

Nothing bounds me! If I lack something its not because that's my fate,but rather I simply do not desire it I possess what I have not as a consequence of fate but merely because of my own desires and efforts. Nothing is predestined in my life; I exist beyond the realm of fate and destiny. ......... In the aftermath of the enigmatic Arcane Reversal, an epochal event that bestowed the realms of magic and cultivation upon Earth, we find ourselves immersed in a tale that unfolds years later. Embark on this journey alongside Aei, a resolute young boy who staunchly rejects the very notions of fate and destiny. Little does he realize, however, that despite his unwavering disbelief, the intricate tapestry of fate ceaselessly weaves its threads, deftly manipulating his path at every turn.

HeavensMistake · Urban
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6 Chs

Confrontation 1

Aei's face remained surprisingly calm while he faced the mutant ape. His eyes locked onto the beast, a glint of coldness shining within their depths. His heart raced, but his steady composure held firm.

As the mutant ape lunged forward with a furious roar, its massive form hurtling through the air, Aei sprang into action. With a fluid grace, he spun, his body moving in perfect harmony with his will. The three seals, suspended like celestial bodies behind him, quivered with restrained power.

With a flick of his wrist and a focused mental command, the seals shot forward, leaving behind black streaks in their wake. They sliced through the air, each seal aimed at a different part of the mutant ape's body. Aei's attacks were precise, showing his skill and control over his powers.

The mutant ape, however, was not to be joked with. Its thick hide seemed impervious to Aei's assault, and the raw power in its muscles carried it forward despite the barrage of attacks. The creature's roars reverberated through the battlefield, a deafening reminder of the danger it posed.

Aei knew he couldn't rely solely on his seals to defeat this foe. With agility that belied his calm demeanor, he somersaulted to the side, narrowly avoiding the mutant's outstretched claws. As he landed, he summoned more energy, his body surrounded by a nimbus of power.

The mutant ape, momentarily disoriented by Aei's evasive maneuver, paused in its relentless charge. This was the opening Aei needed. "Abyssal Palm" he muttered under his hurried breaths. His palm, crackling with a black aura, connected with the mutant's chest with an explosive burst of energy.

The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the mutant's massive frame. It let out a deafening roar of pain and frustration as it was propelled backward, crashing into the ground with a thunderous thud.

Aei stood his ground, panting slightly with sweat trickling down his brow, mixing with the dirt and grime that covered his face.

. His seals returned to their positions behind him, glowing with renewed intensity. He knew the battle wasn't over yet.

The mutant ape, though wounded and enraged, began to rise, its eyes fixed on Aei with a burning hatred. But it was weaker now, its movements sluggish. Aei seized the opportunity. With a swift motion, he sent his seals flying toward the creature once more.

This time, the seals struck true. They slammed into the mutant ape's body, each impact sending shockwaves of energy coursing through its form. The creature's roars grew weaker, its struggles less frantic.

Aei continued his assault with a calm face. Blow after blow, he channeled his energy into the seals, each strike draining the mutant's strength. And then, with a final, resounding strike, the seals converged on the creature, their combined force overwhelming.

The mutant ape let out one last, pitiful cry as it collapsed to the ground, defeated. Its massive form twitched and then lay still, the light in its eyes dimming.

Aei stood with his chest heaving with exertion. He stared at the corpse for a while to confirm if it was dead.

He looked at the rest of the battlefield and realized that everyone had defeated their respective opponents.

Wen Li, the Escort Sorcerer, stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his chest heaving with exertion. As he observed his three newfound comrades—Aei, the black boy with his distinctive rasta hair, and the girl—he couldn't help but notice something peculiar. A sense of confusion furrowed his brows as he grappled with the realization that these supposed amateurs possessed an extraordinary amount of star energy.

His mind raced with questions, his thoughts swirling in a mix of curiosity and apprehension. How could these individuals, seemingly inexperienced and sheltered, wield such potent star energy? And to his astonishment, they already possessed techniques he had not seen in any records of the NO, heck even in the New Order cultivation techniques were as rare as phoenixes.

A wave of unease washed over Wen Li as he contemplated the implications. If these three had developed their skills in isolation, what other secrets might they be hiding? The thought that they could be capable of silencing him, a seasoned sorcerer, sent a shiver down his spine. The unsettling possibility of being at their mercy left him feeling vulnerable and uncertain of their true intentions.

He temporarily pushed these uneasy thoughts to the back of his mind and checked his PAS watch.

"Oh shit! How could I have forgotten. These mutants are too small to have lifted the vehicle.". He raised his eyebrows in shock and then furrowed them in frustration. On the PAS watch was a red mark of remarkable light intensity which showed there was an even more formidable mutant in the distance.

He quickly made his way to the now-gathering survivors shouting with urgency, "Everyone check your password and head in the direction of that light. The other two Escort sorcerors are fighting the mutant that caused the vehicle to crash. We need to hurry and support them".

Without waiting for their response he quickly increased his pace and ran at a superhuman speed in the direction of the red light.

Aei quickly checked his PAS watch as well and noticed the intense red light. He knitted his eyebrows together. This place is not that far from Central Station how come there's such a powerful mutant around?", he muttered to himself. He shook his head pushing his suspicion to the back of his mind. There's an even more pressing issue that I have to address', he thought, raising his head from looking at the PAS watch and staring in the direction of the other two prominent people on the battlefield.

The girl and black guy also happened to be looking in his direction. The three exchanged glances. Aei realized they both had something to say but held back. His eyes flashed.

He started walking towards the two and they also started moving toward him. Everyone appeared relaxed but they were all secretly planning on how to deal with the other.

When they were just about 10 meters from each other, they all paused.

"I think by now we should know whom we should worry about the most. None of the three of us have anything to gain if we reported the other to the Arcane Bureau of the Order except the rank 6 sorcerer who saw us using techniques. He is more of a threat to us than the three of us standing here.", Aei said with a calm expression while moving his eyes from the girl to the black guy.