
Arcane Quest of Contraria: A Chronicles of Magic

Earth used to be different than today. Long ago, Magic existed on earth, creating life, wonders and miracles. The humans uncontrollable greed for magic and power, almost caused the Earth's demise. The Aerithans embark on a journey to save earth by separating magic to another celestial body, Contraria. Earth was saved, but Contraria paid the price. The magic, far from its original source, started to corrupt, causing damage to the Contraria. - “Who said you have to save humanity?” “So, I don't have to become a hero?” “Just deal with the corrupted mana and enjoy your second life.” “Ah, okay.” - This is the story of an ordinary man who met an unjust end, only to find himself unexpectedly summoned to Contraria. His mission, to fix the mistakes of humanity, for his survival depends on it. “Well, It's not like I have any other choice, didn't I?”

TamaNuPur · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Viviane smiled, leaving the dumbfounded Satria on his own.

"The magic here, in Avalon, could also be used as anti-aging. It's good right?" Viviane smirked mischiefly.

'Anti aging? It was way more than that, she looks like in her 20s.' 

Satria thinks that saying it as an anti aging is way too much of oversimplification.

"Was it roughly 800 years ago?" Viviane tries to remember, "My master brought me here from Contraria."

Viviane put her finger on her cheeks, recalling her memories.

"I almost died from the corrupted mana and my master saved me."

'What the hell!? This woman is now recalling 800 years old memories. Really?' Satria opened his eyes wide.

"My master, who has just become the Protector, decided to come down to see the planet up close."

Still can't proceed that the woman sitting in front of him is 800 years plus old grandma, Satria swallows his own saliva. He tries to calm himself down by drinking his tea once again.

"I was 8 at the time; if I remember correctly. It was a beautiful night."


" I was playing on a grass field near my village, chasing some fireflies."

'My god, I think my head is going to explode.' Satria thought.

It was too much for him. An 800 year old woman, who still remembers what happened when she was 8? That is absurd.

Viviane is really recalling 800 years old memories. Satria holds his head with his hands and starts rubbing his forehead. It was an unbelievable thing for him.

"I was with my friend, playing. Until she was suddenly ripped apart by some vile creature."

Shocked, Satria raised his head. He turned his gaze towards Viviane who was staring at him blankly.

"She was a nice kid," Viviane bit her lips, " a nice kid, and I watched her as she ripped apart, screaming, asking for my help."

It looks painful. Satria looked at her, biting her lips, she wore a painful expression on her face.

"I still can remember it, the creature began to jump at me after it finished with my friend."


"At that time, I was so scared that I couldn't even feel my legs."

Viviane leans her body towards the couch as she tries to calm herself.

"When its fangs almost reached me, I saw a light. A blinding yellow light suddenly struck its head."

Viviane closes her eyes, trying to remember the exact moment. Satria can only keep his silence when he listens to her story. He was immersed in Viviane's story, as he tried to imagine what happened.

"My master, coming out of nowhere, throws a Light Spear right into its eye. The Spear, piece into its skull, killing it in an instant."

'That's a really tough situation for an 8-year-old girl.'

Satria could only imagine how scared Viviane was at the time.

"I was so scared that I couldn't even move. I cried. My master is just standing there, holding me without saying anything."

Viviane opens her eyes and stares at the ceiling, blankly. Sharing her story, unearth the sadness and guilt that was buried inside her.

"After I calmed down, I decided to go home. My master chose to stay beside me, holding my hand. I didn't let go of his hand; I was too scared."


"But that wasn't all, the horror had only just begun. When I reached my Village, I saw a sight that I will never forget."

"What happened?"

"My Village, it was being burnt down."


"The same creature that attacked me is also attacking the village, ripping my family apart."



It was a dark yet beautiful night. The cloudy night sky prevents the stars from showing themselves, the stars are hidden, not even a hint of their lights can be seen. It's not just the stars, not even the full moon's light can penetrate the thick and dark cloud. The girl, who was chasing the fireflies a few moments ago, trembled. For her, the night was dark and full of terrors.

Before her there's a strange creature with light pierce its head, lying with its mouth wide open. A middle-aged man stood beside her, staring at the trembling girl. The man was wielding a staff in his right hand and a thick book in his left. The man just stood there, puzzled.

