
Arcane Universe[AU]

Synopsis:  A 100% immersive virtual reality game.  Amazing, isn't it?  The human inhabitants of the planet Zarkar will pass through a new golden age.  Or maybe an age of darkness?  It all started... with a simple game and a young boy who lost his way in this world.  -  -  Author message: This novel will be a mix of RPG, cultivation, supernatural abilities and everything you can think of. Maybe a little cliché.  Well I'm bored so let's see what comes out of this. I'm not native English, I apologize for the spelling mistakes 1ch per day

Dark4_ · Games
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Vs cultivator

'Cultivator?' Aizen was confused by the young man's words.

"Don't you know about cultivation? I'm from the white dragon sect." The young man said with a confident expression.

"White Dragon Sect?" Aizen had never heard about it, neither within the player community nor outside of it.

The young man's confident expression crumbled after seeing that Aizen didn't know about the White Dragon Sect. He thought Aizen was some redneck.

"Damn man, do you live in a cave?!" The young man was outraged.

Aizen seems too strong to be a simple villager, so the young man initially thought he lived in a big city.

'On second thought… Cultivators aren't very social.' The young man thought with a downcast expression.

Cultivators only think about increasing their power, a socializing was only useful if it had benefits. Most of the time cultivators search for treasure or fight with other sects. Ordinary people, especially from small towns, hardly know they exist.

"Well, I'll take those treasures. Don't try to stop me." The young man gave one last warning. However, Aizen didn't care and attacked him again, this time attempting physical combat.


The young man blocked Aizen's attack with a crystalline sword. He expected Aizen to give up fighting, but he was wrong.

"You won't give up, huh." The young man's crystalline sword emitted a bluish glow.

Aizen continued attacking the young man with his sword, but all attacks were blocked.


After blocking Aizen's attack, the young man retaliated with a sequence of slashes. Aizen tried to block the attack, but he was confused to see the young man's sword go through his Oblivion.



The horizontal cut hit Aizen's chest, opening a huge wound.

"Ahh!" Aizen walked away with a pained expression on his face. His breath was heavy, and sweat was running down his forehead.

"You are very inexperienced, how many fights have you had in your life?" the young man asked, with a curious expression. He had used an illusion to trick Aizen's senses, making him see a fake blade, while the real blade hit his chest. Even though Aizen had enhanced his senses, it wasn't enough to perceive the illusion in time.

"Inexperienced…" Aizen muttered with a thoughtful expression. He had a small number of fights, all of which he won by having a huge advantage in firepower or strategy.

"Well, let's get this over with." The young man created dozens of energy swords.

"Give up." He fired the swords at Aizen.


The swords crashed into a stone wall.

"Duo elemental manipulation, not bad." The young man praised. "However, it's not enough."

The young man extended his sword towards the wall. The blue energy focused on the tip of the sword, creating a sphere.


The energy sphere turned into a beam that destroyed everything in its path. However, before the energy beam touched Aizen, he held out Oblivion in front of him.

The energy beam disappeared when touching Oblivion.

"Does your sword… absorb energy?" The young man was a little surprised. He has some weapons that absorb energy, but they are destroyed after being used too many times.

Aizen watched the young man with a grave expression. He knew he couldn't contain himself, or he would die.

The ground suddenly began to shake. The Blue mana surrounded Aizen's body.

"Huh…" The young man looked at Aizen with a curious expression. "So you were holding back. Well, I'm going to take that a little serious too."

The aura around the young man began to change, His shirt disappeared, and a dragon tattoo appeared on his chest, extending up to his arm. Golden gloves covered his hands.

"Let's-" Before the youth finished his sentence, Aizen shot dozens of fire arrows towards him.


The young man dodged the attacks and darted towards Aizen.

Aizen created circles of fire on the ground to stop the young man's onslaught but was unsuccessful. The young man appeared in front of Aizen, his gauntlets emitting a red glow.

"Solar punch." The young man punched Aizen.


