
Arcane Quest of Contraria: A Chronicles of Magic

Earth used to be different than today. Long ago, Magic existed on earth, creating life, wonders and miracles. The humans uncontrollable greed for magic and power, almost caused the Earth's demise. The Aerithans embark on a journey to save earth by separating magic to another celestial body, Contraria. Earth was saved, but Contraria paid the price. The magic, far from its original source, started to corrupt, causing damage to the Contraria. - “Who said you have to save humanity?” “So, I don't have to become a hero?” “Just deal with the corrupted mana and enjoy your second life.” “Ah, okay.” - This is the story of an ordinary man who met an unjust end, only to find himself unexpectedly summoned to Contraria. His mission, to fix the mistakes of humanity, for his survival depends on it. “Well, It's not like I have any other choice, didn't I?”

TamaNuPur · Fantasy
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13 Chs


[Vaelminia Kingdom, Royal Palace, Nocturna CXII AH.]


The rattling sounds of the windows, intensified by the howling wind of the brewing storm, only make the already tense atmosphere become more and more unsettling. The flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows on the walls of the room, creating an ominous dance of light and darkness. The creaking of the wooden floorboards adds to the suspense, as if the very foundations of the palace are groaning under the pressure of the approaching tempest.

Outside, raindrops pelt against the leaded glass panes, a relentless percussion that heightens the sense of isolation within the chamber. The air inside is thick with unease, and the occasional distant thunderclap serves as a grim reminder of nature's fury. 

As the storm rages on, the occupants can't help but feel a growing sense of worry. The rhythmic pattering of rain creates a backdrop to the hushed conversations, each echo of thunder making their hearts race. The palace, a symbol of wisdom, seems to shiver under the storm's onslaught, mirroring the nervous anticipation within its walls.

"Rest assured Your Majesty, everything shall be fine."

"I can't help but to worry about the Queen, Grand Magician."

"Your Majesty, the Queen is in good hands."

"I am aware, but can't a man simply worry about the well being of his wife?"

"Of course, Your Majesty, I understand."

The king can't help but to worry about his wife, even though all his councils said there is nothing to be worried about.

"May I present you a song, Your Majesty?"

A bard in fancy clothes approaches the two men. Holding his gittern, the bard presents a light bow for the both of them.

"Ah, Royal Minstrel. I'm afraid I can't enjoy your beautiful song at the moment. My head is already full with the thoughts of my wife."

"Perhaps a shooting melody could help you ease your worry a little, Your Majesty." The Grand Magician said.

The king knew that both the grand magician and the royal minstrel meant no harm. Just like him, they both also worry for the queen, and also himself.


The window is rattling. The heavy storm just added a needless feeling for the worried king.

"The storm is quite heavy. I guess we could use some of your music to lighten the mood, Royal Minstrel."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

The Royal Minstrel face brightened. He presents a light bow, takes a step back and signals his men to start playing.

The king can't hide his worried expression as he rubs his eyes.

"There is nothing to worry about, Your Majesty. Please, let's enjoy the wine and the music."

"Grand Magician, thank you for your concern."

The Grand Magician pauses for a moment. He attempted to console the King, but the worries in the King's mind was like an unmovable stone, refusing to go away. So, instead, he said.

"I understand your concern well, Your Majesty; I too, have it rough with my second son."

"So I heard."

"Although the weather is no different from today, my wife faced complications during her pregnancy, making the labor quite tough."

"How did you feel at the time, Grand Magician?"

"Of course, just like you, Your Majesty, I also worried for my wife."

The grand magician put a smile on his face.

"Now, I thought it was baseless worries, look at my son now, aren't he so full of life?"

"Haha, indeed."

The king put on a smile as he laughed. The face of his best friend popped into his mind. It seems like the grand magician's effort didn't go to waste.

"How is he now? It's been a while since I saw him."

"He is good and still tenacious as always. He still enjoys hunting like before, just like his mother."

"Yes, yes. I remember when we were in the academy. Every time we ran into monsters, he was the first to charge at them."


The grand magician laughs at the king's remark. The image of his son's face crossed his mind. The last time he saw him was months ago. The grand magician can't just go back to his hometown. He has a duty as one of the king's counsel.

"Ah, right. I heard you are now a grandfather, Grand Magician."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"What was his name again?"

"My son and her wife decided to name him Alaric."

