
Arcane Quest of Contraria: A Chronicles of Magic

Earth used to be different than today. Long ago, Magic existed on earth, creating life, wonders and miracles. The humans uncontrollable greed for magic and power, almost caused the Earth's demise. The Aerithans embark on a journey to save earth by separating magic to another celestial body, Contraria. Earth was saved, but Contraria paid the price. The magic, far from its original source, started to corrupt, causing damage to the Contraria. - “Who said you have to save humanity?” “So, I don't have to become a hero?” “Just deal with the corrupted mana and enjoy your second life.” “Ah, okay.” - This is the story of an ordinary man who met an unjust end, only to find himself unexpectedly summoned to Contraria. His mission, to fix the mistakes of humanity, for his survival depends on it. “Well, It's not like I have any other choice, didn't I?”

TamaNuPur · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"My name is Viviane and I have a proposition for you, Satria Kusuma Wijaya."

Satria didn't say a word, he was just silent. He couldn't understand what was happening to him and yet this woman, whom he had never seen before, had a proposition for him?

"You must be confused right now, I understand," said Viviane, as she turned her body and walked to a table.

"Come, take a seat, drink tea with me and let's have a small talk."

Satria looked at his surroundings. There is a small table with a tea set and two empty chairs in the gazebo. A strange woman, alone in a gazebo atop a crystal clear lake. Feeling it was odd, he didn't dare to move. Instead, he gave the woman a sharp gaze.

"Who are you?" Satria asks the woman.

"Like I said, My name is Viviane, Satria Kusuma Wijaya." She replied as she sat on one of the empty chairs.

"What happened to me? Why am I here? How do you know my Name?"

The woman didn't give an answer. Instead, she just starts pouring tea into the cups and places it on the table. The empty chair now has a cup filled with tea in front of it. The woman raises her hands and points to an empty chair. She also didn't forget to put a smile on her face. 

Satria, who is still unsure of what was happening, understands what the woman's intentions are. He lets out a sigh and walks into the gazebo. A young man and a beautiful woman now sit face-to-face in a simple yet beautiful gazebo.

The woman, Viviane, didn't say a word. She just sips the tea from her cup while humming. She was looking at the lake, birds flying above it, dancing in the sky. Satria, who still doesn't understand what happened, can't enjoy the atmosphere like Viviane. Instead he just stared at her with a serious look and head full of questions. 

"The tea is going to be cold." Viviane broke the silence between them.

Satria, who didn't trust the woman, didn't even touch the cup and just stared at her silently.

"I didn't poison it if you were wondering," Viviane points her finger at the pot on the table.

"I wouldn't poison the tea I'm also drinking, wouldn't I?"

"Who knows, maybe it's in the cup."

"Huhu, you shouldn't doubt me, you know, I'm an honest woman."

"Perhaps." Satria turned his face away.

Viviane went silent. She knows why he acts that way, so she doesn't blame him for not trusting her. Breaking the ice between them is what she must do first.

"It was a tea I made myself, it has a nice aroma that could help you relax". 


"It is good for calming the nerves."

Indeed, from the very moment Satria walked into the gazebo, he could already pick up the scent. The scent is so fragrant that it fills the gazebo. Just by smelling it, he also understands that it was an expensive tea. 

"Hah." Satria let out a sigh. 

"You didn't trust me?"

Satria didn't give an answer, he just glanced at the woman, who now turns her attention towards him.

Seeing his reaction, Viviane put her cup on the table. She leans her body forwards and grabs Satria's cup. She puts her lips on his cup and starts drinking from it.

"See, no poison." She said that as she put the cup back to where it was.

Satria turns his head, staring at the cup. There is a hint of pink mark on it. He stares at the pink mark and turns his gaze towards the woman. The woman just smiled. 

Without giving it much thought, he grabs the cup and places it into his mouth. Lifting the cup, he plans to sip the tea, but the aroma is so nice that he starts to smell it; it was nice. Just like the woman said, it's good to calm your nerves. Satria then sips the tea.

"Huu," Satria sighs, "I haven't had tea like this before"

"It's good right?"

Satria didn't give her an answer as he began to gulp the cup empty. He puts the now empty cup on the table. Fixing his posture, he gives the woman a sharp gaze.

"Now, tell me what happened."

Viviane seems calm. She didn't immediately give him an answer. Instead she raised her cup, took a sip and chose her words carefully.

"Don't you remember?"

"?" Satria looks confused.

"Satria Kusuma Wijaya," Viviane said in a serious tone.

"You died."


Today is a hot day. The sun shines so brightly that it's almost unbearable. The crowds, who seem doesn't care about the heat, are wearing black clothes, lining up in front of a house. Some of them are crying, some of them are busy giving a bottled drink and some of them didn't even have the courage to enter. The house is filled with so many people that some are even standing outside.

It's quite a big house. There is a small garden with neatly trimmed grass. Some flowers that once you take a closer look at it, have been well maintained and watered daily. An orange cat can be seen sitting atop one of the concrete fences. He sits there and keeps an eye on the people who come and go.

Inside, there's a group of people. They were crying. They were crying so loud that the people passing by could even hear them. They cry in front of a table where there is a picture of a young man. He's smiling, wearing fancy clothes and a red tie with freshly cut hair.

"I still can't believe it, it was my fault." Said one of the women in black.

"It's not your fault, you know who's fault it is."

It was Satria's mom who said it.

"If i didn't ask him to come, he wouldn't get into that accident." The woman starts crying louder.

"No, no, it's given that a girl wants to be with a man that she is in love with." Satria's mom replied.

