
A True Arcanist

Chapter 1:

When I decided to go to college in a different state from where I lived I never expected to be stranded on a deserted island after being through a plane crash…

The first thing on my mind when we crash landed was why we crashed.

It was because we met a dragon and it broke our plane's wings off easily because it was three times bigger than the plane itself.

I was the only person to survive the plane crash because my seat tore off the carcass of the plane before impact and instead of dying when the plane collided with the ground and exploded I plummeted like ninety feet and my seat protected me when I hit the island although it shattered.

The first thing I did when I woke up after blacking out due to the force of the fall was to take in the scenery around me.

I was surrounded by banana palm trees on every side and a small mountain in the distance. It seemed like a small island that was only about ten football fields wide and long.

When reality hit that I was stranded I began to think of ways out and how to cross the pacific ocean back to the Usa.

Suddenly I saw words in front of me on a blue screen that was floating.

Welcome to the Arcane Age!!!

Please choose your class!

I then went crazy when I noticed the notification because it was from the game I used to play. I then chose the swordsman class.

I then got one starter skill that I saw under my status…













I then cursed myself for not getting the monk class since it was hand to hand based and I didn't have a sword right now.

Fortunately enough the system provided me with one sword of my choice but my system points account would be in the negative because it was a one time borrow type feature.

I got a one handed katana because I loved the craftsmanship of Japan.

I then saw a pair of eyes peeking at me from a large bush.

"Rargh," said the beast in the bushes as it jumped out to reveal itself as a mountain lion.

I then unsheathed my sword but kept the sheath to use as a blunt weapon and decided to lunge at the creature to get the first hit.


First I hit the lion with the sheath on the head with a sideways slash which made it lunge right into my sword…


The sword was driven through the bottom of the skull and out the top cleanly which killed the beast.

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Gained Title:

|Rank Defier| Defeat a target that is one rank above you. +2 to all stats passively.

+1 Luck on Loot for ten days!

+1 Power core(rank 0)

You have picked up 5/10 parts of the formula for the skill Predator!!!

I soon got notifications and I was pleased that I was now level 10 and I was mad at the loot I just got since the skill I got wasn't complete.

This was a start at least…

After I made sure it was dead I collected the power core.

I then decided to go explore the island to plan a place to build a temporary house.

I finally found a small waterfall with a small freshwater pool and started building.

After chopping down small trees for nine hours and shaping them into a hut I got the carpenter skill.

I then decided to make some furniture as well like a wooden bed with a leaf mattress and a leaf cushioned wooden chair and desk as well.

I used lion hide for the seat cover and the beds mattress so that there was something to hold the leaf cushion.

I then went to sleep for the day after cooking up some lion meat on a stone slab and eating to replenish my energy.

The lion meat gave me ten free status points.

The next day I practiced my swordsmans breath control for three hours which led to me gaining one level.

I then started focusing on trying to discover laws that could be used to construct spells and skills.

If this was like the game I played long ago then that would be the best course of action.

I started with trying to imagine the games laws for fire which were heat, fuel, and air.

I then performed the law signs with my hands...

Some surprising notifications came instantly along with a small orange flame.

You have discovered Heat Law

You have discovered Fuel Law

You have discovered Air Law

You have created a rank 3 Fire Spell

I remembered all the laws for the five basic elements so I learned them easily.

The only ones I didn't know were the laws involved with dark and light spells cause there were thirty for each.

I soon had five attack spells and two defense spells…

Rank 0

|Firebreath|This let's you breathe fire.

Rank 0

|Wind Daggers|This let's you conjure wind daggers to attack.

Rank 0

|Earth Spike|This lets you conjure an earth spike from the ground.

Rank 0

|Lightning Strike|This is a strike of lightning channeled from the heavens to either strike your fist or sword to attack or the enemy to deal damage.

Rank 0

|Waterbreath|This lets you spit out water from your mouth that can either cut the enemy or make them lose their footing.

Rank 0

|Earth Wall|This earth wall can block any attack if you have enough mana.

Rank 3

|Lightning Armor|This increases all stats by ten times while active.

After I was done practicing the day was practically over so I cooked some more lion meat and went to sleep.

The next day I felt like it was time to choose where my free status points would go because I was planning on fighting something today.