The wave of flaming energy generated in the attack horizontally destroyed the entire castle.

Aizen had used his elemental transformation to evade the attack.

'I need more space.'

Aizen flew out of the castle and began his battle in the desert.


the young man dodged the fire beams, when he got close enough, they started hand-to-hand combat.

The young man started a string of punches that left Aizen on the defensive.


Aizen tried to parry, but he knew he couldn't go on like this.


He slashed horizontally with his sword towards the young man's neck. He tried to grab Aizen's sword and end the fight, but Oblivion suddenly transformed into a gauntlet.


Aizen punched the young man, knocking him to the desert floor. When he got up, he saw that he was inside a giant stone dome.

'A trap?'

Several circles of fire covered the ground.

'He held me here to finish the fight, huh.' It was a good strategy, but it wouldn't work on him.

"Spirit flash."

The young man's body emitted a bluish glow, and he bolted at insane speed out of the dome. When Aizen realized that his trap had failed, the young man was already after him. He couldn't react in time and was hit in the back.


Aizen was thrown towards the castle, crashing into the ground.



*Cough!* *Cough!*

Aizen coughed up blood from his injuries. He quickly took a potion from his inventory and drank it.

The potion wouldn't be enough to heal him, as his wounds weren't just shallow cuts from an Abrah centipede. However, the potion would be useful to soothe injuries.

When Aizen looked around, he saw that he was not in the castle room.

'Where am I- what?!' He was shocked to see a gigantic magic matrix in front of him. The matrix was in constant motion and looked like a large web of webs, connecting with several other matrices.

'Is that… the source?!'

"Huh… is that a magic matrix?" The young man appears, with a doubtful expression.

Aizen tried to get up, but the young man bound him with magical chains. After trapping Aizen, he observed the array.


A tremor came out of nowhere, the matrix suddenly emitted a blue glow. The next event left Aizen and the young man shocked.

A bluish energy solidified, forming a crystal. The young man looked at the crystal with a curious expression.

"Heavens, that's a moon gem." The young man said, with a shocked expression.

'How the hell does a matrix create a moon gem?'

Moon Gem is a rare crystal that can be used to make many things, for example, weapons, potions, scrolls, clothing, etc. Moon gem can also be planted using some specific methods.


Another tremor occurred, this time a sword suddenly appeared.

"Hahahaha, this matrix uses energy to create treasures?! This is fantastic!" The young man began to laugh. "I better not destroy this."

'Shit!' Aizen did not expect the situation to progress this way.

'I have no choice.'

The temperature started to drop suddenly. The entire castle began to freeze.

"You don't give up-" The young man couldn't finish his sentence as he was shocked by what Aizen was doing.


Ambient mana started to get out of control. Aizen's body was emanating insane amounts of energy.

"What the hell are you planning to do?!" the young man exclaimed.

"You better run if you don't want to die." Aizen said, with a smile.

Time bomb.

Aizen was concentrating all of his mana to perform a single attack, similar to what he did in the fight against the Lich. His vision started to blur due to massive mana loss.

The amount of mana he had left even the young man perplexed.

The young man thought about killing Aizen, but he realized it was too late. The magic circles were already created, even if Aizen died, they would explode.

"Shit!" He darted towards the treasures without hesitation, putting everything in his bag.

The crimson crystal that was in the center of the room gave off a faint glow and began to get restless.

"I don't know if you'll survive this, but I hope to meet you again one day. Shun White." Shun finally revealed his name.

"...Aizen LightStar." Aizen said, in a weak voice. His vision blurred, and he was about to pass out, but he could vaguely see a crimson glow approaching him.

"Goodbye." The young man shot towards the sky.



"Huh?..." Shun touched his face with a confused expression.


'Did something hit me? I did not see anything.' He didn't remember getting that wound during the fight.

'Well, at the least I took all the treasures. By the way, where are those useless ones?' Shun remembered the men who were with him.