"Yes, it's not your fault dear." Satria's dad added.

"But, he won't get into an accident if he wasn't coming, sob sob."

The parent's just silent. It seems that the woman only wants to blame herself.

"Don't blame yourself, my brother wouldn't want it." A man sat beside her and patted her on the back.

The woman kept on crying. She put her hands on her face and with a trembling voice, she spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The woman could only cry in front of the picture, she didn't even dare to look at it. Heartbroken, she cried for the man he thought she was destined to be with. 

The man and the woman promised that they want to hold a marriage in the next year, but now it seems fate says otherwise. The woman could no longer see him nor could she feel his warmth. 

"You can cry, it's alright, I am also sad and angry." Satria's brother consoles her once again.

"He is probably in heaven now, talking and laughing with a beautiful angel."

"Huaa!" Being held by Satria's parents, she can't contain her tears and the pain in her heart.

Although she knew it well, she couldn't bring herself to believe it. Her fiance, Satria, had died tragically.


"What did you say?" Satria looks at her with disbelief.

Instead of replying, Viviane took another sip at her cup. It was a rhetorical question.

"Wait a minute, I am still alive. Just look at me, I'm perfectly fine."

"Anggara Setyawan, do you remember him?"


"You know him, Satria, you know him well."

There's nothing he could remember about this Anggara Setyawan. Scratching his head, he tries to remember who that person is.

"Anggara Setyawan, although he lives his life pitifully, he never considers himself inferior to others."

Leaning toward his chair, he began clasping his hands together. As if trying hard to swallow the information, Satria went silent.

"Many consider him a douchebag, which is true, he was a bad person."


"He wasn't a truck driver. He was a criminal. You lock him up in jail, remember?"

'What is this woman saying?' It was absurd, Satria thought that the woman just said whatever she liked.

All of sudden, a sharp, searing headache pierced through his head. It was so painful that he instinctively clutched his head with both hands. With the searing pain, he glanced and stared at Viviane.

"What.. are.. you.. doing..?" 

"I told you, didn't I?" Viviane leans her body forward, "It was good for calming the nerves."

"Ugh." The pain is so unbearable that he starts to groan.

As time passed, the headache refused to subside. In fact, it was becoming more and more excruciating. The severe pain caused Satria to bite his lips.

"Don't fight it, let it flow."



After enduring the severe headache, Satria, who looks nearly unconscious, fixes his gaze on Viviane. She was pouring tea into her empty cup. Anger, sadness, confusion, regret, guilt now filled Satria's heart. The severe headache didn't just make him in pain. In fact, along with the severe headache, his memories are also flooded into his head.

'Damn it, it hurts like hell.' Even though the severe pain had already subsided, he still had the sensation in his head.

'This woman, she just drank her tea while I'm in such pain.' Satria frowns and clenches his fists.

"Have you come to your senses?" Sipping her tea, Viviane asked Satria.

"Yes." It was a short reply. 

Satria, who now understands Viviane's words, seems drained. He is not interested in speaking. He just died. He remembers it now. The person who held a grudge against him, killed him.

Anggara Setyawan was a criminal. A criminal that caused many people to suffer. The loan company he created gives high interest rates for the people who borrowed money from him. Lot of people ended up in mental ward, losing their assets, family and some even took their own lives. He was a bad guy. 

The victims of his company lined up in Satria's office to ask for justice. Many already paid more than they borrowed and yet they still got terror from Anggara's men.

Satria is just unlucky at the time. The firm he was in, regularly helped those who needed it; even for free. Although the firm is filled with many talented people, the case was given to Satria just because he was the youngest there. 

At first, he hesitated. Not because he couldn't do it nor because he didn't want to. It's because it was just some kind of test for him. The director gives him the case just to see how far Satria understands his job. That's why he was hesitant.

Even so, he won the case. Winning the case helps him to raise his position and at that time the sense of achievement makes him proud. 

He had never imagined that the same person he put in jail would come back and take his life.

"Hah." Satria let out a sigh.

'The truck driver, it was him.' 

It wasn't a drunk nor sleepy driver. It was meticulously planned. A person he put in jail suddenly appeared as a truck driver and hit him. It was too much of a coincidence. He is not supposed to be out of jail yet, but he did anyway.

Satria leans on his chair and stares at the gazebo ceiling as he tries to recall what happened in the hospital. The news of his successful operation must have reached Anggara's ears. He screamed a lot after all. Maybe he even disguised himself as one of the witnesses and waited at the lobby. It was how he does his things; always on the scene, trying to execute everything perfectly.

'I guess he lost his mind that I'm still alive after being hit by a truck, huh.' 

Seeing Satria lost in his thoughts, Viviane took the liberty of pouring tea into his empty cup. The aroma of the tea makes Satria turn his gaze to Viviane.

"Do you think I would drink that again?" As if he couldn't believe it, Satria said it to Viviane.

"It was good for the second time." A mischievous smile bloomed on Viviane's face.

The once empty cup, now filled with tea. Satria, who was tired from all those thoughts, raises his cup and gulps down the tea. There is no hint of doubt or fear as he gulps down the tea.

After he finished, he put the cup onto the table and said "Now, what is that proposition you have in mind?"

Viviane smiled.

Hey, I’m sorry for the long chapter. I know, nothing really happening here but I still want to write about the detailed moment. I just want you guys to read and enjoy the moment while imagining it. Yes, I know, The pace is quite slow at the start. I write this while keeping in mind that you guys already have a hard day and want to read something refreshing. That’s all, CU.

TamaNuPurcreators' thoughts