
Arcane: The Most Evil Scientist

(Runeterra Wolrd) (Piltover City) "Imminent condemnation... Exciting, isn't it?" As soon as I uttered those words, a chilling smile spread across my lips. Before me stood the girl with pink hair, whose name is V.i, currently paralyzed due to a toxin I personally developed. She opens her mouth and exclaims, "When I get out of here, I'm going to break all your teeth and crush your skull against the ground!" Upon hearing this, I turn towards a window beside me and declare loudly, "The moment has arrived!" Witnessing this scene, V.i raises her voice and pleads unnaturally, "Please..." Observing the situation in a comical manner, I retort, "Everything is destined to be conquered by me!" Then, I raise my hand and snap my fingers. "BUZZ!" A red buzz cuts through the air, revealing itself as my nuclear missile. "BOOM!" [--------------------------------------------------] Tags: Hentai. Harem. R-18. War. Violence. Massacre. Genocide. Evil-Mc

Evol_Drin · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Aura of flesh

Caitlin, feeling a strange sensation, glanced at V.I for a moment, realizing that she too was experiencing the same feeling. However, she remained silent for a few seconds before speaking, "Let's continue investigating this case!"

Nicolas stood still for a while.

So fast?

But when he came to his senses, Nicolas picked up the glass, prepared to drink, and asked for details, "Where should we investigate?"


V.I replied this time.


"Yes, we all suspect that this case is related to the lower level."

Caitlin answered.

Nicolas has a strong desire to get up and pounce on these women, and force them to have sex right here, but as he must wait calmly for 5 hours, he smiles and remains silent just waiting for time to pass.

Compared to Piltover, Zuan is really a trash bag.

Before he had enough strength, Nicolas didn't want to go to Zaun for an expedition so soon.

But from the current situation, it seems that he doesn't have the right to choose, because if he has Caitlin and V.i with him for 5 hours, Nicolas will be able to fulfill one of his wishes, and obviously, the sex he has with Caitlin and V.i will be Wild, and very violent, Nicolas, will suffocate them, with his seeds, among other things, as well as physically and morally attacking them.

As he is not a prisoner, the clarification of the case immediately became a matter of cleanliness, for Nicolas's name, and he must present an explanation as soon as possible.

Nicolas sighed, he didn't refuse but smiled to accept this reality and asked about the specific procedures one by one.

I don't know if I asked, I was shocked when I asked, there were only two people going to Zaun this time.

Him and Caitlin.

"Perfect!" thought, Nicolás.

Considering V.i's relationship with the lower level, V.i is primarily responsible for finding clues in Piltover this time.

It is not the first time that Caitlin has passed to the lower level, and she still has a certain interpersonal relationship in the lower level, which is a perfect candidate for the case.

The reason for the lack of fuss Nicolas guessed, and now the relationship between the upper and lower levels is so tense, sending many people down will only cause misunderstandings and unnecessary trouble.

It's just that this dating place isn't very nice, but it's perfect for Nicolás to rape Caitlin.

unfortunately V.i didn't go with them, otherwise Nicolas would also want to force her to have sex.

So, Nicolas packed up all the books that were arriving, and he requested another backpack with some pieces that might be needed.

Two hours later, Nicolas was ready to carry the large bag, and Caitlin had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Leaving the building, Nicolas stepped into the streets of Piltover for the first time.

The familiar attributes were vividly displayed in Nicolas. The left one was a wave, and the right one was a good afternoon, which left the passersby on the street stunned for a moment.

Nicolas wasn't afraid of society, but not of a cow, that was before crossing, and now coming to another world is like playing. Interacting with people in other worlds makes Nicolas feel rejuvenated.

But the longer Caitlin spent near Nicolas, her heart began to pound in her chest, and a strange craving in her flesh began to make her uncomfortable.

Such a good scientist lost part of her memory due to an explosion, and she even harmed others!

"Nicolas... can't you remember where you lived before?"

"Yes." Nicolas brightly smiled at a passerby again and casually said, "I can't remember anymore."

A passerby with the same cheerful personality also waved to Nicolas in response and, by the way, sent Caitlin his evening blessing.

Caitlin gave a somewhat tense smile and, in the same manner, learned from Nicolas and waved.

Nicolas's behavior and his indifference to himself inspired an even stronger strange feeling in Caitlin's heart. Their relationship with Nicolas didn't matter, it was mainly for Piltover, why was she feeling this way?

It's possible that, because of her previous actions, Piltover lost a notable scientist, which cannot be compensated by cultivating more than a dozen police officers, Caitlin thought, along with other dirty feelings and thoughts that she never dared to think.

On the way to the lower passage, they talked very little, but Caitlin asked a few scattered questions, and Nicolas just responded accordingly, clearly managing to slip certain words into the conversation that made Caitlin shiver entirely.

Nicolas, seeing Caitlin acting as if she had consumed some strong drink, smiled and thought, "In no time, Caitlin will be so violated that she will never forget, powerful is Nicolas's flesh sword."

In half an hour, Nicolas reached the passage to the lower level, which looked like a tunnel, leading directly to Zaun, the official entrance.

The number of guards patrolling and stationed on both sides of the tunnel far exceeded Nicolas's imagination. In modern times, there are few more squads here, and people who don't understand the situation might even think it's going to be a battle.

And unlike the guards Nicolas had seen before, the guards here all wore gas masks, like biochemical soldiers, fully armed.

Seeing the officer approaching, the guards immediately saluted.

After checking the relevant approval documents, the guards removed the roadblocks, cleared the passage for the two, and placed two gas masks along the way.

Caitlin shook her head.

"I don't need this anymore."

Caitlin had been in Zaun for a long time, and the air quality inside was quite acceptable.

Nicolas thought for a moment, shook his head, and declined.

He didn't need it, as the cloak he was wearing was more than enough. After entering, he carried it with a boring panic, so he didn't need it.

Caitlin was shocked for a moment and, when she opened her mouth to persuade him, couldn't because of the strong carnal feelings she was experiencing, so Caitlin swallowed her words again.

Nicolas, in his beautiful white suit, walked toward the tunnel.

There's a slight descent in the tunnel, about twenty minutes away, the tunnel came to an end.

At the other end is a thick gate, also guarded by some guards.

After checking the approval documents for the second time, the guards joined forces and opened the heavy door for the two.

The scene of Zaun also entered Nicolas's eyes for the first time.


Completely free book, made by fan for fan!

1139 Words