"Alaric, what a beautiful name."

"Haha, thank you, Your Majesty."

"I was thrilled when I received the news. It's a blessing to our kingdom."

"Haha, as long as he didn't turn into a trouble maker like his father."

"Haha, indeed. That particular friend of mine always seeks trouble."

"As his father, I apologized for his rude behavior."

The grand magician bowed to the king as he apologized.

"Hahaha, no need to apologize. It was also him that made me who I am today."

The king laughed. He remembers the days he spent with the grand magician's son. They were classmates, and being a son of a duke, he was the only one who could understand him best, the king thought.

"I still remember my first day in the academy. It was the day of the test. Everyone looked anxious but not him."

The king placed his hand on his hips, imitating the man from his memories.

"He just stood there, together with all the enrollee. With a sword on his hips, and a straight face, he looks calm and full of confidence. Just like a proper noble."

The grand magician listens to the king's story in silence, ensuring that the king forgets about his worries.

"When the instructor summoned the monster. Everyone, including me, just froze. It was a big ugly troll."

The grand magician puts on a smile as he hears it; he was the one who captured the troll.

"A troll, which is as big as a tower, exuding a fearsome aura. And its breath, particularly its breath, was so foul that some of the enrollee threw up not long after."

The grand magician stared at the king as he told his story. A big smile can be seen from the king's face.

"No one dares to approach it, we couldn't even move our feet. Except for him. He, leaving everyone behind, charges at the creature, jumps on it, and stabs his sword right into its eye."

The king, who is now holding an invisible sword, tries to imitate how the grand magician's son stabs the troll's eye.

"The troll groans. It was wiggling around, trying to shake your son off."


"Then, your son, pull his sword, leap to the opposite direction, and stab his sword into the creature's left eye."


"It was amazing. Never in my life have I seen a man as brave and fearless as him."

"Haha, your praise is unworthy, Your Majesty. My son isn't that great of a man, he is just impudent."

"Haha, if the father says so."



The Grand Magician strokes his long white beard as he laughs, emphasizing that he is indeed an old man in his late years. 

As the shooting melody filled the air, the once tense atmosphere now lightens. The royal minstrel and the grand magician did a marvelous job to help lighten the mood as the king's face began to brighten.

"Your Majesty. Grand Magician Argentvale."

"Ah, Count Linden."

"What joyous occasions. Although it's small, I brought a gift for you, and the Queen, Your Majesty."

Count Linden took something out of his pocket. It was a small red box with a beautiful engraving.

"This is a special tea from the mystical forest of the west. It's said to be good to recover one's vitality. It also has a refreshing aroma to help one relax."

Count Linden said as he presented the box to the King with a warm smile.

"Thank you for your concern, Count Linden. I will make sure to enjoy it with the Queen."

The king gave a warm smile.

The improved king's mood gave the nobles a chance to present their gifts for the royal family. One after another, the nobles eagerly showcased their offerings, ranging from exquisite items or jewels to finely crafted accessories. The king, delighted by the generosity of his courtiers, graciously accepted each gift with a smile. The atmosphere in the room was filled with joy as the king expressed his gratitude.

The once tense and unsettling atmosphere of the room now changed with joyous laughter and cheerful chatter.


Interrupting the joyous atmosphere, a sudden sound of the door being opened suddenly, caused everyone to turn their heads in surprise.

"M-my King, the Q-Queen!"

One of the court ladies burst out from the door.

"What happened? Is something wrong?"

The surprised King ran towards her.

"The baby, it's-."

The king lowered himself and held the court lady by her shoulders.

"Take a deep breath, and tell me what happened."

Exhausted from running all the way here, the court lady hurriedly catches her breath.

"The Queen," the court lady pauses, catching her breath, "she has successfully given birth to a royal princess."

The king's eyes brightened.

"A princess?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. A healthy and beautiful princess."

The king stood up and took a step back as he heard the news. He was unimaginably happy.

"A princess. A PRINCESS. I have a daughter, hahaha."

His laugh echoes throughout the room.

All the nobles who are present applaud for the King and celebrate the birth of a royal princess.

"Congratulations, My King."

"Your Majesty, congratulations."

"Congratulations on the birth of the royal princess, Your Majesty."

"A royal princess. It's a blessing to our Vaelminia Kingdom."


