
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Western Border

And so, the group set out towards the Western border.

It would take approximately ten days to travel from the capital to Night Raven City. The Red Feather Guard was well-prepared, proudly displaying the banner of the Second Princess Hestoria.

Hestoria's purpose in doing so was to announce to everyone that Sauron and the Swain family had aligned themselves with her.

The group continued their journey towards Night Raven City at a steady pace. The first few days of the journey were calm and tranquil, with no unexpected incidents. However, as the group entered the Western border, a sense of caution arose in Sauron's heart.

Ever since Oren's disappearance, Night Raven City had become a tempting piece of meat in the eyes of the Western border nobles. No one wished for Sauron to return and inherit the territory.

For the Western border nobles, the best outcome would be for Sauron to die in the capital, allowing the Duke of the Western border to take control of Night Raven City. Other Western border nobles could then divide up everything belonging to the Swain family like vultures.

Taal dukedom, Western border.

On the desolate road, the sun hung in the sky, casting its blazing rays of light, illuminating the surrounding landscape.

Sauron rode a white horse, walking side by side with the high-level Knight Conrad. Behind them were the two hundred Red Feather Guards.

After several days of contact, Sauron had already understood Conrad's character. He was a silent and reserved person, rarely speaking.

For the past five days, the communication between Sauron and Conrad had amounted to less than ten sentences.

Initially, Sauron wanted to learn something about Hestoria from Conrad, but seeing Conrad's reticence, he had to give up.

"After passing through this area, let the Red Feather Guard rest temporarily."

Sauron suggested.

Conrad did not speak but slightly nodded. Although he was a high-level Knight, he was sent by Hestoria to assist Sauron. Therefore, as long as Sauron's arrangements were not excessive, Conrad would not refuse.

The group continued to move forward.

At this moment, Conrad suddenly stopped, and his gaze turned towards the front, a glint of light in his indifferent eyes.


Next to him, Sauron also sensed something, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The next moment, the sound of breaking air suddenly rang out. Bandits emerged from the bushes in front, surrounding Sauron and the others, launching an attack without any hesitation.

Facing the ambush of the bandits, the Red Feather Guard reacted swiftly.

Conrad remained expressionless and did not draw his sword. He sat on his horse, seemingly indifferent.

"People from White Valley City?"

Sauron's eyes showed a trace of contemplation. The attacking bandits were fierce, and their actions were well-coordinated, equipped with sophisticated gear. They didn't seem like a mob but rather soldiers from White Valley City disguised as bandits.


Without much hesitation, Sauron gave the order, and the two hundred Red Feather Guards immediately counterattacked.

A melee ensued.

The White Valley City soldiers disguised as bandits were twice the number of the Red Feather Guard, but when the real confrontation began, the Red Feather Guard always seemed in control.

Just then, an iron arrow shot through the air.

Sauron's heart skipped a beat. Swiftly dodging, the long spear brushed past him, piercing through a large tree behind him, splinters flying.


Sauron squinted, looking towards the direction of the arrow.

In the bushes, a silhouette was bending a bow and placing an arrow. Wearing lightweight leather armor, the archer's longbow emitted a pale-golden sheen. The serrated arrow was once again aimed at Sauron.

The next moment, the bowstring loosened.

The arrow shot out with astonishing speed. Conrad hesitated for a moment, seemingly considering whether to intercept the arrow for Sauron.

However, at that moment.

Just a second before the serrated arrow arrived, Sauron smoothly grabbed the nearby ox-horn bow. With both arms slightly raised, he released an arrow in a fluid motion.


In midair, the two arrows intersected. Sauron used an ordinary arrow, but it pierced through the serrated steel arrow from the other side.

After the double arrow collision, the arrow released by Sauron continued its formidable momentum.


The archer hiding in the bushes, his face changed dramatically. Just as he was about to dodge, the arrow had already pierced through his throat.

Sauron put down the ox-horn bow, a slight smile appearing on his face.

His archery technique had long been cultivated to the extreme. Even with ordinary arrows, in Sauron's hands, they could turn something common into something magical.

"Good archery."

Beside him, Conrad nodded slightly, an unusually rare remark.

"Conrad Knight, not making a move?" Sauron asked.

"No rush."

Conrad shook his head, indifferent, and said, "The Red Feather Guard is enough to deal with these bandits. I will continue to stand by your side."

Saying that, Conrad looked towards the distance.

On a lush tree, a man holding a curved knife had a gloomy expression. From Conrad, he felt an unprecedented oppression.

"Damn it!"

The man with the curved knife cursed silently. If he didn't lure away that man who was like an Iron Pagoda, he had no chance of assassinating Sauron. Even if he charged now, it would only be seeking death.

Immediately, the man with the curved knife fired a signal flare.

Then, he leaped down from the tree, swiftly fleeing towards the distance.

Since he had already been exposed, the operation could only end in failure. Rather than wasting more time, it was better to send the intelligence back as soon as possible.

Seeing the signal flare, the bandits who were fighting the Red Feather Guard began to retreat.

After leaving behind dozens of corpses, the battle came to an end.

"Do we pursue?" a Red Feather Guard asked.

"No need."

Sauron shook his head. In this territory of the Western border, pursuing recklessly might lead them into the enemy's trap.

Standing in place, Sauron pondered.

The recent ambush seemed to be just a probing action by the Western border nobles, lacking the determination to kill him.

Conrad also seemed to have noticed this, as he had never made a move from start to finish.

"Your archery skills are not bad."

At this moment, Conrad suddenly spoke, saying, "But as far as I know, Night Raven Knight Oren is famous for his swordsmanship!"

"Do you know my father?" Sauron raised an eyebrow.

Conrad's eyes flickered with complexity, but he didn't say anything more.

Sauron's heart stirred.

It seemed that there must be some connection between Conrad Knight and his father Oren. Perhaps it was for this reason that the Second Princess Hestoria sent him to the Western border.

"Let's continue on the road."

Conrad said lightly.

Sauron nodded slightly, not pressing for more questions.

After this minor incident, the pace of the group's journey accelerated. At the same time, they became more vigilant, gradually advancing deeper into the Western border.