I then put three stat points in strength, stamina, and speed. After that I put four in vitality and mana which powered my skills.

I wanted to be a balanced type so I was strong overall.

When I was done distributing my status points I felt more powerful and decided to try to hunt some more magic creatures.

I then came upon a bear and decided to impale its feet to reduce mobility…


The bears left back foot was rendered useless and sliced in half.

I then baited the bear and dodged by activating lightning armor as it blew fire at me that spanned a ten by ten foot area.

I then used earth spike to impale it body and slow it down so I could drop a lightning strike.


The bear was hit in the head with a bolt and was momentarily stunned so I shoved my sword into its chest three times before it could recover…

The bear still persisted and didn't die so I got serious and started using the sword breath control skill to get in the zone as it came at me.

"Rawrr," said the bear as it hobbled toward me quickly.

I then added lightning to my waterbreath and it seemed like the bear was unconscious so I went up to it and stabbed it in the head with a full power downward plunge…

The bear died and I got a notification that I leveled up ten times.

Level Up! x10

+1 Power Core(rank 1)

Rank Defier has been upgraded to Superior Rank Defier and it's power has been multiplied by ten!!!

At this point all my skills and spells were only enough to kill one target at once and were small scale in size such as my breath spells only going out three feet in front of me while the bear's breath spell went out ten feet.

After picking out the power core and storing the meat from the fallen bear I decided to craft another spell I had just remembered called the clone spell which let me clone myself.

Soon I got notifications after feeling out the laws a bit…

You have discovered the shaping law!

You have discovered the hive mind law!

You have discovered the duplication law!

You have created the rank 3 clone spell!

Rank 1

|Clone|This let's you conjure clones that have 30% of your full power. They can draw on your mana pool to use skills and spells but they are weakened by 70%.

I then conjured one clone, using him in combat would effectively increase my fighting level…

However I had other plans and asked him to mine in the cave I found that used to be the bears den.

I practiced meditating and soon enough after nine hours of continuous effort I got the skill for meditation…

Rank 3

|Meditation|Lets you meditate and get ten times the vitality and mana as well as being able to temporarily boost your vitality and mana reserves until you run out again.

After I was done getting the new skill my clone came back with some rainbow crystals, some ore with a silver and blue marble appearance, as well as some brown gems…

The clone then explained he would have got more but he was stopped by a skeleton knight trio and their leader a death knight.

The death knight appeared to be waiting for a light silver glowing stone which must be a spellcasters stone!

I desperately wanted a spellcasters stone because it would make me more powerful and make my journey to the usa easier…

After a debate with myself I decided to go for it after meditating for the night.

When the sun came up I found I had one thousand mana and vitality so I set out after the cave with the spellcaster stone even though there was a death knight there with some lackies.

When I got to the spot where my clone almost died I came prepared with ten clones.

I sent six clones towards the skeleton knights and kept four to help me fight the death knight…

I started with having three clones

use fire breath on it from three different sides and then when it leapt up to avoid it I then used lightning armor and had my fourth available clone help me charge a lightning strike which I threw at his mid air figure.


The death knight was blown back and landed on the ground convulsing as my three clones from earlier used a water breath to cut him up a bit I then infused a lightning strike infused with my katana and then I poured all my remaining mana and vitality into my katana as well using the fuel law and then I struck while he was being battered up by water breath slices.


The head of the death knight came off instantly after I applied pressure and I got system notifications.

Superior rank defier has been upgraded to ultimate rank defier and it's power has been multiplied by ten!

Leveled up!

Leveled up!

Leveled up!

I ended up leveling up fifteen times after my clones finished the skeleton knights and I put three stat points in each stat on top of being rank 3 in terms of power already.

In the game I played, just having mana made your physical body more powerful and the more you had the stronger you would become...

I was now level 35 so I could now evolve as one could do so every thirty levels but I put it off because I wanted a strong base for my first evolution.

I now had three thousand five hundred system points so I bought an evolution stone and used it on myself and got some notifications…

You have evolved!

After I evolved I took a look at my stats...













I was pleasantly surprised that this new world was just like the game and I could become anything here and reign supreme with my game knowledge. I was even rank 1 now!

I then started made myself a makeshift hammer and began to forge a ring and armor out of the magic iron by using my fire breath to melt it…

I got out of the cave early with the spellcasters stone at midday but it had already passed onto the next day by the time I had finished crafting and I got the blacksmith skill at the end.

