling it.

"How the hell could I not shout after hearing that only I went through all that hell." I shouted again pulling hem with even more strength.

Everyone gathered around us and started pulling away from each other.

"EEEE That's your bad luck you idiot!!" shouting that he left my collar.

"What bad luck? You were just chased by a gorilla and he was chased by a bear, she was chased by honey bees, he was chased by monkeys....." I shouted pointing at everyone "and why the hell was I the only chased by a tiger!!!!"

"Is it our fault that a tiger chased you?" Happi shouted.

"It was like hell chased by a tiger. If you were in my place you would have known!!!"

"You should have climbed a tree man." Happi cooled down and said to me calmly tapping on my shoulder.

"I tried to do that but when I stopped to climb a tree the tiger jumped towards me and I had to run again."

"Everyone what is happening here?" Prof.Vigyan entered into our cabin because of all the mess I have made.

"Professor I was chased by a tiger in the forest and they were only chased by gorilla, monkeys or some bugs. Was there only one tiger there." I asked the professor doubtfully.

"Rishi for now lets keep that aside. I have something more important to tell you so everyone gather up." the professor said to us with a worried look on his face. The cabin suddenly became very quite.

What was Prof.Vigyan worried about? I didn't see him so worried from the day I was recruited. Did something too important come up?

After everyone gathered we all went inside the meeting hall and sat on the chairs.

"Um... so everyone I know this is too early for you but it is the order of higher up's that you all newly recruited members are going on a raid to clear a [DOOR] tomorrow." everyone including me shouted "What!!??". We were all shocked by what the professor said.

"Yes, yes I know this is too early for you guys but there were many unexpected happening so you all have to go on a raid tomorrow forming four different teams. You don't have to worry too much because the raid will be done by other experienced Arcaners, this is just to show how a raid is done to you newly recruited members." The professor explained it to us calmly.

"So everyone prepare for tomorrow. Oh I also forgot to tell you that there are blacksmiths in the 5th floor you can order any type of weapon freely for this time." the professor said waving his hand near the exit of his hall.

So now I have to go on a raid huh? I looked at everyone and everyone was as worried as me. AAHH I should not think too much I should just focus on what to do next. Saying that to myself I shooked my head.

"Rishi lets go to to the 5th floor." Happi said shouted running towards me.

"Wait Happi I think we should ask a suitable for us from some one experienced." saying that to Happi I started thinking about the most powerful person I know. Hehehe what was there to even think I know the most powerful person in the branch.

"Happi lets go to Jeevan." saying that I started pulling his coat and dragged him towards Jeevan.


"So about what you said, Rishi you have an electric type Arcane and Happi you have a fire type Arcane which are normally suitable for long ranged weapons. I recommend you to take a short ranged weapon like a Sword or Dagger....." he said to you thinking deeply about the topic.

"Ok, thanks man you didn't tell me that i was planing on taking a sphere or a bow with me." Happi thanked Jeevan and we started moving towards the blacksmiths.

On the 5th floor there were many blacksmiths in their stalls. there was a big line in front of every blacksmith's stall, I guess everyone in the building are preparing for the raid. Happi without a second thought he ran towards a muscular man without shirt but I am a little choosy or more likely you could say I wanted to a blacksmith with less people surrounding him.

BOOM "Grasp?!!" I got started because of a sound from a stall where there were no customers and smoke started coming from the stall.

"Cough, cough, maan!! That was crap. Who the hell gave me this formula to make a weapon??" a girl came out of the door from the stall and started coughing.

I went to her and gave her some water. After drinking some water she gave me a serious look.

"You don't look too powerful what do you want?" so asked me seriously. As I was about to say "Even if you want a weapon I only make weapon from design that is made by the user. So if you have a design of the weapon you want only then you can order in my store for a weapon if not you can get away from here." She said. Man she acts as an old granny even if she looks near to my age.

She started looking at me seriously about the decision I would make and rubbing her hair removing the dust that was on her hair.

"Um... can I get a pen and paper?" I asked her rubbing my chin with a finger.


"I don't know the name of the materials so I just drawed a rough sketch of the weapon I want and the characteristics of the materials so you could make if for me." I said to the female blacksmith handing the paper I have drawn.

Seeing the paper I think she was impressed by looking into my idea "You can draw quite nicely. I will give you this weapon by evening so give me your phone number to contract me." she said taking out the phone in her pocket.

After giving her my contact I started walking towards the lift. "!!??" someone dashed me from my back and I got shocked by the sudden attack.

"Hey Rishi, wait for me man!! Because of you I came here running as fast as I could." Ohhh it was Happi.

"You idiot that started me, why did you dash me?" I shouted kicking his but.

"Aooww sorry sorry I was just exited to show you my weapon." he said rubbing his back.

"Ohh then show me." I asked him curiously.

He took out a box from his bag and slowly opeaned it. "?!!" The bright glittering light blinded my eyes for a moment. There were two shiny, super sharp daggers in that box.

"How are my weapons?" he asked me with a spark in his eyes.

"They are crazy good. I thought you were going to take a sword because of all the training you did back in high school." I said to him touching the daggers.

"But where is your weapon Rishi? is it invisible??" Happi asked me looking around me.

"I ordered my weapon. The blacksmith said that it would be made till the evening." I told him.

"Oho then lets go and eat our lunch!!" he shouted raising his hand. He sure likes to eat.

After we ate our lunch, we started walking towards our cabin then suddenly I saw Jeevan running towards the exit.

I ran towards him shouting "Jeevan what's the problem? Why are you running?!!"\

"Huh Rishi?!!" seeing me he stops in front of the exit.

"What's the problem Jeevan? Why are you running?" I asked him again by catching my breath. Man I should really increase my stamina by any means.

"Something abnormal happened in the [DOOR] that a team just entered for it's raid. I am going to check it just in case." he said to me patently.

"Oho then I wont stop you but please be careful Jeevan alright?" I said to him worriedly.

He nodded his head and started running again.

Just why is everything weird started happening? Even the professor said that we have to go to a [DOOR] early because something abnormal has happened. Just what is that abnormal thing?? Is everyone in danger? What the hell is happening?? Thinking these things I started walking towards the cabin.

If things are like this now what will be the situation when we enter the [DOOR]??

As I entered the cabin "Rishi is everything alright?" Happi asked me seeing me worried.

"Are you scared of fighting monsters." Happi asked me doubtfully coming towards me.

"Um... no I am just worried what the hell does abnormal mean in this company?!!" I shouted.

"Abnormal means abnormal, hehehe." my new colleague Anand said to me laughing.

"Yeah yeah I don't know that." I said to him, but at least I calmed down now.

The moment I sat on my seat my phone started ringing....