The girl wasn't even aware of the man's presence, she just sat there in shock. The man who has a confused and disbelieved face, fixes his eye on the creature. It was a strange creature that he had never seen before. A few steps away, behind the now dead creature, there is a body of a little girl, ripped apart. She was probably around the same age as the girl who was shocked, he thought. 

The man picks up the girl beside him and holds her in his arms. Can't contain her emotions, the girl cried as the man held her in silence. In the warmth of his embrace, the girl felt a sense of security and comfort. The man's arms provided a shelter, allowing her tears to flow freely. As he held her close, a gentle hush settled around them, and the man offered a reassuring smile.

The girl calmed down, she thought that it's time for her to head back home. She wants to bring the news of her friend to her parents. The man decided that it's for the best that he also follows her back. He offered his support and ensured she didn't have to face the situation alone.

The cruel fate seems to disagree with both of them, as they watched the village being burnt to the ground. The same vile creature who was attacking the girl ravaged the village. Her mouth opened wide, and tears started forming in her eyes. She screamed. She screamed so loudly that the man was also shocked by it.

Along with her scream, the man charged into the village, brandishing magic like crazy. He is angry. He launches a barrage of Light Spears into the creatures. The air crackles with the power of his magic, illuminating the dark surroundings. The creatures, startled by the sudden onslaught, froze momentarily. The Light Spears, guided by his anger, find their targets with utmost precision, dispersing the creatures and restoring a fleeting moment of calm to the once-threatened village.

The man stood there, drenched in his own sweat. Gasping for air, he panted heavily. He pauses for a moment, directing his attention to the surroundings. No one, not even a single person had survived. 


A house had just collapsed, unable to endure the raging fire. 

The man bit his lips. He can't hide his troubled face. A thought crossed his mind, he wondered where the creatures came from. There weren't any records of something like this. With heavy steps, he approaches one of the lifeless creatures and begins to inspect it closely.

The vile creature possesses a nightmarish fusion of predator features. It's a six legged creature that has a resemblance of a wolf. There are five fingers with eagle-like claws attached to each one of them. The creature's fur is a deep, inky black, with black eerie black smoke coming from it. The tail, he doesn't know if it was right to call it a tail or a tentacle, maybe both. The man sighs, the creature is like something coming out from a nightmare. 

He couldn't get a grasp of what the creature is, not to mention where it came from. The man decides to take the creature with him. He opens up a subspace portal and throws the creature there.

Outside the village, the girl is already collapsed, tired from all the screaming. The man, lift the girl and conjure a portal. With the girl on his shoulders, the man walks into the portal and disappears.


Viviane tries to calm herself down. She poured a cup of tea and began to savor the smell. She didn't even know why she told Satria her story. Maybe because he was such a good listener or that she is just feeling lonely, she herself couldn't understand it. 

Satria, who despite all that seems calm and composed. He didn't say a word that pitied her, rather he was looking at her as if trying to understand her pain, she thought.

It doesn't mean that Satria didn't feel pity towards her. He also wants to say something to console her if possible. It's just that his experience dealing with his client made him understand to not interrupt someone when they were telling their stories. Often, as a lawyer, he needs to just let his client cry, laugh, angry, or even swear only for them to tell their whole story. He just kept looking at her, silently.

"The next thing I know, I was in a mansion."


"The mansion you saw outside."


The sound of Viviane sipping her tea filled the room. She had calmed down.

"Turns out, the creatures didn't just attack my village. The same creatures appeared in many places around the world."

Viviane puts her tea down, and turns her attention to Satria with a stern and serious look.

"According to my master research, it appears that the creatures are a result of the mana being corrupted."


"At first, my master dealt with the corrupted mana by himself. It was his duty as the Protector of Avalon."

'I'm still quite confused about Protector and Avalon, but I'm gonna ask her later.'

Indeed, Viviane's story leaves out a lot of detail. Satria knows it, he just doesn't dare to interrupt Viviane. He wants to hear Viviane's first.

"But because of some problems, my Master can't spare his time to deal with the corrupted mana right now. It wasn't a problem that could be resolved quickly."


"That's where you came in, Satria." Viviane points her finger to Satria.

"You are here, to help us deal with the corrupted mana."

Satria just sits there in silence, collecting his thoughts. He is trying to read what Viviane had in her mind. Viviane still wore the same serious look she had since earlier once again.

"Can't you just do it by yourself? Aren't you the Protector's Apprentice?" Satria asked.

He wants other information about what exactly had happened.

"I can't."


"I can't tell you the details before we have an agreement."