I then put on my makeshift armor and the spellcasters ring and went to sleep right after.

I woke up the next day and had bear stew for breakfast after picking magi potatoes which were like regular potatoes except they recovered stamina like a potion.

While I was eating I took a look at my system notifications…

You have discovered a class:

Magic Knight

You have unlocked:

Secondary Class Slot!

I then equipped the new magic knight class and chose monk as my secondary class.

I went on to try out the new laws I had just remembered. After I increased my intelligence my mind was much more crisp so it was no problem.

You have discovered the condense law!

You have created a spell!

The system notifications kept popping up continuously as I learned my two signature spells from the game, the lightning piercer and the lightning javelin.

After I was done I looked up and saw a pack of magic mountain lions surrounding me so I conjured lightning armor and three clones.

While my clones distracted the lions I conjured a lightning strike with both my hands formulating the ten law signs effortlesslyand dropping it on them from above as I jumped up and launched it from my hands...


Now that I was a magic warrior I was three hundred times more powerful than a regular person because I had the vana stat now.

Vana is the combination of vitality and mana...

Now that I had a superior energy source I could handle rank 3 powers now so I upgraded to the superior version of the clone technique which lets you duplicate yourself with the duplicate having 80% of your power.

I immediately summoned 10 clones and instructed them to meditate for a while as the extra vana would come in handy later

I then noticed my notifications…

Leveled Up!!! x15

+5 Power Core (rank 1)

You have picked up the rest of the parts for the skill Predator!!!

Rank 2


This gives you energy detection vision, enhanced hearing, and enhanced sense of smell.

After picking up the rest of the skill I got when I first came here I took a look at my stats...












I noticed that vana was just like how it was in the game. One point of vana is equal to one million mana or vitality...

After I was done I went to go to the sea near the edge of the island to get fish for breakfast.

As I was eating roasted fish near the sea I saw what looked like a megalodon shark in the distance and I remembered a secret of the game arcane age I used to play.

If I could kill that megalodon and absorb it's soul with the monk class then I can unlock the lost class, the beast monk...

I knew that it was weak to lightning so I sat on the beach condensing my mana for an attack while my clones distracted the megalodon.

Soon my attack reached rank 15 after five minutes even though I was only rank 3.

At the moment it reached rank 15 I launched a lightning strike that cleared out the clouds in the sky around the large island.

The megalodon was only ranked 10 so it was fried in an instant and died.

Level Up! x50

+1 Power Core (rank 10)

+3 Super System Points

+3 Super Technique Points

+3 Super Status Points

+1 Skill Formula:Slip

I then said the secret chant to gain its soul.

You have discovered the Beast Monk class!!!

You have discovered the Megalodon Fist Art!!!

After I got the notification I wanted I sent ten clones to bring the body towards the island.

I then tasked ten of my clones with meditating while I trained with my katana and practiced a blade dance I had learned in the game.

Finally I got the notification that I learned the skill nine hours later.

Now that I had a few familiar skills and spells I felt comfortable enough to explore the megalodon fist art…

I used one light jab first while activating the megalodon fist art and I sent out a shockwave beam that was one hundred feet wide and a couple thousand feet long.

I was surprised because it only took zero point one percent of my power to cast it and it was rank 5 power.

This is because of my vana stat which was only wielded by ten out of millions of players and NPCs.

After experiencing the power behind this skill I decided to find a suitable training partner to learn control and the special trait which every beast monk art came with.

As I was browsing through the forest I saw another dragon fly overhead so I sent a ten percent power megalodon art uppercut when it was positioned right above me.


The dragons stomach scales broke instantly and a large fist imprint was visible for a couple of seconds…



The dragon crash landed on the island one hundred feet away from me and looked around in a daze for the enemy.


I then sent out another ten percent power megalodon jab and hit it in the head which sent it reeling backward tens of feet…

That's when the dragon saw me and flapped its wings once for a burst of power to lunge at me with a fire claw.


I intended to counter the attack with my own megalodon lunge punch but slip activated and it was like the dragon slipped past my skin by mere inches leaving no damage, however my attack kept going forward and I reached its head and landed a direct hit…


The dragons head splattered instantly and broken scales went everywhere as the body slid to the ground.

