
Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

In a world unlike any other, where magic and mayhem reign, an ordinary individual from Earth finds himself thrust into the mystical realm of Runeterra. Struggling to make sense of his newfound surroundings, he discovers an extraordinary power within him—a mechanic system that grants him the ability to craft and control powerful mechs. As he navigates the diverse and treacherous landscapes of Runeterra, our protagonist soon realizes that this world is on the brink of cataclysmic destruction. The insidious Void, a malevolent force that devours everything in its path, looms on the horizon, threatening to consume Runeterra and plunge it into eternal darkness. With the fate of this world hanging in the balance, our hero embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Along the way, he forges alliances with iconic champions from Runeterra, each with their unique powers and backgrounds. Together, they must rise to the occasion, honing their skills and mechs to combat the ever-encroaching Void. ================================================================ Hey, This is Turdy, I picked up this novel for translation because the other translator stopped releasing chapters. I mostly use AI for translation and then refine it so that words and phrases that doesn't make sense will fit into context. ================================================================ SUPPORT ME ON PAT REON IF YOU'D LIKE EARLY ACCESS TO ADVANCED CHAPTERS. https://www.pat reon.com/TurdTranslations ================================================================ Disclaimer: This work is a creative work of fiction based on the universe and characters of the Original Work (League of Legends, Arcane). The original characters, settings, and intellectual property belong to their respective creators and copyright holders. This fanfiction is a non-commercial, transformative piece of writing created solely for entertainment and the enjoyment of fans. The cover art used for this fanfiction is not my original creation. It is used purely for illustrative and non-commercial purposes, and all rights for the artwork belong to its respective artist or copyright holder. No copyright infringement is intended. Send me a message if you wish to have it removed.

TurdTranslations · Video Games
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257 Chs

CHAPTER 69 - Powder Wants a Hug!

The bustling streets of the Lanes remained as lively as ever in the middle district.

Pedestrians moved back and forth, occasionally stopping to glance at the fresh items displayed by street vendors on both sides of the road.

In the dimly lit alleys without Hextech streetlights, glimpses of ruffians, diverse Yordles, and Vastaya selling prohibited goods could be seen.

Li Lin even spotted vendors selling small stone beetles, swamp frog larvae, and enormous green mushrooms adorned with purple circles.

"Goodness, Teemo must be getting his supplies from here," Li Lin couldn't help but marvel.

Even though the recent turmoil from the Progress Day Assembly hadn't completely subsided, enforcers frequently investigated the Will's Distillery in Zaun. However, it didn't deter the black market traders who were always eager for profit.

Seeing Li Lin in his powered armor, many mistook him for an enforcer and hastily packed away their goods, leaving them abandoned.

However, Li Lin was accustomed to such reactions. He had encountered a similar situation the last time he came to Zaun looking for Vander.

Navigating through the relatively narrow main street of the middle district, Li Lin reached The Last Drop, the famed tavern in the area.

It was early morning, and the interior was dimly lit with not a single customer in sight. Typically, the tavern opened its doors closer to evening.

However, the entrance was unlocked, allowing Li Lin to enter without hindrance.

"The tavern isn't open yet!" a familiar, slightly impatient voice exclaimed.

Li Lin focused on the source of the voice and saw a blue-haired young girl sitting on a wooden triangular stool, resting her head on the bar. In her arms, she clutched a well-worn, patched-up rabbit plushie, and in front of her was a cup with a straw, hinting at some juice.

It was Powder, whom he missed during his last visit.

A smile crept onto Li Lin's face as he approached her, maintaining silence.

However, the distinct sound of the powered armor's mechanical gears was too noticeable. Despite Li Lin's efforts to tread lightly, the echoes resounded in the silent tavern.

"I said the tavern isn't open yet..."

Pouting, Powder turned her head, and the frown on her face transformed into surprise when she recognized the powered armor.

"Li Lin!" Powder exclaimed with astonishment.

She quickly hopped down from the stool, though her feet barely reached the ground. In the process, Powder almost tripped over the stool legs, prompting Li Lin to step forward, ready to catch her in case of a fall.

Sensing Li Lin's intention, Powder, with a mischievous glint in her sapphire eyes, lunged forward.

The metallic exterior of the powered armor lacked the warmth of Li Lin's embrace, but Powder held onto him enthusiastically, rubbing her small face against his chest.

Li Lin opened the visor of the powered armor, then gently ran his hand through Powder's hair.

"In this cold weather, don't you feel chilly?" he asked.

She shook her head, emitting an indistinct snorting sound.

About to stand up, Li Lin noticed Powder blinking her big, watery eyes. She pursed her lips, stretched her arms wide, and signaled her desire clearly.

