
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Mining Area


The next moment, the middle-aged Knight fell to the ground, clad in full-body plate armor but unable to block Sauron's sharp sword.

"As expected of Oren's son!"

Beside him, Conrad's eyes flashed with a hint of admiration. Even he hadn't expected the knightly confrontation to end so quickly.

In Conrad's view, there wasn't much of a power difference between Sauron and the middle-aged Knight. However, Sauron's sword technique was far superior, making the opponent no match even in close combat.

In just one round of fighting, the middle-aged Knight had already been killed.

Conrad's eyes flickered, appearing calm on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. Memories of certain past events flashed through his mind.

Unable to resist, he raised his hand to his chest.

The sword wound from many years ago throbbed faintly. Conrad's face darkened, and he suddenly drew his cross sword, heading towards the front on horseback.

"Mr. Conrad?"

Sauron's face showed a hint of surprise.

For some reason, Conrad suddenly took action, rushing forward like a god of death, slaughtering White Valley City soldiers mercilessly.

With the addition of a high-level Knight, the war became completely one-sided in an instant.

In less than half an hour, the White Valley City soldiers ambushing from all around were in disarray. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sauron eliminated all the archers in the surrounding high places.

Soon, everything returned to calm.

The knights from White Valley City were almost completely slaughtered, and the soldiers scattered, surrendering or laying down their weapons in haste.

In the distance, Conrad sheathed his cross sword.

After the recent slaughter, some of his pent-up emotions were released. He returned to his cold expression, standing silently on the side, lost in thought.

Then, Sauron ordered his Red Feather Guard to control the surrendering White Valley City soldiers.

Afterward, he led his men towards the depths of Lighthouse Town.

"Are you... Sauron Young Master?"

In a warehouse resembling a prison, Sauron encountered a group of prisoners, and one bald man seemed to recognize him.

"Who are you?" Sauron raised an eyebrow.

"Sauron Young Master, I am Nado!"

The bald man became excited, saying, "I was Lord Kylo's follower. I had the honor of seeing you and Lord Oren in Night Raven City before!"

Hearing Kylo mentioned, Sauron's interest was piqued.

Immediately, he ordered the release of the prisoners from the cells. It seemed that these people were loyal followers of the Swain family who had been oppressed by White Valley City after taking over Lighthouse Town.

After White Valley City seized Lighthouse Town, they imprisoned a portion of the residents.

However, among these prisoners, Sauron did not see Kylo Knight. So, he asked Nado what had happened.

"It's those damn people from White Valley!"

Recalling his recent experiences, Nado gritted his teeth. Then, he explained the situation after White Valley City occupied Lighthouse Town.

A month ago, White Valley City launched an attack on Night Raven City. Without Oren's protection, Night Raven City did not hold out for long. Soon, Lighthouse Town also came under attack.

Kylo Knight, as a loyal follower of Oren, resisted fiercely. However, his strength was limited. After holding on for two days, Lighthouse Town fell, and White Valley City soldiers took over.

After the defeat, Kylo Knight refused to surrender. Instead of executing him, White Valley City sent Kylo Knight and his followers to a mining area outside Lighthouse Town.

Now, Kylo Knight and his followers had become mining slaves.

It seemed that White Valley City wanted to use this method to intimidate the Swain family, gradually taking control of Night Raven City's territory.

"Who is the commander of the White Valley City army this time?" Sauron asked.

"It seems... it's a Viscount Molun," Nado said uncertainly.

"Viscount Molun!"

Sauron's mind stirred. He was not unfamiliar with this name.

Viscount Molun was a vassal of the White Valley City Lord, and he seemed to have some blood ties with Lord White Valley. Deeply trusted by Lord White Valley, he had studied at the Holy Splendor Academy and had advanced to the intermediate level Knight realm ten years ago.

"White Valley Three Swords?"

Sauron's eyes flickered slightly. Different from the previously killed intermediate level Knight, Viscount Molun was a veteran intermediate level Knight. He was skilled in the cross sword, and together with the other two intermediate level Knights under Lord White Valley's command, they were known as the White Valley City Three Swords.

"Sauron Young Master."

Next to him, Nado hesitated and said, "Forgive me for being straightforward. Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Lord Kylo is still trapped in the mining area..."

"Don't worry, I know."

Sauron nodded. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Rest for a while, and then we will go to the mining area outside Lighthouse Town!"

Just having won a battle, the morale of the Red Feather Guard was high.

Sauron planned to regain control of the mining area outside Lighthouse Town with a burst of energy. This would not only rescue Kylo Knight but also enlist many soldiers loyal to Night Raven City.

Only with sufficient forces could the plan to recapture Night Raven City proceed smoothly.

Otherwise, even if Conrad, a high-level Knight, was invincible on the battlefield, the Red Feather Guard would suffer heavy losses in the campaign to capture Night Raven City.

Although these Red Feather Guards did not entirely belong to Sauron, there was no reason to waste them.

Immediately, Sauron ordered the Red Feather Guard to rest. After a brief replenishment of water, he instructed Nado to gather the able-bodied men in Lighthouse Town.

In a short time, Sauron had about two hundred more people behind him.

The overwhelming majority of these people were militia from Lighthouse Town, who had lived here for generations. Under the rule of the Swain family, they were civilians in peacetime and soldiers in wartime.


Sauron gave the order, and the strengthened army moved towards the mining area.

Compared to the battle to retake Lighthouse Town, the fight for the mining area was much easier. The White Valley City soldiers guarding here were already few in number, and their highest-ranking leader was just a primary level Knight. Sauron shot him down with an arrow, and the remaining soldiers immediately fell into disarray.

"Sauron Young Master!"

In a mining cave, Sauron saw Kylo Knight.

At this moment, Kylo appeared extremely disheveled, not only heavily wounded but also shackled on hands and feet. The once majestic intermediate level Knight had now become a mining slave.

Evidently, this was the punishment White Valley City had inflicted upon Kylo.

The experience of being a mining slave was humiliating for Kylo, yet he had no power to resist. Now, seeing Sauron, he became incredibly excited.

"Kylo Uncle."

Speaking in the familiar way, Sauron spoke softly.

As a loyal follower of Oren, Kylo, who was over forty years old, had been Sauron's personal guard when Sauron was young. Although they hadn't seen each other for many years, the two quickly became familiar again.