Silence appeared in the room. Both of them just stare at each other, reading each other's thoughts.

"Why me?" Satria changed his question. 

Instead of digging further into Viviane's circumstances, he chooses to get some information regarding himself.

"Because you, Satria, is someone who died from doing what is right to do."

"Don't put it like that. It's my job."

"It's the truth."

Even if it is the truth, it's not the whole truth. Satria didn't want the case, he was forced to do it. He is already half regretting it. It's true that he had saved a lot of people, but he was just doing his job. For him, helping others is just a bonus, not his life purpose.

"You aren't the only one Satria, there are others. In fact, you are candidate number 5."


"There are some before you, it's just that all of them refused. No, saying they are refusing is not exactly right; either they are too scared or too confused."

"Do you think I don't?"

"Aren't you calm? You seem pretty calm."

"That doesn't mean I'm not scared nor confused."

"But at least you can still control your emotions, the others just went crazy or cried."

Satria was actually struggling to control his emotions, even now. He still feels the need to control it. He knew that he wouldn't get any useful information if he went berserk and broke something.

"Why did you have to make them cry anyway? Of course they will be scared."

"I didn't do anything. They just went crazy and cried after drinking the tea. What can I do if they start crying and ask me to send them back? One of them even broke my precious chair!"

Viviane shouts angrily and slams the table. Her eyes filled with disbelief. She is angry with them but she vents it on Satria.

"Hah." Satria sighs loudly and starts massaging his forehead.

Satria knew what the others must have felt. Of course they will be scared and confused after drinking that tea. Recalling your own death isn't something easy to handle. Especially the searing headache.

'Good for nerves my ass. It was really awful.'

It was really awful indeed. Even Satria doesn't want to remember the severe headache.

Satria grabs the tea pot and pouring tea into his cup. He is really annoyed. Even though Viviane already called four others, she seemed not to have any remorse. She deliberately made Satria go through all that knowing the others' reaction.

"See. You are still drinking tea, even after you know what other's reaction is."

"Shut it, I'm trying to calm my nerves. It's a different kind of tea anyway."


Viviane went silent. Satria, who had never revealed his displeasure before, remained visibly upset, leaving her speechless.

Satria gulped down the entire cup. As if one is not enough, he began to pour the tea again and gulp down another cup.

"Hah." Satria sighs again.

"This is the most I have sighed in a single day in my entire life."


"I want to think of it as a dream but I know it isn't."

"It's not a dream. I have summoned you here Satria. That is a fact."

"So, what do you want me to do exactly?"

Satria put down his cup and crossed his arms. He wants to position himself as the one who has the upper hand in this conversation.

"I want you to deal with the corrupted mana in Contraria."

"And what if I don't want to?"

"I'll send you back like the others, but know this."


"You have died."


"What I'm actually offering you is a second chance at life."

Viviane leaned her body and also crossed her arms. She doesn't want to give Satria the initiative in this conversation.

"But nothing is free, that's why, you have to deal with the corrupted mana."

"Do you think I want to do it?"

"Don't you want to be alive once again?"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then I'll send you back; like the others."


Satria went silent and contemplated. It's true that nothing is free in this world. Especially giving a second chance at life. He knows how hard it is. His work as a lawyer sometimes just makes sure that his client got what they deserve and gives them a second chance. Some of them really did commit a criminal act and need to serve their time. Second chance wasn't free.

Satria just had a simple question. He died. It's nothing like what he has done for his client. It's something else entirely.

"Is it easy to give another person a second chance at life? I died, remember?"

"Certainly not, but I currently have such power."


Satria thought deeply about it, considering it for quite some time.

'It must be the magic she talks about. Is she really able to bring a person back to life?'

Many, many questions crossing his head. He imagined how someone could bring a person back to life.

"Wait a minute."

"Hmm?" With a perplexed expression, Viviane, in the midst of reaching for a delicious cookie, suddenly stops her hand midair.

"My hands, how come I have my hands. I'm sure I lost my hands."

It just caught Satria's attention. He forgot about that because of the series of unusual events that happened.

"It's only your body that was cut, not your consciousness."

"What?" Satria widened his eyes in disbelief.

"I only summoned your consciousness. I can't summon your actual body here. I don't even have such power."

"Then what happens with my body?"

"Who knows, maybe your family already buried it."

Viviane put her finger on her cheeks, thinking. She thinks that must be the case.