I then got notifications…

Leveled Up!!! x20

+1 Power Core (rank 10)

+3 Super Technique Points

+3 Super System Points

+3 Super Status Points

I then started to understand the slip skill, it basically let's you change your vanas traits to that of like water and cover your whole body with it to make physical attacks just slip off.

I then distributed all the super status points I had on me and checked my status.







Super Strength:1

Super Speed:1

Super Stamina:1



I then added two super technique points to the megalodon fist art, my lightning magic, and blade dance.

My prowess with lightning was now on another level and my spells expanded to a thousand feet without losing power.

My megalodon fist art was the same in terms of increased range without loss of power as the shockwave beams from my attacks expanded to a thousand feet wide and a hundred thousand feet long.

When wielding my sword with the megalodon fist art activated and the added power of blade dance I could send out shockwave slashes that were one million feet long and one hundred feet wide…

After trying out my new battle prowess a little I decided to stop because I had made several random canyons and cut off the trees over such a large distance that I could now see a nearby civilization in the distance.

With my regular magic I was rank 5 but with my megalodon fist art power I was easily ranked 7 if I condensed the attacks and I could devastate small villages if I went all out.

My newfound power now needed some new armor and a new katana to really bring out my full potential so I decided to forge some new ones and then work on getting the enchanting skill…

However before that I needed some better metals to work with so I decided to buy some from the system store.

I then pulled up the system store interface and bought five pounds of magic platinum and got to work on my new project which was the legendary power gauntlet and also a new sword.

The first thing I did was disperse my clones and then I got the vana they have been collecting.

I worked for nine hours straight again except this time I infused my vana into the metal as I forged it to make sure everything was perfect and also to earn the energy smith skill…

Every country only had 1 Power gauntlet at their disposal because the mana stones needed to make them were extremely rare in the wild…

However they were available in the system store so I bought it for 5 super system points.

When I got the mana stone I found it was a transparent blue color and the size of a ping pong ball so I studied it for a bit before putting it in the indent that was in the center of the gauntlet and it started glowing blue.

Next I took out the power core from the megalodon and put it on the hilt of my new katana and it started glowing as well.

I then got notifications…

You have unlocked the Energy-Smith skill!!!

You have Created A Megalodon Gauntlet!!!

Here are the stats…

Name:Megalodon Gauntlet

Super Strength:10

Super Speed:10

Super Stamina:10

Effects:+10 Super technique points to all water magic. +10 Super technique points to the megalodon fist art.


Water Shield-Lets you conjure a shield made of water.

Water Boost:Let's you use water to increase your speed and strength by two times the norm.

Water Serpent-Lets you conjure a serpent made of water.

You have Created A Megalodon Sword!!!

Here are its stats…

Name: Megalodon Sword

Super strength:10

Super speed:10

Super stamina:10

Effects:+10 Super technique points to all water magic. +10 Super technique points to the megalodon fist art.


Water Slice-Shoots a slice of water.

Water Edge-Coats your blade's edge with high pressure water.

Water Shark-This lets you conjure a shark made of entirely water.

Water Beam-Shoots out a beam of water.

It was just as it said in the game, the power gauntlet can either take on one power of the creator or you can put a magic beast or monster power core in it.

I decided to let it take on the power of the megalodon within me and it was a correct choice considering how powerful it became.

The sword was also a powerhouse and I started to walk to the settlement on the island that was in the distance after confirming that I would undoubtedly be able to protect myself on the way there.

After calculating how powerful I was now I'd reckon I was around rank 9 if I used my megalodon gauntlet and megalodon sword.

With these weapons even sieging a city was possible…

Soon I arrived at the edge of the woods I had cut down before with my megalodon fist art and I saw the island country in it's full glory.

The island country was made mostly out of black and brown bricks and was full of many large exquisite buildings but the light purple palace at the center was the most amazing out of all of them…

After browsing for a bit I decided to go have a chat with the guards to see if I could get in.

Ten minutes later I was walking through the gates of the city known as Gareth.

This city was apart of one of the most powerful kingdoms that was in the game I used to play.

Their king ralsy is a rank 9 existence that I would rather not offend so I decided to keep a low profile while I buy some spatial rings, maps, and power books