Li Lin displayed a hint of helplessness on his face, lifting Powder effortlessly, letting her sit on his right arm comfortably.

"Haha!" Powder burst into a series of laughter like tinkling silver bells.

Her left arm secured around Li Lin's neck, and her right hand, with fingers extended, slid forward from the top of his head. Her eyes narrowed into crescents.

"I'm taller than you!"

"Want to be even taller?" Li Lin chuckled, continuing to raise his hand, lifting her above his head.

Powder felt her little heart skip a beat. Instinctively, she gripped the protrusions on the surface of the powered armor, laughing excitedly.

After Powder tired herself out from laughter, Li Lin gently lowered his arm, aligning her tiny face with his line of sight.

"Remember when you promised to visit me last time? You didn't show up," Powder panted slightly.

"But Li Lin did come the next day. At that time, you and the others had run off to Benso's shop to play with Ekko, causing Benso to miss the meeting because he had to take care of you guys."

Before Li Lin could respond, Vander's voice echoed from the stairs leading to the basement, followed by Vi, Claggor, and Milo.

The four were busy in the warehouse below.

As customers could show up anytime at the Last Drop seeking Vander's help, the Last Drop Inn was rarely closed during the entire day.

Powder was too young, going through a growth spurt. Vander assigned her the "important task" of watching over the shop instead of working with them.

This was the reason for her impatience when Li Lin entered just now.

Hearing the commotion from upstairs, the four quickly stopped their work and returned to the ground floor.

Fortunately, it wasn't someone looking for trouble.

Seeing Li Lin, Claggor and Milo hurriedly approached, excitedly reaching out to touch the steel armor.

Mecha were a man's romance everywhere, a sentiment that held true even in another world.


"I want one too!"

"Vi, do you want to join the fun?"

Powder gestured to Vi, but she shook her head, refusing, "No, I'm not interested..."

Vi's heart was still conflicted at this moment.

On one hand, Vi always believed her parents died because they moved to the upper city, which is the main reason she resented Piltover citizens. Li Lin was a Piltover citizen, backed by a councilor's family.

On the other hand, Li Lin was Vander's lifesaver, moreover, Li Lin treated Powder quite well... and Vi wished for her sister to have a better life.

This inner conflict left her unsure how to face Li Lin, only consoling herself that he wasn't a native Piltover resident.

Li Lin smiled, not paying much attention to the kids. His gaze shifted slightly, meeting Vander's eyes.

The swelling in his left eye had subsided considerably. At least now he could open his eyes and see things clearly, and his complexion had improved compared to the previous days.

Vander casually wiped the sweat off his face with the towel hanging on his shoulder, wearing a smile.

"Are you here today to ask about the Chem-Barons?" He seemed to have misunderstood Li Lin's purpose.

"As of now, seven Chem-Barons have replied to me, agreeing to the meeting. The remaining five haven't responded, so I don't have high hopes..." Li Lin scratched his head awkwardly, "Uh... that's not an issue. Even if one of them doesn't come, it's fine."

After all, he had made preparations in advance, and he didn't expect these Chem-Barons to cooperate too willingly. In the end, he would have to "persuade" them in various ways.

"I'm here to ask you to recommend someone familiar with the Undercity, including the Depths."

"Someone familiar with the Undercity? I have quite a few under my command. What are you planning?" Vander asked in confusion.

"To build a Tide Powerplant, I need a suitable location. I want to survey the terrain here."

"Ah, I see." Vander stroked his beard, lost in thought.

After a while, he recommended a suitable candidate to Li Lin: "Well, Huck grew up in the Depths, and he's also a merchant who often travels around. He's quite familiar with the Undercity. I think he should be able to help..."

As Vander's words fell, Powder immediately raised her small hand excitedly, "I know where Huck's house is! I can take Li Lin there!"

"Oh, Powder is too young. Let me go, Vander. You know I run faster; I'll definitely..." Milo pushed her aside, interrupting her self-recommendation. This caused Powder to be frustrated, sticking her tongue out at him.

Even Claggor joined in, "Well... I think I should go. I'm more stable than Milo."

After saying this, the three kids stared at each other competitively, each refusing to yield.

Li Lin's mecha was too cool for these kids. There was no one who didn't want to spend more time with him.

Eventually, Vander, feeling a headache from the squabble, said, "Alright, alright, stop arguing. You all can go together."

"Really?!" The three exclaimed in unison with different tones of surprise.

"Let Vi accompany you. Take Li Lin to Huck's place and then hurry back to help me."

Vi: "..."

Vander glanced at the entrance of the inn and didn't notice Vi's slightly hesitant expression. He reminded once again, "It's been restless lately, enforcers everywhere. Don't cause any trouble for me..."

(End of this chapter)




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