
Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

In a world unlike any other, where magic and mayhem reign, an ordinary individual from Earth finds himself thrust into the mystical realm of Runeterra. Struggling to make sense of his newfound surroundings, he discovers an extraordinary power within him—a mechanic system that grants him the ability to craft and control powerful mechs. As he navigates the diverse and treacherous landscapes of Runeterra, our protagonist soon realizes that this world is on the brink of cataclysmic destruction. The insidious Void, a malevolent force that devours everything in its path, looms on the horizon, threatening to consume Runeterra and plunge it into eternal darkness. With the fate of this world hanging in the balance, our hero embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Along the way, he forges alliances with iconic champions from Runeterra, each with their unique powers and backgrounds. Together, they must rise to the occasion, honing their skills and mechs to combat the ever-encroaching Void. ================================================================ Hey, This is Turdy, I picked up this novel for translation because the other translator stopped releasing chapters. I mostly use AI for translation and then refine it so that words and phrases that doesn't make sense will fit into context. ================================================================ SUPPORT ME ON PAT REON IF YOU'D LIKE EARLY ACCESS TO ADVANCED CHAPTERS. https://www.pat reon.com/TurdTranslations ================================================================ Disclaimer: This work is a creative work of fiction based on the universe and characters of the Original Work (League of Legends, Arcane). The original characters, settings, and intellectual property belong to their respective creators and copyright holders. This fanfiction is a non-commercial, transformative piece of writing created solely for entertainment and the enjoyment of fans. The cover art used for this fanfiction is not my original creation. It is used purely for illustrative and non-commercial purposes, and all rights for the artwork belong to its respective artist or copyright holder. No copyright infringement is intended. Send me a message if you wish to have it removed.

TurdTranslations · Video Games
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321 Chs

CHAPTER 243 - Creator, Li Lin

In the end, Li Lin didn't explain himself. Viktor still couldn't grasp why the key to making machines think lay with him.

Blitz didn't have an on/off switch, just like the other steam robots in the gutters.

From the moment of their creation to their eventual erosion by the harsh environment of the gutters, it was their fate.

Viktor had originally planned to send Blitz down into the sewers to help clean up toxic waste after Progress Day.

After all, benefiting the people of the Undercity and improving their living environment was his original intention in entering the field of science.

However, influenced by Li Lin's question of "how to make machines think for themselves," and his statement that the key lay with Blitz, Viktor still made a slight change to his strategy.

He would still send Blitz to serve the people of Zaun, but in addition to that, he would also take the time to observe Blitz in the Undercity, to see where Li Lin's "specialty" manifested.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and tomorrow would be Progress Day.

As the assembly needed to be held tomorrow night, all of Kiramman's staff were busy.

After the exhibition of the items at the assembly, there would be a noble gathering. Li Lin and Jayce were the speakers for this Progress Day, and this year's gathering would be held at Kiramman's estate.

The scale of tomorrow night's gathering could not be compared to Caitlyn's coming-of-age ceremony.

Cassandra and Tobias directed the servants to decorate the hall, while Caitlyn familiarized herself with the procedures for welcoming guests under the guidance of the butler.

Even Kai'Sa wasn't idle; she followed behind a group of servants, helping them wherever she could.

Li Lin was in his studio, reviewing the schedule for tomorrow's Progress Day. On his desk were several densely packed sheets of paper, prepared by Cassandra for his speech.

However, he had no interest in these flattering speeches to other families; he had his own words to say.

"Master, you have a call from Zaun, to your factory address," came the voice from the intercom.

Since the installation of the "AI," Li Lin had connected the phones in his room, studio, and workshop to the smart system, managed by the AI.

It was Mundo on the line. He informed Li Lin that the first batch of 12 mechanical work units had been fully assembled, awaiting his inspection of the robots' quality.

Li Lin immediately perked up. Just as the first batch of intelligent chips from the Piltover chip factory had been made yesterday and delivered to Kiramman's mansion.

He briefed Caitlyn, Kai'Sa, and Cassandra, donned his armor, grabbed the intelligent chips from the workshop's Hextech chest, and flew down through the Piltover Canyon towards the mid-level plaza in Zaun.

Since the factory had not registered with the Piltover Enforcers, to avoid attracting too much attention, Li Lin first went to the Ozwald Mechanical Factory.

Officially checking the progress of the factory, he secretly removed his armor and went alone to the nearby, but secluded, factory.


As soon as he entered, Mundo came running from the gate, waving to Li Lin.

Since the surveillance cameras were installed, Li Lin had equipped the factory with high-definition cameras in all directions, making it easier for Mundo to manage the factory.

Not only that, but these surveillance cameras also had intelligent identity recognition systems.

Mundo had just seen Li Lin on the monitor in his office and received the notification.

As Li Lin entered the factory gate, Mundo quickly scanned the surroundings, then hurriedly locked the door.

"Any unusual activity lately?" Li Lin asked as part of his routine inquiry.

"No, in this godforsaken place, hardly anyone ever comes here," Mundo said with a simple smile. "I usually eat and sleep in the factory. Even when I go out to buy groceries, I'm very careful when I come back, making sure no one is following me."

Li Lin nodded, knowing his worries were unnecessary.

Although the fall of the Chem-Barons' Raymond Keanne had left this area temporarily ownerless.

Li Lin, in his personal capacity, acquired the Ozwald Asylum and established the factory.

Combined with his current reputation and the recent sensational events of the armored flight over both cities, it would be strange if anyone dared to cause trouble here.

Moreover, with Mundo's large stature, which small-time thug would dare to mess with him?

"Boss, a few days ago, you said that once the robots were assembled, I should give you a call."

