
Arcane: The Most Evil Scientist

(Runeterra Wolrd) (Piltover City) "Imminent condemnation... Exciting, isn't it?" As soon as I uttered those words, a chilling smile spread across my lips. Before me stood the girl with pink hair, whose name is V.i, currently paralyzed due to a toxin I personally developed. She opens her mouth and exclaims, "When I get out of here, I'm going to break all your teeth and crush your skull against the ground!" Upon hearing this, I turn towards a window beside me and declare loudly, "The moment has arrived!" Witnessing this scene, V.i raises her voice and pleads unnaturally, "Please..." Observing the situation in a comical manner, I retort, "Everything is destined to be conquered by me!" Then, I raise my hand and snap my fingers. "BUZZ!" A red buzz cuts through the air, revealing itself as my nuclear missile. "BOOM!" [--------------------------------------------------] Tags: Hentai. Harem. R-18. War. Violence. Massacre. Genocide. Evil-Mc

Evol_Drin · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Exchange of ten gold coins, super soldier serum!

Nicolas took a step forward. Although the scene was impressive, he had never experienced it before, and his legs did not waver.

But the moment he took a step forward, the roof shed's skylight began to close.

The sunlight avenue behind Nicolas slowly disappeared with his steps, and the light shining on the round table started to diminish, and the entire atmosphere became serious.

As Nicolas walked to the center of the round table, the light above his head had completely disappeared, and the entire hall was plunged into darkness.

Suddenly, a beam of light hit Nicolas from top to bottom, like a spotlight on a stage.

At this moment, Nicolas is not the good boy.

He is the worst boy.


"You are accused of illegal theft, larceny, and crimes against the citizens of Piltover. Do you have anything to defend yourself?"

A female voice came out of nowhere but continued to echo in the empty and silent hall.

With the help of this light, Nicolas could finally see the faces of the seven people at the table.

There are men and women, old and young, black and white, and even a robot.

Facing Nicolas directly is a handsome man who seems to be the same age, with a clear outline and slightly shorter.

Jayce Tallis.

All eyes focused on Nicolas, and he paused and confidently said, as if all of this were just a big pathetic theater: "I am a scientist, not the criminal of the Hex theft. The real main culprit is someone else."

"I now formally raise an objection, I am innocent and request release and a reward, as these accusations are a big stain on my illustrious name!"

Nicolas's words are resonant and powerful, firm, as if everyone else is wrong and only he is right.

On some basic information, the House of Representatives had already heard some from Caitlin and Vi.

They were even a bit shocked when they learned that Nicolas was a scientist.

"Can you create Hextech without using magic crystals?"

At the beginning of the interrogation, Jayce asked.

As a member of Parliament and the city's greatest scientist, Jayce cannot imagine the birth of such technology.

It's not just about controlling magic with technology, but also creating magic!

Listening to Jayce's question, Nicolas smiled and said.

"Yes, I can create Hextech without magic crystals!"

Nicolas's answer was quite decisive.

"How do you create it? Do you want to blow up a whole building?"

An old man who turned like a Rubik's Cube then asked.

"First of all, I declare again that I have nothing to do with this case."

"I discovered a new phenomenon. I call it the law of conservation of energy. As long as certain conditions are met, forms of energy can be transformed!"

Jace's body suddenly trembled.

The words 'Law of Conservation of Energy' are like a sledgehammer, hitting Jace's heart.

A recent study by Jayce found that, whether it's mechanical motion or magical power, their essence seems to produce the same thing.

In theory, since it's the same thing, it can be transformed under certain conditions.

But the mystery is very deep, and he and Victor studied it all night in vain.

Jace did not expect that there would be such a scientist in Piltover.

"So how do you prove this?"

Approaching Jayce, a beautiful dark-skinned woman asked. Nicolas remembered that her name seemed to be Mel; remembering this name, he smiled internally, as Mel is also one of the women he intends to have for himself. Nicolas desires to have all these women on a leash.

Nicolas's eyes became piercing.

For this moment, he paid 10 gold coins to prepare.

"I can prove it to you right now, but I need a completely closed environment. I don't want my results to be plagiarized by anyone."

Nicolas's proposal was immediately approved by the House of Representatives, and the requested materials were found for Nicolas, which was verified by Jayce himself.

Unlike Jayce at the time, according to Nicolas, this could be mature technology.

Everyone wants to see this miraculous scene.

Science creates magic and controls magic.

Not long after, someone brought something that looked like a floor but was made of metal and let Nicolas stand on it.

Nicolas didn't know why, but when he stood on the metal floor, the four sides of the floor began to stretch. In the blink of an eye, four metal walls two or three meters high appeared, enclosing Nicolas in the middle, and it suddenly became a private space.

Nicolas sighed that Piltover's technology is truly advanced, and even modern society may not be as good as Piltover in terms of machinery use.

Without wasting time, after confirming that privacy was protected, Nicolas began his plan.

This is the most critical step to truly exonerate.

It's different from yesterday. Yesterday was just a casual demonstration for two laymen.

The gravity of this case is definitely no joke. None of the seven congressmen attended, and the hearing was overcrowded.

A 'scientist' with no identity who suddenly appeared like this, in order to complete exoneration, he must do something useful.

It's not just a novelty but also important for the progress of this city!

In short, Nicolas must show his uniqueness.

It's just "special" enough, even if there are still suspicions, but for the overall situation of the entire city of Piltover, the House of Representatives must also protect him.

As for what to do, Nicolas has already thought about it.

Firstly, things that cannot be destructive, the people of Piltover are the most taboo about it.

But Nicolas still assembled the metal pieces into a weapon.

The next step is to inject the power of runic energy.

Nicolas covered the body of the weapon and his hands and covered the blue light emitted by the jumping runes.

Nicolas felt the power of runic energy decrease a bit. After the runic energy in his body disappeared completely, this weapon became a hexagonal weapon.

One could say that, as long as Nicolas pulled the trigger, he would become the weapon of the crime.

But Nicolas didn't come to create that today.

Nicolas thought, a test tube appeared in Nicolas's hand.

At first glance, the test tube is empty, but if you look closely, you will find a little blue viscous liquid remaining in the test tube.

This liquid is very small, so even though it is blue, it is not even visible; maybe not even a drop is enough, just half a drop is considered good.

Nicolas carefully opened the test tube cap, fearing any mistake in the test tube in his hand.

This is what he exchanged for 10 gold coins yesterday.

Super soldier serum.

With the super soldier serum, there is Captain America. This may be something modern Nicolas has not discovered in a lifetime of research, but now it can be exchanged while in the system.

One gram, 20 gold coins.

It is true that Nicolas cannot change a gram of it. The serum in the test tube is only half a gram. Because of the density problem, the volume is so small.

Just half a gram of a dose, not even half of Captain America can survive.

But Nicolas didn't come to create a super soldier.

Even if it's just a small amount, it's enough for ordinary people to heal their wounds and illnesses.

He opened the covering clothes; it was the gun with a faint blue light in his hand.

Nicolas gently dripped the small super soldier serum along the barrel onto the gun's body.


When the runic energy met the super soldier serum, the nature of the energy changed in an instant.

The rune pulsated again, and the energy continued to increase in the weapon.

In a few seconds, the faint blue light emitted by the weapon's body turned green.

The abundant energy gradually calmed down, the green light shone, as if it could breathe, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

Nicolas's mouth curled up, and he knew he had succeeded.

Health Technology Gun.


Completely free book, made by fan for fan!

1350 Words