

I was just a normal office worker but suddenly because of some 'ARCANE' my life changed. I worked in my office but now I am fighting monsters, supernatural beings. How did this happen? It's as if my life became ARCANE

DOUBLE_V · Fantasy
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25 Chs

ARCANE Chapter 3




GRASP "Wha...What is that?" huh it is my alarm.

"Rishi getup!!! It's time for you to go..." I can hear my mom shouting from the kitchen ".....Raj wake up your big brother!!"

"Mom Rishi is already awake so don't worry." woh that surprised me. Raj was sitting on the chair next to me and my bed reading something. If I remember correctly his exams should be starting from today. Unlike me Raj is clever, he is good at sports and there are only some things he is not particularly good at, any way I had a weird dream, I think it is because of the novels and the movies I have seen spending all my vacation.

"Mom did anything weird happen yesterday??"

"Nothing weird has happened, why are you asking?" replied mom.

"Umm, when did I return yesterday I mean I don't remember anything after something like after I got out of the bus."

"Um yesterday you just entered home and went straight to the bedroom and slept, I thought you were tired so I did not wake you up."

"So it really was a dream as I guessed." I whispered to myself.

"You did not even brush Rishi? get ready fast or else you are gonna be late."she rushes me.

"Alright alright I am going."

I got ready in 10 minutes. "Raj I am going to the office bye and all the best for your exam!!" I said hurriedly knotting my shoe lays.

"Thanks bro bye, take care!!" he shouted from the room.

"Bye mom!!" and like that I got out of the house.

So.... it was a dream huh, two weird guys trying to kill me and Happi was I crazy thinking that it was real?? That would never happen and I getting isekaied after my death, hahahaa I want to laugh at myself.

The company bus arrived. I got inside the bus, Happi was already inside so I sat beside him. Normally he would be listening to music but today he was looking at me as if he wanted to tell me something.

"Man how much time will you stare at me? just say what you want to tell me." I told him.

"Um you see yesterday I had a dream I am not sure where the dream started but after we got out of the bus we went to a store to buy cool drinks and chocolates then when I came out of the shop we were chased by a monster man I mean a man with super powers. Then you came with a solution and we got rid of him and then another weird came and attacked us with his psych powers. The man threw his blade at me but you came in the middle and saved me and because of me you had a hole in your chest. After that a big lightning hit the ground where you and the 2 other man were after that I lost my conscious. Huff huff huff." he told too big story that he could not even breathe in the middle.

Huh wait did he just say the exact same dream that I had??

"I had the exact same dream!!!"I shouted.

"What? you had the exact same dream? it must be a coincidence right??" he questioned me worriedly.

It felt too real to call it a dream but...."Yes it must be a coincidence, Two people having the same dream is weird." I said to him with a simile on my face to calm him down.

The bus arrived at the company. We got out of the bus and started going towards our computers and I started working again.

"Hey Rishi!" someone suddenly calls me, when I turned towards her she points towards the boss's office and tells me "The boss is calling you."

"Ok thank you for telling" thanking her I took the file I completed yesterday and started walking towards the boss's office.

"May I come in sir." I asked him slowly pushing the door. Seeing him nod his head I entered his office.

Huh Happi is also here and there is another person with spectacles sitting in front of boss. "Um why did you call me sir?" I asked my boss nervously.

" It was all because of this guy you see, his name is Rishi." said my boss to the other person who was looking like a professor pointing towards me.

Did I do something wrong again. Is he going to fire me this time!!

"Oh hey Rishi, your friend Santosh told me everything about you, so you have no need to worry." what the hell did Happi tell you?

"And by the way my name is Prof.Vigyan, I am here to tell you that I am going to recruit you from this small company. You guys will be coming with me." said the man called Vigyan to me with a smile.

"Wait this is too sudden. How can an employee be exchanged like that?" I said worriedly.

"Oh don't worry, this company is under the control of my company. If you both come with me it will be like a promotion for you both." he said with a smile.

I look towards Happi and he signs as he agreed to what the professor said. If he agrees then I agree.

I and Happi sign the contract of the company. I also checked the contract carefully if there was anything weird. I find it too suspicious to let it slide but there was nothing out of normal.

After all that mess we were told to go outside and sit in a car with the number 7777. To my surprise that car was BENZ GLC. We both sat inside the car and the car started moving.

"Man we are not getting kidnapped right?" Happi asked me worriedly.

"No this is not, even if everything happened too fast we are te one who are going to them." I said happi trying to calm him.

But it doesn't feel right to me either. The dream I had at night and an unknown person recruiting both of us.... these are not connected right?

"Any way this is the first time that I am riding in such a costly, luxurious car right?" I shouted shaking Happi's shoulder.

"I think it's the second time." he said combing his messy hair.

"Oh yes!! you took on a raid in your Audi last year for our fare well right?" I said to him remembering the past.

After a couple of minutes the car stopped in front of a giant building. We both got out of the car.

The letters IAA were written on the building. we slowly started moving towards the company "Welcome to IAA gentlemen." a man came out of the building no I know this man, his name is Prof.Vigyan.

"Hello professor Vigyan, so what should we do here now?" asked my curious friend Happi.

That's right after seeing this huge building and imagining working here is making us excited.

"First I will show you around the building. Try to hold back when you want to scream." he whispered the second sentence.

"Hold our scream??" Happi was also as shocked as I was.

Prof.Vigyan took us inside. Inside there were many employees and this was just the first floor. We the entered the lift and got to the second floor. woh there are so many computers here and..."AAAAAHHH there are Holograms here!!!" I shouted "Please don't shout."

"AAAHHHH there are so many robots here. There are also some things that I don't know." like that Happi started shouting. So that's why the prof told us to hold back from shouting.

There were many advanced equipment in this building. So we are going to work here from now on huh?

"This company is an epic, even my dad's office is too small in front of this huge company." Happi said to professor.

"Oh your dad owns his company, this company is not owned by anyone." said Prof.Vigyan.

"Huh is this company not owned by anyone? Then is the company a government property?" I asked Vigyan.

"Government property?? no you can more say it like peoples property." said MR.Vigyan with a smile on his face.

I looked towards Happi, he was as confused as me. Seeing us being in confusion Prof.Vigyan took us inside a room.

"Um... both of you, you don't have any heart disease or any other severe diseases right?" Prof.Vigyan asked us doubtfully.

"NO." Happi and I, both replied at the same time.

"That's a good thing to hear. Even if you don't have any problems I will just take some emergency measurements." telling that Prof.Vigyan typed something on his phone.

"Prof.Vigyan what is it? just tell us." shouted Happi worriedly.

"The thing is what happened to you both yesterday night was all real..." said the profession as calmly as he could. What??!! everything was real?