

Nothing bounds me! If I lack something its not because that's my fate,but rather I simply do not desire it I possess what I have not as a consequence of fate but merely because of my own desires and efforts. Nothing is predestined in my life; I exist beyond the realm of fate and destiny. ......... In the aftermath of the enigmatic Arcane Reversal, an epochal event that bestowed the realms of magic and cultivation upon Earth, we find ourselves immersed in a tale that unfolds years later. Embark on this journey alongside Aei, a resolute young boy who staunchly rejects the very notions of fate and destiny. Little does he realize, however, that despite his unwavering disbelief, the intricate tapestry of fate ceaselessly weaves its threads, deftly manipulating his path at every turn.

HeavensMistake · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Aei reclined on his bed, his back supported by the mattress and his gaze fixed on the pristine white ceiling. His countenance bore a vacant expression, indicating deep contemplation.

The previous night, he had received a message from him. Although he had his suspicions, yet he was taken aback by the nature of the directive. "Well, regardless, he will likely assist me in some way or another," Aei ruminated silently.

Just then, the announcement device positioned on the small table beside his bed emitted a beep, signaling an imminent announcement. "Attention all arcane borns in hall C are to proceed to the Ariole Dome for their inaugural missions. Please equip yourselves with Artec suits, weapons, and PAS watches. Attention all arcane borns..."

"Ah... finally! I was growing weary of this hen coop. Guess it is time to kick some mutant asses," Aei exclaimed as he leaped energetically from his bed. He stretched lazily and surveyed his surroundings. "Let's see, what shall I bring along? Hmm... it seems there is nothing worth taking. Oh well, such is the life of a poor young man," he lamented with a tinge of self-deprecation.

Turning towards his door, he placed his palm on the fingerprint sensor, causing it to open. Coincidentally, the door opposite his also swung open simultaneously, revealing a blue-haired young man in his late teens.

Adorned in an ancient blue and white Japanese kimono, the young man caught Aei's gaze and responded with an irritated expression. Aei, in turn, offered an innocent look, but the blue-haired boy ignored him and proceeded towards the Ariole Dome, carrying only his attire.

"Seems like Mr. Blue Freckles can't take a joke. Sigh... It's not his fault, not everyone possesses a remarkable sense of humor like myself," Aei muttered to himself.

The blue-haired boy paused, turning his head to lock eyes with Aei, and spoke with a serious tone, "Pray we don't cross paths outside; I have been eager to share a joke of mine with you." Aei responded with an exaggerated yawn and a bored expression, retorting, "Boring," causing the blue-haired boy to snort in response and quicken his pace.

Aei, too, made his way toward the dome, gradually encountering more individuals in the hallway who were also headed to the Ariole Dome. Curiously, everyone avoided Aei as if he were a plague.

"Hey, ChatterBox," a voice called out, catching Aei off guard. His perpetually cheerful countenance almost faltered momentarily upon hearing the voice. Almost.

He rolled his eyes and turned towards the source of the voice. Standing there was a diminutive male, approximately four feet tall, wielding a staff. Judging his age based on his face alone proved challenging. The only indicator that hinted at his true age was his voice.

Aei faced him with a smile on his face and retorted, "Ah, my dear acquaintance, it appears your vertical challenges have once again clouded your judgment. I do speak a lot, but I merely offer people an honest assessment of their appearance." The short boy clenched his jaw, then smiled and said, "One of these days, I will come up with a better comeback and defeat you, Aei." Aei beamed with delight and responded, "In your dreams, Xia Lu."

"Say, Jabberwocky, what type of mission do you anticipate being assigned?" Xia Lu inquired. "Well, I'm not sure on what criteria they will base the mission assignments, but I dare say it could be an escort or a search for regulars," Aei replied. Engaging in conversation, they continued their journey towards the dome.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the Ariole Dome and joined the queue. Suddenly, the large screen at the center of the dome illuminated, revealing a man in his fifties. He donned the distinctive attire of the New Order, adorned with blue and gold stars adorning his chest, signifying his rank as both an official and a sorcerer.

"I shall keep my words brief, as you are all well aware of the perils that lie outside.", he began. " We initially intended to assign missions in groups, but due to the multitude of tasks and the scarcity of sorcerers, we have had to adapt. The first batch of Arcane borns dispatched two weeks ago has shown promise, with 57 completed missions, 23 individuals missing, and 14 recorded deaths.

Unfortunately, the second batch has not fared as well," he sighed, continuing solemnly, "Within a week, we have already witnessed twice as many casualties as the first batch, with fewer missions completed and an alarming number of missing sorcerers." Pausing briefly to let his words sink in, he concluded, "Exercise utmost caution during your missions and thoroughly apply the knowledge you have acquired thus far

. Though the odds may be stacked against us, the survival of humanity rests in your hands. Good luck, Arcane borns, and fellow sorcererrs."

The crowd fell silent, the weight of the man's words sinking deep into their hearts. Aei exchanged a somber glance with Xia Lu, both realizing the gravity of the situation they were about to face.

Aei's mind raced with thoughts of the dangers that awaited them outside the safety of the dome. The unknown mutated creatures, the treacherous landscapes, and the ever-present threat of death loomed over him.

As the crowd dispersed to collect their equipment, Aei and Xia Lu made their way to the designated area, where rows of Artec suits, weapons, and PAS watches were neatly arranged. Aei inspected the suits, selecting one that fit him snugly.

The sleek black fabric covered his body, providing both protection and enhanced mobility. He strapped a utility belt around his waist, equipped with pouches to store various items. Aei then moved on to choose a weapon, settling on a staff infused with arcane energy, its intricate carvings catching the light.

Next, they each received a PAS watch, a technological device specifically designed for Arcane borns. The watch displayed vital information such as mission objectives, navigational assistance, and communication channels. It also doubled as a defensive tool, capable of emitting energy barriers to shield against attacks. Aei fastened the watch securely to his wrist and admired its sleek design.

With their equipment in place, Aei and Xia Lu joined a group of Arcane-borns who were preparing to depart for their inaugural missions. Aei felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension, knowing that the challenges they would face were unlike anything they had encountered before.

As they stepped out of the dome, leaving behind the familiar safety and venturing into the unknown, Aei steeled himself for the battles that awaited him.

Little did he know that the trials ahead would test not only his strength and skills but also his resolve, friendships, and the very essence of his being. As the group set off, Aei focused his mind on the task at hand, ready to confront the dangers that lay ahead and fulfill his duty as an Arcane born, for the sake of humanity's survival.