"That's right. Take me to see them," Li Lin said to Mundo. "If all 12 of the workbots are up to standard, I'll assign 6 and let the remaining 6 help you, making your job much easier."

"Where do you get these words, Boss? Working for you is my duty, that's what I should do!" Mundo thumped his chest.

If it were anyone else, Li Lin would have thought he was flattering him.

But with Mundo's personality, what he said might actually be sincere.

Li Lin waved his hand, walking straight into the factory, with Mundo following closely behind, and together they arrived at the end of the assembly production line, where 12 humanoid robots, all brown-black in color, stood silently against the wall.

In accordance with the original design, intelligent mechanical laborers required a complex material, an ultra-compressed square lithium battery, to operate continuously for a week without interruption, and it could be recharged repeatedly. Unfortunately, the production process for these batteries was too complex, and the required materials were not readily available. Truly manufacturing them would occupy much of the limited production line space in the factory.

After careful consideration, Li Lin opted to slightly modify the laborers, replacing their power cores with energy crystals. Li Lin first activated his "Data Mind" and found that out of the 12 mechanical laborers, 6 were of standard quality, 4 were of excellent quality, and 2 were of rare quality, slightly exceeding his expectations.

"Are the energy crystals ready?" 

Mundo's efficiency was impressive. "As per your instructions, boss, I had them loaded into the laborers before you arrived."

"Very good," Li Lin commended.

Then, he took out a precise charging device from his bag. He pressed a button on the small dial on the box's front in a rhythmic pattern, and the lock flickered with light, emitting a faint "click" sound. Opening the box, 12 smart chips lay silently on the small support frame inside.

He took out one chip and approached the nearest laborer of rare quality, opened its protective compartment, and placed the chip inside. With the data core in place, the laborer's chest began to shimmer with the iconic blue light of the energy crystal, quickly spreading throughout its body along the mechanical gears.

In less than 10 seconds, the laborer's hollow eyes were filled with the blue light. It initiated a self-scan, quickly compared Li Lin and Mundo's data to the database.

"Self-scan in progress."

"Body integrity: 100%."

"Energy saturation: 100%."

"No anomalies in body operations."

"All functional modules are operating normally."

"Scanning target subjects, comparing to the database..."

"Target identified: Li Lin, Mundo."

"Laborer number 7 reporting to you, my master."

It emitted a neutral mechanical voice, quite distinct from Blitz's, yet bearing some resemblance to the AI's voice.

Mundo's face displayed an expression of disbelief. "Wow, boss! It can talk!"

"Mundo, I am an intelligent laborer with simulated human thinking capability; naturally, I can speak," Laborer number 7 responded before Li Lin could reply.

"Your invention is simply amazing! Those folks in the Upper City calling you 'the Pioneer of the Future' is a complete understatement... In my opinion, you should be called the 'Creator'!" Mundo exclaimed.

Li Lin raised an eyebrow, immediately thinking of the battlefield mech universe. 

The Creator Viktor created a large number of battlefield mechs intending to conquer the entire world, with only a few resistance forces struggling to fight off the mechanical army.

"Why did you think of that name?" Li Lin asked.

"Because you've completely created a race of machines! Think about it, your kind of machines can be mass-produced, and they can even think for themselves. When their numbers are sufficient..." Mundo's words trailed off, and Li Lin could understand his thoughts, but Laborer number 7's eyes flickered with confusion.

"Mr. Mundo, your statement is incorrect. Although we have self-evolving logic, we cannot think for ourselves. We merely simulate human thinking according to a fixed program and make judgments and decisions based on the database," Laborer number 7 clarified.

"Then, what about you and your... uh, 'siblings'? Were you not created by the boss?" Mundo countered.

"Yes, Mr. Mundo."

"Then, isn't that settled? I've read many books on mechanics recently summarized by Mr. Li Lin. I roughly understand what a database is. If your database contains enough information, even if it's simulated thinking, combined with logic and so on, you can almost reach the level of a normal human being. At this point, are you still just machines, or do you consider yourselves as just machines?" Mundo's speech left Li Lin stunned.

Before, Li Lin was afraid that Mundo would get bored and didn't want him to get addicted to computer games, so he gave him a few books on mechanical principles that he had learned from the system and summarized from his daily experience to read. In just a few days, this guy could say such philosophically profound words...

However, for Laborer number 7, Mundo's words left it somewhat unable to comprehend.

"We are the creations of the master, and we always follow all of the master's commands at any time," Laborer number 7 replied.

Mundo raised an eyebrow, his lips curling as he continued, "Alright, then, according to your statement, the boss created you. Is there a problem with calling him the 'Creator'?"


Laborer number 7 fell into a brief silence.

Li Lin, fearing that the questions Mundo posed far exceeded what the intelligent chips could handle and might burn them out, quickly intervened, "Alright, alright, let's focus on the task at hand and install chips in the other laborers first."

He handed Mundo 3 chips, gave 4 to Laborer number 7, and kept the remaining 4 for himself. But before Li Lin could leave, Laborer number 7 called out to him, "Master, do you like the title 'Creator'?"

"It's fine... I'm indifferent to it," Li Lin replied.

Laborer number 7's eyes flashed for a moment, then it spoke in a neutral mechanical tone:

"Project Genesis, Infinite Fourth Generation AI Network connection successful, updating synchronized database..."

"Updating personnel data: Li Lin."

"Previous title: Pioneer of the Future."

"Updated title: Creator."

Li Lin was stunned, then he understood that this was the effect of the "Artificial Intelligence Self-evolving Logic."

Mundo, on the other hand, looked delighted, reaching out to pat Laborer number 7's back in a friendly gesture.

"That's more like it! Creator Li Lin, isn't this title much more imposing than what those folks in the Upper City thought, 'Pioneer of the Future'?"

(End of this chapter)