[Vaelminia Kingdom, Argentvale Dukedom, Sothastirith Region, Nocturna CXII AH.]

In Argentvale Dukedom, the morning always starts with a breakfast, attended by family members of direct bloodline. Duke Aldric Argentvale sat on the family head chair, in silence. He was holding a piece of paper that a moment ago, was handed to him by the grand chamberlain.

The letter contains a piece of information, that by now, the same content is flying, carried by numbers of pigeons, across the Vaelminia Kingdom.

"Haha, it seems a new star is born here in Vaelminia."

His two wives stop with their meal, and turn their attention towards the duke.

"What is it husband?" The lady said.

The duke folded the paper and handed it to his wife.

"A princess, the Queen gave birth to a princess."

The duchess and the lady read the letter with much attention.

"It seems like we need to prepare for a banquet, big sis."

"Hehe, should we?" the Duchess smiled.

"Don't be too hasty. The princess had just been born."

"It's fine to make preparations in advance, my love."

The duke can't help but smile while his two wives giggle, imagining the princess will grow into a fine woman in a few years.

"Look at you two, aren't we supposed to be the ones who go to the capital? Not the other way around."

"What are you saying? The King already said that he will come here to introduce his child after the Queen gives birth."

"It's true, my love. The Grand Butler also heard it. He said it few months ago while we visit the Capital." The lady adds.

"Is it true Grand Butler?"

The grand butler who stood beside the grand chamberlain, bowed and answered.

"It's true Your Grace. The King definitely said such words."


"Not to mention, you already made a promise with the King to arrange a marriage between our children."

"It was years ago, I don't think he still remembers that. We were both drunk at the time."

"But still."

The duchess wears a sad expression, reacting to her husband's words.

"It's alright big sis, the King will surely come to visit in a few years."

The lady said, as she tried to console the duchess.

"Maybe we should start with renovating the garden?"

"Ah yes. That's a great idea." the duchess claps her hand in response, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

The lady and the duchess started to exchange ideas, discussing various flowers, plants, and arrangements that would enhance the garden's beauty. They chatted about the possibility of adding a charming pathway, comfortable seating, and perhaps a small fountain for a touch of elegance.

"Yes, and we mustn't forget about selecting comfortable seating for long, leisurely conversations. Perhaps some cushioned chairs or even a quaint bench." the duchess adds.

"That's a good idea!" The lady claps her hands in agreement.

The duke could only see his two wives chatting as he couldn't understand the topic. Women surely love this kind of thing, as they discussed it in such a happy tone.

Amidst the lively discussion, a knocking sound interrupted their session.


The grand chamberlain opens up the door. Behind it stood a woman in a maid uniform.

"Your Graces. My Lady."

"Yes, what is it?" The duke replied.

"I apologize for interrupting your breakfast, Your Grace, but young master Alaric is awake."

"Ah, look at the time, is he hungry?" The duchess replied.

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Alright. See you later my love, I have mother's duty."

The duchess stood and kissed the duke's cheek. Then she grabbed the lady's hand and said.

"You should come. Let's continue our little chat while I feed Alaric."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to hold my hand so tight, sis."

"Hehe, come."

The lady, who didn't have another option, stood up, gave a light bow to the duke and said.

"See you later, husband. Don't forget to finish your meal."

"Yes yes, go. Just leave me here, alone, with my meal. I'm fine being alone."

The two ladies didn't care about their husband's sarcastic remarks, they just smiled and left.


"Hmm." Viviane mumbled.

"How the hell Master did it?" She was confused.

Viviane stood in front of a giant crystal in the middle of the Avalon Tower. She crosses her arms, and begins to tap her finger. She was trying to temper with the time flow setting, but unsurprised, Viviane can't comprehend the magic that is used. 

"Argh, damn it. It's too complicated." Viviane pouted in anger.

"I guess I need to read my master journal again."


A chirping noise enters Viviane's head. It was from the white bird who she sent down to Contraria. Viviane waved her hand and a small portal appeared beside her. The white bird comes out from the portal and lands on Viviane's shoulder.

"So, cutie. What is happening down there?"


The bird chirps, waving her wings, explaining to Viviane what she saw on Contraria.

"Hm, hm, I see." Viviane nods as the bird continues with her explanations.


Viviane covers her mouth; she tries to hold her laugh. What she had heard from the bird amused her.

"Alaric huh, what a weird name."